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Ruger Max 9.

pop pop

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I really, really really like my Max 9 Micro pistol. It is thin(1"), size wise it is excellent and fits most pockets with an extended mag. If the pocket is tight, it has a flush mount with 2 rounds less. It does not print as bad as my 7-shot revolver. My hand fits the extended mag much better because the flush mount only holds half my pinkie finger. I do prefer a full finger grip as, for me, it adds to controllability.

With Winchester + P 147 gr self-defense ammo it is a handful. That ammo really whacks the Steel I have on my shooting range. The thinness of the pistol makes it slide in and out of my pockets really easy and with the extended mag it comes out with an excellent grip which I do not need to adjust once the pistol is presented.

Caliber wise I have confidence in the 9 MM so as to stop a thug, as that is/would be my goal, not necessarily to kill someone. I feel it may take more than one good hit, but I feel that way with my 357 Mag also. I am not naive enough to know that death could "very possibly" happen, however that would not be my goal. Just stop them from hurting my family, or myself, is. I pray often that I am never faced with evil again and be forced to use my tools. I realize that scenario would be my very last resort if all else fails.

I know there are several other brands of Micro pistols on the market now. At the behest of my daughter, I went to Outpost Armory with her, and we picked out a Hellcat for my S-I-L's birthday, this year. I hope to get with him and fire that Micro pistol in the future. 

IMO, the Micro Size is a very good size pistol for concealed carry with tools that are "formattable/adequate" in power, and very comfortable and concealable. I haven't purchased a pistol, in the past, that I have that much confidence in lately. I carry mine in a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster and it keeps the grip upright and ready for a fast hand retrieve should I have a pressing emergency. 

My first love are revolvers because that is what I grew up with. I have personally witnessed their success, on several occasions, at stopping evil without firing a shot, and yes, they are very effective deterrents, however one must possess the mindset to use them if forced too.  I have a 7-shot revolver in my pocket as I type this, and yes, I carry at home always. Life taught me a good/valuable lesson a few years back. I never get out of bed, and go outside without it, ever since my date with evil, in my own front yard, has passed.

Just some of my thoughts on Micros as I had mine out on the range a couple weeks ago. My Max nine fills my cup, guys.

Edited to add content. 

Edited by pop pop
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