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Charlie Hustle Has Passed

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Pete Rose passed away. IMO, they will induct him into the Hall of Fame next year. I saw him play in 1966, in Cincinnati, just before being drafted and on my way to Viet Nam. The fans there loved him.  At least he was man enough to admit his shortcomings on his gambling. Don't you know that took "much cohunes". He suffered for it. Really never got the recognition he should have because of it. Some of his records have not been broken, to this day, even with the steroids. This is hard to say, but I applaud the major league for doing the right thing and sent the correct message. Wrong should never be swept under the rug, even for Pete. 

Lesson there is if you do stupid things they can have lifelong consequences.  Just look at Pete Roses' latter life. 

Edited to add; My father and mother told me this when I was maturing. 

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With all the REAL cheating in sports, like drugs, stealing signals, roughing up baseballs, etc, I think what they did to Pete Rose is a travesty. I think gambling is stupid and immoral, but betting on your team to win wouldn't even be on my radar if I was the commissioner.

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2 hours ago, pop pop said:

Gambling is the "# 1 no no" in sprots. For sure betting on your own team. That is why they hung him out to dry guys.  

I’d prefer him betting on his team as opposed to betting against it. Am I missing something here?

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Not really other than MLB has a strict no-gambling policy, for or against your own team doesn't matter. It was meant to eliminate managers or players fixing games (like the 1919 White Sox), but fixing a game only works when betting against your own team, not for it so there's really very little (ie none) indication of corruption in Pete's case. The punishment was meant as a warning to others and Pete was made an example by the Commish.

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I also agree that he'll be added to the HoF this year. The ban was a lifetime ban and that has now ended.

It struck me as odd that he wasn't reinstated within the past few years as sports betting has become socially acceptable and very mainstream. It's no longer the world of back room bookies.

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