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New River Gorge National Park - Great quick getaway

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Mrs. 'lizard and I just returned from a few days at New River Gorge which is the newest to reach National Park status. It was a great trip. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for a few days away. The hiking trails vary for all skill levels and if you're into adventure, there's lots of rock climbing and of course river paddling. The Bridge Walk looks AMAZING but Mrs. 'lizard is afraid of heights and by the time she talked herself into doing it, it was booked up, so if you want to do it, book that ahead of time. There are plenty of scenic drives for the less adventurous types. 1 to 2 full days is probably plenty for most folks in the bridge area. Of course if you're doing the river paddling or other adventure tours stuff, that will take up more time so account for that. We didn't venture southwards to the rest of the park down around Beckley, WV. There's a mine tour/museum there and an old mining/rail ghost town that looked neat and would probably be worth a day to explore. Maybe for the next visit!

Edited by monkeylizard
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Sounds like an amazing trip to New River Gorge! I’ve been wanting to go there for a while, especially with all the hiking options. I get the Bridge Walk being a must-do—I've heard the views are incredible! It's smart to book ahead if you want to do it. I’m also intrigued by the mine tour and ghost town down in Beckley; it’s always cool to dive into some local history.

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