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Tree Removal

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What have you recently paid to have a tree removed?

I just got a quote to remove 8 trees 2' to 3' diameter anywhere from 90'-110' tall, grinding stumps, 7 trees are within range to do major damage to my house. They keep the logs, move everything into piles in my open areas to burn, I'm responsible to clean the stump holes and fill with dirt, also I have to rake the yard clean.   


Edited by Johnny Rotten
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I had a larger silver maple cut down, removed and stump ground for $2,050 in March of this year.  This was done in Metro Nashville by a legitimate company fully insured, etc... Probably 3.5' to 4' diameter.

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I got quoted $2500 for a 3ft ash tree that size really close to my house, but they were also going to remove all the debris and clean up, so it's not a fair comparison.

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Last year the wind blew down a 24" pine tree in my backyard. It was $ 800 to cut it up and haul it all off including the stump being dug up with an excavator. There was another one still standing just like it, so I paid another $800 to get it taken down as well. I asked the electrical engineer at my local power company for advice and he told me to get a couple of estimates then contact this guy. Your electrical engineer at the local utilities dept has this type of work done all the time. He knows who is cheapest bang for the buck in your area. They do not like to refer you to someone in case it does not end well. Don't ask him who he recommends just ask him who he would call if he needed someone. Worked for me. Now all my neighbors use this guy for all our tree work. He stays busy and we may have to wait a month or two but he does good work for a fair price.

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Something else I will add. The little guy with a truck is not always the cheapest.  In fact, in tree work they are often the most expensive. I have watched the “big tree company” in town show up to a job with a four people with a million dollars in equipment and have a big tree gone in 60 minutes. The little guy with a truck would have had to rent equipment an spend days.  

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When I was doing tree work as a small time guy, I would have likely been around $1k per tree for something in that neighborhood if I was hauling logs but could drag and burn the brush on site. $7k all in probably

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I use a group from Maryville TN. They removed 10 trees for 900.00 the first time. I paid 1000.00 because it took them 3 hours. The second time they removed 13 trees for 1000.00. They were done in 4 hours. I didn’t have them remove the stumps because I have several more trees to cut down and will rent a stump grinder when I get all that need to be down, down.  The last time I just had them cut and fell the trees. I have a saw to cut them up and get the brush gone myself. 

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I have a tree that is about 36" across at the base, after 2 days it is mostly gone.  It came down during a heavy windstorm a few months back ripping up the roots and all.   Yesterday when cutting it down, the roots became too heavy and it is standing up again 😞.   Cutting it up with my Echo CS-490 from HomeDepot, only a 20" bar but it is getting the job done.

This is just one tree out of a half dozen that needs to be cut up and hauled away.  Mostly done now.  

A heck of a lot cheaper than paying someone and getting me into shape.

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