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Prayers for Western NC and surrounding areas

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16 minutes ago, MacGyver said:

Got a friend in Black Rock that none of us have been able to make contact with.  We *think* he should be okay - but we’re really hoping to hear from him soon.  

Hopefully your friend just doesn’t have cell service. That has to be unnerving.

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We ventured out today on our isolated Island and could not believe the generosity being shown.  There is at least 6 places along the 25 mile road that doesn't go anywhere giving out food and water.  We got some bottle water at one about a mile from our house and some staples like bread and milk etc.  Tried to make a cash donation to help replenish and they said no.  Everything was donated and an another truck was coming this afternoon.  We then tried one the other direction in the hopes they had bulk water that we could fill our jugs for flushing and dishwashing first one had a long line so we kept going down to where we heard they brought a big tanker in, like 5th wheel semi size tanker and they filled up our jugs for us then told us we had to take a case of bottled water even though we had plenty at the moment.  They said everyone that stops gets at least a case.  Then to our surprise a small specialty grocery next door was not only open but had electricity.  There internet connection was down so cash only.  Not a problem we keep cash on hand just in case of a power outage not expecting a massive flood.  So we indulged in some treats we probably would normally buy along with some fresh cold cuts, eggs and 2 of their great deli sandwiches.  Then back home,  pretty good outing.  Found a neighbor that we had only met once sitting at the end of the driveway (we are at the top of the road so it is a good place to see about half the road).  He asked if we needed anything he was apparently out check us old people to see if we needed anything.  I assume he saw us leave and was waiting for us or guarding the road, because after he talked he took off.  Second neighbor that has checked on us and offered to help if we need anything.  Our neighbors are pretty much friendly but it isn't a let's get together neighborhood, so it is great that they are willing to offer help. Even the fellow that does our lawn work, that lives out of the isolated area, texted yesterday and today checking if we were ok and even offered to bring us food, water and gas if we need him, he is a volunteer at one of the food/water stations.  There are great people out there.

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Update - we finally made contact with my friend in Black Rock.  They lost their house and a bunch of their things - but they are safe.

Thankful to put one more person on the safe list!

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You know it's almost time for the election when folks are hell bent on politicizing this.  From most accounts, the state, local, and federal government is actually doing a pretty good job getting help to these areas. There are lineman coming from as far away as Canada. People are being evacuated via helicopter and supplies are being air dropped to the areas that are not accessible by roads. 

I'm never suggesting one should depend on the feds but it does seem like they are doing as much as one could reasonably expect.  I saw some folks in Asheville report that they applied for financial aid from FEMA and it was approved within 24 hours. 


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6 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

You know it's almost time for the election when folks are hell bent on politicizing this.  From most accounts, the state, local, and federal government is actually doing a pretty good job getting help to these areas. There are lineman coming from as far away as Canada. People are being evacuated via helicopter and supplies are being air dropped to the areas that are not accessible by roads. 

I'm never suggesting one should depend on the feds but it does seem like they are doing as much as one could reasonably expect.  I saw some folks in Asheville report that they applied for financial aid from FEMA and it was approved within 24 hours. 


I hope your post is true.

Gotta watch those  who depoliticize it. 

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I cannot comment on any of the videos or Facebook posts but I can comment on what I've been told by family members who tried to volunteer for search and rescue. This was direct from family who was standing there trying G to help. 

They made over 200 searchers sit on their butts for 2 hours today because FEMA told them to stand down until further notice. One even said “let them rot until we tell you to continue”

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19 minutes ago, TripleGGG said:

I cannot comment on any of the videos or Facebook posts but I can comment on what I've been told by family members who tried to volunteer for search and rescue. This was direct from family who was standing there trying G to help. 

They made over 200 searchers sit on their butts for 2 hours today because FEMA told them to stand down until further notice. One even said “let them rot until we tell you to continue”

Is there enough rope & lampposts?

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I can see how they (.gov) can control airspace, but don't see how FEMA or anyone else could prevent anyone that wants to from doing search and rescue.   If I wanted to start walking down a road looking for people who need help, what are they going to do?  

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41 minutes ago, Hozzie said:

I can see how they (.gov) can control airspace, but don't see how FEMA or anyone else could prevent anyone that wants to from doing search and rescue.   If I wanted to start walking down a road looking for people who need help, what are they going to do?  

The same way the government can implement curfews during an emergency. Not saying I agree but I'm guessing that's how they get away with it.

I'm very skeptical of some of these claims coming out without hearing first hand. I do know there are reasons they don't let volunteers do search and rescue without any training. Sometimes those trying to help end up needing to be rescued themselves. I've also seen a few videos from locals where too many people are showing up to "help" and are actually creating issues of being in the way. I imagine most people have good intentions but may not be as helpful as they think. 

Edited by Erik88
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29 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

The same way the government can implement curfews during an emergency. Not saying I agree but I'm guessing that's how they get away with it.

I'm very skeptical of some of these claims coming out without hearing first hand. I do know there are reasons they don't let volunteers do search and rescue without any training. Sometimes those trying to help end up needing to be rescued themselves. I've also seen a few videos from locals where too many people are showing up to "help" and are actually creating issues of being in the way. I imagine most people have good intentions but may not be as helpful as they think. 

I don't disagree.  My point was simply I don't think they are going to start arresting people. 

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2 hours ago, Erik88 said:

The same way the government can implement curfews during an emergency. Not saying I agree but I'm guessing that's how they get away with it.

I'm very skeptical of some of these claims coming out without hearing first hand. I do know there are reasons they don't let volunteers do search and rescue without any training. Sometimes those trying to help end up needing to be rescued themselves. I've also seen a few videos from locals where too many people are showing up to "help" and are actually creating issues of being in the way. I imagine most people have good intentions but may not be as helpful as they think. 

Yes they can create curfews, etc during emergencies. Rest assured most in the area did just leave and go look for family and friends. 

When they shut down local fire departments, sheriff's departments, etc from doing their jobs then it is an issue. The people I'm talking about were trying to work through those local channels. 

When you hear first hand that the only people actually delivering goods, doing safety checks, trying to get people medical attention are Samaritans Purse, churches, etc., and not any government alphabets, then my opinion they can't walk in and take over and then stop everything. That has happened. I also know that they were ignored in a lot of areas and told to pound sand by some fire chiefs and sheriff's. 

Basically the incompetence at some of the government people trying to run the show is mind boggling. But then what else is new. 

These are first hand reports by people I know personally. If the media reported what was actually happening I would hope there would be a massive public outcry but those reports won't happen. 


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