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RIP Ginger

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I am very sorry. This is one of the hardest things to go through. I have such a love for my dogs that I've never gotten over the ones I've lost. They give us unconditional love. They certainly deserve no less from us, maybe more. May the Lord grant you peace.聽

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Pets are as much (or more) family as anything. 聽We invite them into our lives. They share our homes, they share our joys and our pains. I鈥檓 so sorry your friend is gone.

We also lost one of our older cats a few months ago to kidney failure.聽

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Sorry for your loss. The great thing about pets, especially dogs is how they love unconditionally. No matter what kind of day you've had, they are always there with their tails wagging and tongues out. It can hurt as bad as losing a human family member.

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Sorry for your loss. We had to put our Sadie down 6 weeks ago. There is no love like the love of a good dog. I don't think the hurt ever stops you just learn to channel it into good memories.聽

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. We lost Timmy a few months back and I was devastated. He was happy and content until the end and didn't acknowledge any pain until the very last day. I am sorry I read the title and with all the celeb deaths I didn't realize it was your Ginger until I searched for the dogs of TGO post. May Ginger and Timmy rest in peace and may God give you his peace.

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