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How does one dress for an Air Supply concert?

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41 minutes ago, TripleGGG said:


Also great. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bob Seger, etc. Dang what a time for great music and epic concerts. 

I didn't get to see Skynyrd but I did catch Rosington Collins.

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20 minutes ago, Handsome Rob said:

So was Liberace 😘

Now he throwed down an awesome show. Way over the top but damn could he play the piano. 

Funny story, I saw Liberace, AC/DC and KISS all in a 2 week period. 

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4 hours ago, gregintenn said:

I have neither. Garufa’s suggestion actually makes sense!

Yeah. I have neither bell bottoms nor hair left over myself.  So much for ideas. 🤣

I think you'll at least enjoy the Headhunters. 

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For an Air Supply concert, I’d say go for something comfortable but a little stylish. I usually wear nice jeans with a classic band tee or a button-up shirt. It’s great to keep it relaxed since you want to enjoy the music, but I also like to add a light jacket in case the venue gets chilly. Definitely wear comfy shoes; I’ve made the mistake of wearing cute but painful ones before, and it’s just not worth it when you want to dance and sing along!


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1 hour ago, lock n' load said:

Where can I get one of those leisure suits at? I'd totally wear one..lol

No way I grew up when they were in style. I look back at pictures I’m still a shamed lol it you didn’t. live in Miami    it just didn’t fit in in TN and a pickup lol

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