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Prayers for Western NC and surrounding areas

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I would agree and feel most of the crap posted on Facebook an such are flat lies, grossly exaggerated, or as stated designed to divide. I also don't think it can all be laid 100% at Russia and foreign countries feet either. 

I have not heard of any goods or monies donated being confiscated, etc. I'm sure there are plenty of scams. 

At the end of the day when tragedies such as this hit it is the good in people, COMING TOGETHER, that comes out. That is being shown over and over. May we all strive to be a beacon of hope even in the darkest of times. 

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49 minutes ago, steveo50 said:

Russia and other foreign actors are very much involved in disinformation campaigns to make us more divided. Just like they were during the Hawaii fires. 

There are enough domestic disinformation spreaders including the government and politicians at all levels, “journalists” backed by multimillion/billion corporations, hysterics that get their information from social media, and little punks sitting in their mom’s basement intentionally spreading bull#### just to get a reaction.

Yeah, Russia and “other foreign actors” are pros at it, but the American public is so beyond gullible any idjit can say boo on the internet and it spreads like wildfire.  

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I don't know who is telling the truth or not , if this is real , fabricated or anything. But I'll tell you that I'm a police officer and I have worked through 3 major disasters in my city. 2 major tornados and 1 huge flood. We never turned down help nor supplies. We appreciated everything the volunteers did and welcomed them. 

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately many of those reports are true and this is based on the  amount of direct contact with family and friends, first hand eye witness myself, etc. I have to say I'm appalled at how this area is being ignored in so many ways.  You can ignore the fancy press releases. Most I've read are basically outright lies. 

On the flip side, people from all over have been a godsend. The amount of volunteers, support, goods received have saved countless lives. 

Below is a post from one of my clients. Basically spot on with what I've heard and experienced. 




Edited by TripleGGG
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Friends in Boone reported they just got electricity back  and have gotten out to town to get groceries but stores were almost empty picked up water and found a church giving out canned goods.  Asked if they saw FEMA. Or any government agency  they said No. only locals helpers 

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I've seen multiple reports from people on Facebook saying FEMA is on the ground and helping. I'm guessing the disconnect is that they can't be everywhere. I'm sure there are places they haven't reached. One person on Reddit gave a detailed report sharing how they spent the day with FEMA going door to door, taking a census and seeing which supplies each house needed. 

Even governor Lee has stated the federal government has been helpful. Again, people are going to politicize this to help their cause. There is clearly a misinformation campaign going on. Being so close to the election is not helping. 

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8 hours ago, Erik88 said:

I've seen multiple reports from people on Facebook saying FEMA is on the ground and helping. I'm guessing the disconnect is that they can't be everywhere. I'm sure there are places they haven't reached. One person on Reddit gave a detailed report sharing how they spent the day with FEMA going door to door, taking a census and seeing which supplies each house needed. 

Even governor Lee has stated the federal government has been helpful. Again, people are going to politicize this to help their cause. There is clearly a misinformation campaign going on. Being so close to the election is not helping. 

There are also plenty of reports from folks on the ground about FEMA being not simply absent, but actively a hinderance. I would imagine that both types are reports, good and bad, are equally believable. I doubt that there is some grand conspiracy but simply pockets of competence and incompetence competing to provide the lasting narrative on the government response. It’ll eventually all shake out but taking in all the data isn’t a bad thing. Neither is understanding that our own personal biases (whatever their nature) will color how we view what we see. 

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The FEMA folks will do nothing more than hand out dollars for storm cleanup and infrastructure repairs.  They may pass a few dollars along to those affected by the storms n flooding, but it will be little n late.  That's what the gubt does.

I've got several buddies that worked part time for FEMA after retirement, they surveyed n assessed the cost of storm cleanup, infrastructure damage and the like. They always took up motel space and drove around surveying damage, nothin more.

I think the TN national guard is, in fact, helping to clean up storm debris, take care of logistics for relief supplies, n fly them into remote areas.  I see that as a good thing simply because of the tools and manpower the guard has.

That said; I DO BELIEVE there are some shenanigans goin on in Johnson County, TN and probably in some isolated Western Carolina counties.  I'ma thinkin these are local issues where sheriff's n local state emergency management folks are becoming the wannabe tyrants they always were.

As to Western NC; I think that the ratty governor of NC could care less about Western NC. 

