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TN Legislature discussion on State Nullification

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It's very interesting ( to me at least ) that the issue of State Nullification of Federal Law is being discussed. 

This has peeked it's head up a few times in recent past during the Haslam gubernatorial years over some federally sponsored 2A related issues.  I think it's very interesting that it keeps percolating beneath the surface of TN state politics.  Link below:



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I think the " slippery slope " opinion is well founded. 

The big hitter here in my mind is the fact that it's being discussed at all. 

Greg Abbott in TX and Ron DeSantis in FLA have already fired the " across the bow " shots on the Feds NOT ENFORCING federal law with no consequences.  The reason ( I think ) is that they are in the right.  The federal gubt cannot pick n choose which federal laws to enforce based on their particular proclivities.  That's why the feds ain't moved on it. 

The next step ( And the step that the original Articles of Confederation envisioned ) is individual state nullification of federal law.  We're living in interesting times Brother...



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7 minutes ago, RED333 said:

I see this as a possible slippery slope. The leftest commies get in power, and start nullifying things that we might not want nullified.

Already do. Pot is illegal. The feds just ignore that law in the states it's legal. If they can smoke pot, I should be able to have $1k machineguns. 

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