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Ever step through your ceiling?


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6 minutes ago, Snaveba said:

Hopefully you caught yourself and didn’t crash to the floor. 

I’ve come close to the dreaded attic miss-step. 

Yeah. I just stuck my foot through it. I have almost all the attic floored. Almost…

This is in a small linen closet in the bathroom. There isn’t another joist before you get to the wall on either side. I don’t know a real good way to patch it. I guess it won’t be real critical it look good since no one will ever see it.

Edited by gregintenn
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Many years ago I did this. I was a gopher/grunt for an electrician my first job out of high school. My task was to pull a piece of romex through the attic of preschool/daycare one morning. Needless to stay I made a misstep and stuck a boot through the concealed grid ceiling. It didn’t help there were preschoolers in attendance at the same time . 

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3 hours ago, Darrell said:

I'm a retired volunteer fireman, and I went through a burned out floor in a multi-story structure once, stopping myself with my arms. Luckily for me the fire was mostly out on the lower floor, and others helped me back up. I don't recommend it.

I posted to be funny. Your experience is serious chit!

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7 minutes ago, Garufa said:

This is 100% a Christmas Vacation moment.  

I’m with ya now.

Honestly, it’ll have taken more effort to remove and replace all the chit my wife had stuck in said closet than it will to repair the hole. I’m waiting for the mud to dry before sanding now.

Edited by gregintenn
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