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Steyr M.95 Stutzen Bolt Jamming

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Good evening and hello from the newbie. I'm currently stuck in a doozy regarding a cheap rifle I acquired at a gun show several months ago. It's a Steyr (Czech arsenal rebuild) M.95 Stutzen Carbine chambered in 8x56r. 

Now to the meat of the issue. The weapon has a bolt that is extremely difficult to operate when using live ammunition. With snap caps and with no ammunition, the bolt functions smoothly and quickly. But when ammunition is in the action, the gun binds up when opening the bolt and requires an inordinate amount of force to open. The cases show no obvious signs of malformation and the headspace is good as verified by my local gunsmith. So I am at a loss for a root cause. Any help would be appreciated. 

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2 minutes ago, MacGyver said:

Are these fired or unfired rounds that make the action difficult to operate?

If they’re fired, some pictures of the brass would likely be helpful. 

The bolt jams on both fired and unfired ammunition as well as the snap caps I ordered for it to troubleshoot with. 

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Just now, MacGyver said:

Sounds to me like you either need a new gunsmith or a new extractor.  Maybe both. 

I'll likely want to look into the extractor. From reading around other forums it seems to be a root cause for a lot of action stiffness and tension if it's not sized right or fitted in the bolt properly. What I'm seeing with my bolt disassembled is different markings which may indicate it was assembled from a pile of parts and force matched like other Czech M.95 rifles. Makes me wish I had a box of spares. 

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