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Great American Promotions gun shows

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I saw Great American Promotions has an upcoming show in Lebanon.

Anyone know if their shows are worth going to? I'd only be driving from Mt. Juliet - but I've been to shows in the past not worth the walk from the house to my Jeep.

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They've been doing some shows in Memphis and Somerville the last few years. Frankly, I'm not impressed. They choose venues that are too small and end up too crowded and difficult to walk. Mostly the same old overpriced vendors and little I find interesting. Plenty of new stuff, plastic, ARs and such. But I'm looking mostly for older guns and pickin' have been slim. 

Parking at the Somerville venue sucks. Not near enough and many have to park in the grass and along the side of the driveway. I went to that one once and haven't bothered to go back.

The Memphis venue is only a few miles from my house. I'll go if I just want to get out of the house for a while, but don't really expect to find much.  I've just skipped the last couple. 

But this is the west end of the state. I can't speak for what they have in your area. 

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I agree with @Grayfox54 about going if I have nothing better to do. Most often what I am looking for won't be found at the shows. I try to go to at least one RK and one Great American each year. The show in Murfreesboro was cancelled and I couldn't make it to Franklin last go around but no big deal. I do hope to get to Lafayette for the show there. It was small last time I went but that's fine. I don't like the packed in no room to walk shows and tend to spend very little time in those. Typically RK has more room to manuver IIRC. GA has more non gun stuff.

The redeeming quality is finding unobtainum magazines or ammo. 

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45 minutes ago, Whisper said:

I see there's a show in Sweetwater this weekend, at the NG Armory.  Never been to a show in Sweetwater.  Are they usually any good?



The ones in Sweetwater have been in the National Guard Armory small shows not a lot of room on inside maybe 35 tables  but can be very crowded  lots of Shotguns. 

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4 hours ago, papa61 said:

I agree with @Grayfox54 about going if I have nothing better to do. Most often what I am looking for won't be found at the shows. I try to go to at least one RK and one Great American each year. The show in Murfreesboro was cancelled and I couldn't make it to Franklin last go around but no big deal. I do hope to get to Lafayette for the show there. It was small last time I went but that's fine. I don't like the packed in no room to walk shows and tend to spend very little time in those. Typically RK has more room to manuver IIRC. GA has more non gun stuff.

The redeeming quality is finding unobtainum magazines or ammo. 

You didn't miss much at Franklin. Venue was large, but the place felt mostly empty. One guy had a table full of older milsurp guns, but other than that it was the usual Glock/AR-15 show. 

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For me, the best show is the RK show in Jackson. I always try to make that one and its the only one that I'll set up at when I have stuff to sell. That one generally has a pretty good mix of old and new. 

RK lost their venue in Memphis a couple years ago and have been unable to find a suitable place since. Even when they did shows in Memphis, it was mostly overpriced ARs and plastic. I still preferred the Jackson show. 

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