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Ruger LC Charger 5.7x28?

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Anyone got an LC Charger in 5.7x28? Been thinking about picking one up was curious what people thought about them. My primary use case would be varmints/critters around the house and range plinking/camp gun. 

Edited by cknight8
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It’s actually not. It holds quite a bit of power over 22mag. People say this all the time and it’s just not true. 

Of the several TC 10” Contender barrels I have, one is a 22mag and one is a 5.7x28. I’ve shot all sorts of critters with both of them. The 5.7 is quite a bit more. My 5.7 barrel gets dang near on average 400 fps more in the same length versus 22mag. That’s not “basically overpriced 22mag”. 

Edited by cknight8
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Let me ask this question then. If someone were to post a question asking what the members thought about the new Chevy 3500 diesel pickup truck….would an appropriate reply be “Well diesel is just a more expensive gasoline, think bout that.”  

Idk why that would even be a topic that comes up, when in my question I was asking for thoughts on a specific firearm… not anyone’s opinion on this caliber vs that caliber. To me, it’s a crazy way to reply to anything. I have 22mags and I have 5.7s. I’m full aware of the cost of each, and full aware of the abilities of each. I know for myself that 5.7 isn’t just “overpriced 22wmr”. Sure, it’s more expensive but it does more. Velocity, energy, reliability in ignition because it’s not a rimfire, feeding from a magazine because it’s not a rimmed cartridge, etc. Based any metric you want to evaluate it by, it’s not a true statement other than the fact that they are both .22 caliber projectiles and one round does typical cost more than the other. Other than that, they are wildly different cartridges. 

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