As to the " local tyrants "; affected folks will take due note of who they are and get rid of em in due time at the ballot box.  Getting rid of the governor will be a bit tougher I'ma thinkin.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of lovely stories of outside groups helpin with the full support of gubt agencies.  Problems are never fixed by gubt, nor kindness shown by them. It's always the kindness of benevolent groups n individuals that make the difference. 

Please continue to give time and treasure to those who are helping these folks; they are doing a whole bunch of good where it counts. 

The gubt ain't gonna help anyone in the short run, they never do.


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1 hour ago, Chucktshoes said:

There are also plenty of reports from folks on the ground about FEMA being not simply absent, but actively a hinderance. I would imagine that both types are reports, good and bad, are equally believable. I doubt that there is some grand conspiracy but simply pockets of competence and incompetence competing to provide the lasting narrative on the government response. It’ll eventually all shake out but taking in all the data isn’t a bad thing. Neither is understanding that our own personal biases (whatever their nature) will color how we view what we see. 


8 minutes ago, leroy said:


The FEMA folks will do nothing more than hand out dollars for storm cleanup and infrastructure repairs.  They may pass a few dollars along to those affected by the storms n flooding, but it will be little n late.  That's what the gubt does.

I've got several buddies that worked part time for FEMA after retirement, they surveyed n assessed the cost of storm cleanup, infrastructure damage and the like. They always took up motel space and drove around surveying damage, nothin more.

I think the TN national guard is, in fact, helping to clean up storm debris, take care of logistics for relief supplies, n fly them into remote areas.  I see that as a good thing simply because of the tools and manpower the guard has.

That said; I DO BELIEVE there are some shenanigans goin on in Johnson County, TN and probably in some isolated Western Carolina counties.  I'ma thinkin these are local issues where sheriff's n local state emergency management folks are becoming the wannabe tyrants they always were.

As to Western NC; I think that the ratty governor of NC could care less about Western NC. 

As to the " local tyrants "; affected folks will take due note of who they are and get rid of em in due time at the ballot box.  Getting rid of the governor will be a bit tougher I'ma thinkin.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of lovely stories of outside groups helpin with the full support of gubt agencies.  Problems are never fixed by gubt, nor kindness shown by them. It's always the kindness of benevolent groups n individuals that make the difference. 

Please continue to give time and treasure to those who are helping these folks; they are doing a whole bunch of good where it counts. 

The gubt ain't gonna help anyone in the short run, they never do.


Pretty much sums it up

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9 hours ago, Erik88 said:

I've seen multiple reports from people on Facebook saying FEMA is on the ground and helping. I'm guessing the disconnect is that they can't be everywhere. I'm sure there are places they haven't reached. One person on Reddit gave a detailed report sharing how they spent the day with FEMA going door to door, taking a census and seeing which supplies each house needed. 

Even governor Lee has stated the federal government has been helpful. Again, people are going to politicize this to help their cause. There is clearly a misinformation campaign going on. Being so close to the election is not helping. 

Positive stories don’t get clicks.

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I volunteered at Bristol Motor Speedway this morning. It was ran by volunteers with a lot of  Tenn National Guard helping. I worked in the warehouse sorting donations and it was about as well organized as could be expected.The volunteers were all very nice and worked well together. It was very encouraging to see all the items donated by people and businesses all across the country. I would recommend that if you are able and live near Bristol to go online and see what is needed and volunteer.

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I don't know if y'all have seen this statement from the Congressional Rep for the Asheville area.  It's very interesting.  

The NC political class is scared to death...
https://edwards.house.gov/media/press-releases/debunking-helene-response-myths?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10/9/24 AM:&utm_term=Punchbowl AM and Active Subscribers from Memberful Combined


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Fort Campbell sent combat Aviation helicopters recently.

And yesterday 500 additional soldiers from Fort Cambell with all terrain vehicles were sent to East Tennessee and North Carolina. 
They are also setting supply chains and delivering supplies. 

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7 minutes ago, TennesseeCamper said:

Fort Campbell sent combat Aviation helicopters recently.

And yesterday 500 additional soldiers from Fort Cambell with all terrain vehicles were sent to East Tennessee and North Carolina. 
They are also setting supply chains and delivering supplies. 


If ya watch the Erwin, TN area, ya see Lotsa TN National Guard engineering folks and logistics folk working in the background.. 


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