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Prayers for Western NC and surrounding areas

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Cocke county and Greene county both are in really bad shape, both the dams were compromised yesterday and there's terrible flooding there.  Prayers for everyone in those areas and all North Carolina, Florida and everywhere affected by this devastating storm.  It's gonna be a really rough time for alot of folks and I'm sure some members on here.  We gotta all pull together as communities to get thru this.  Stay safe everyone. 

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Looks like some relief is in sight.

HAMBLEN COUNTY, Tenn. (WATE) – The Nolichucky Dam has remained intact, and the river feeding it has begun to recede.

Around 9:50 a.m. Saturday, the Tennessee Valley Authority shared that the Nolichucky River had crested and the Nolichucky Dam remained intact. According to the TVA, the water is receding at a rate of approximately one foot per hour. Dam Safety teams are assessing the condition of the dam to determine what the next steps should be.

Evacuations ordered along Nolichucky River due to 'imminent failure of the Nolichucky Dam' (wate.com)

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3 minutes ago, Bad_Bowtie said:

We lost water here in Newport last night, but thankfully still have electricity. I know so many have lost their homes and businesses and some probably lost their life. Please send prayers to those affected. 

I saw something on the news about Newport being evacuated due to the dam possibly failing. I'm hoping that situation is resolved. Y'all are dealing with enough water already. 

Edit: Nevermind, I scrolled up on the thread. I should stop coming into the conversation at the newest message. Y'all are in my thoughts and I'm hoping everyone's damage is minimal. 

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Yes, they evacuated downtown as well as most places along the river. My neighbor works at the funeral home, they were evacuated and had to find a safe place to take the bodies before they left. I spent most of the day listening to the scanner, it was scary. Lots of swift water rescues and such going on.

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3 hours ago, jeff43 said:

Has anybody heard from FUJIMO? I text him yesterday and hadn’t heard anything.

Jefferson County just had wind and rain. Flooding was not as heavy as other areas but power is out in some places. I'm sure he is busy on his farm.

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We used to railfan up the French Broad toward the NC line in the " Ole days ".  I recognize Lotsa the old spots in the drone photos.  It is devastated.  I don't think I've ever seen this much damage before.

The area right at the Nolichucky Dam ain't much better.  


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4 hours ago, TripleGGG said:

Here's drone footage of Erwin, TN.

My brother talked to his son-in-law who lives in area we grew up. He is a lineman for Duke Power. Said would be months before power was back to some places in Western NC. All roads are barricaded. 


We're in the Tri-cities area and it is my understanding that they were evacuating the community hospital by boat yesterday.  It's a really bad situation.  We're praying for everyone impacted.

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These are pictures of my home town. 4 to 6 feet of water down main street. The bridge you see partly under water crossing the river connects to an island in the middle of the river that is underwater. I went to elementary school on that island. 











Edited by TripleGGG
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27 minutes ago, TripleGGG said:

These are pictures of my home town. 4 to 6 feet of water down main street. The bridge you see partly under water crossing the river connects to an island in the middle of the river that is underwater. I went to elementary school on that island. 

Do you still have people there?  Are they safe?

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Parts of Washington Co TN got hit hard too.  We live part way up a mountain with the Nolichucky about mile away.  We have no damage but all the bridges across the river are either closed, will need repairs or were washed out.  we are basically on a large island with no way to leave.  The road to Erwin through the mountains is mostly gone and there is a house siting on a part of that is still there.  They are hoping to have one bridge inspected and the road you would take north reopened by early next week but it will be the only way out for awhile. No electric, water, and poor sell service.  Internet via StarLink when we have the generator on and then till a backup battery runs down, our only real connection to the outside world.

We are thankful that we are reasonably prepared with extra food, water, gas and generator but not sure it will last.  The power company can't get much done till they can get across the river with some crews. Rumor is that one crew got trapped on this side and are doing what they can since they can't get off.  A neighbor said there are hundreds of cars parked in lots and along the road waiting to get out that were trapped here when the water rose.

Our main bridge North to Jonesborough is gone, we heard it got hit by house.  Have seen several videos of Erwin with multiple house and barns floating down the river with a few cars and trucks flowing with them. 

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54 minutes ago, Garufa said:

Do you still have people there?  Are they safe?

Yes I have several family and a bunch of friends. All are safe. I'm told the pictures don't show the true destruction. 

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28 minutes ago, Jeb48 said:

Parts of Washington Co TN got hit hard too.  We live part way up a mountain with the Nolichucky about mile away.  We have no damage but all the bridges across the river are either closed, will need repairs or were washed out.  we are basically on a large island with no way to leave.  The road to Erwin through the mountains is mostly gone and there is a house siting on a part of that is still there.  They are hoping to have one bridge inspected and the road you would take north reopened by early next week but it will be the only way out for awhile. No electric, water, and poor sell service.  Internet via StarLink when we have the generator on and then till a backup battery runs down, our only real connection to the outside world.

We are thankful that we are reasonably prepared with extra food, water, gas and generator but not sure it will last.  The power company can't get much done till they can get across the river with some crews. Rumor is that one crew got trapped on this side and are doing what they can since they can't get off.  A neighbor said there are hundreds of cars parked in lots and along the road waiting to get out that were trapped here when the water rose.

Our main bridge North to Jonesborough is gone, we heard it got hit by house.  Have seen several videos of Erwin with multiple house and barns floating down the river with a few cars and trucks flowing with them. 

Glad you are safe and have some provisions. Hopefully reinforcements are on their way. This is going to be a long recovery. Multiple years. 

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