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Painting a rifle stock?

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I have a Springfield M1A Scout/Squad rifle that I bought used. Love the rifle, but it has a woodland camo synthetic stock that I absolutely hate. I do like the feel and weight of the stock, just don't care for the color.
I have considered painting it black, my preferred color, but I'm concerned that I may just screw it up. Will the paint hold up? Will it chip, flake, etc. I'm thinking about using the Krylon stuff specially made for plastics.聽
looking for advice from those who have painted a stock before. How did it come out? Did it hold up? Did it last? Any advice?聽

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30 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

Never mind.聽馃檮

Asked this questions on a couple of other forums and it seems to be a bad idea. Not gonna do it.聽

I鈥檝e seen plenty of spray painted stocks and guns and they all look great鈥ot. 馃槅

Edited by Garufa
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If it is a plain stock, it will take rattle can spray just fine.聽 Just know that it won't last too long, but it can be done very effectively.聽 No, it is not cerakote, though that will work much better, but guys have been doing this for decades.聽 We did many of our M-4s back in the day to break up the silhouette, and would look pretty decent if you took your time.聽 Just google or DDG some pics, most are camo and look great, so plain ole black should come out great too.聽 The good part is that you can change it out if it just doesn't do it for you.聽 You can also opt for a better paint, like ceracoat or duracoat, but still DIY.


This stock is actually black.


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