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RIP Ginger

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One part of TripleGGG is gone but will never be forgotten. The best dog I've ever had. 09-26-2024



Ginger was more than just a pet—she was family. She was the kind of dog whose wagging nub of a tail could light up the darkest days and whose presence brought warmth to every corner of our lives.


From the first day she bounded into our hearts, Ginger was a source of unconditional love. She had that playful spirit, always ready for an adventure, but also knew when to sit quietly by your side, offering comfort in her quiet, gentle way. Her eyes spoke volumes—filled with kindness, loyalty, and the unspoken understanding that only a true friend could offer.


Whether she was chasing after her toy frogs or curling up next to us after a long day, Ginger was always there. She had a way of knowing when we needed her the most, as if she could sense the moments when a wag, a lick, or a nudge of her nose could make everything just a little bit better.


It's hard to sum up the depth of what she gave us—so many days filled with laughter, so many nights with her soft fur beneath our hands as we rested together. Ginger’s love was pure, without hesitation or condition. She taught us the true meaning of loyalty, of joy in the simple things, and of being present for the ones we love.


Though she's no longer physically with us, Ginger's spirit will forever be part of our lives. We'll see her in the quiet moments of peace, in the familiar places she loved, and in the countless memories she’s left behind.


Ginger may have had four paws and a wagging nub of a tail, but she had the heart of a giant. She taught us about love, patience, and living each day with a sense of adventure. And for that, we will be forever grateful.


Rest easy, sweet Ginger. You were the best, and you will never be forgotten. Your paw prints are forever on our hearts.

Edited by TripleGGG
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I have had the extreme honoring of meeting Ginger.

I know she loved her "Daddy".

My most sincere condolences. Words simply cannot express my feelings.

You have an awesome little angel on your shoulder my friend.

God Bless. RIP Ginger.

Prayers sent today and always. 🙏  

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My sincere condolences for your loss. I lost both of my German Shepherds last years and know well the pain. The hole that remains will be filled in time. You have the photos, memories and habits that were Ginger. Her love remains. Grieving for her is natural and necessary, allow yourself that. Another dog needs you, when you are ready. 

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22 minutes ago, aknifemaker said:

Sorry for your loss, hope she did not suffer. She will be in your hearts forever.

We are very thankful she did not suffer and we take great comfort in that. Was probably just a day or two from a horrific issue. 

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Sorry for your loss.

I had a hole I thought nothing could fill when we lost our last dog. I didn't agree at the time, but I'm thankful my wife was smarter than me and pushed for getting another dog sooner than later. Turns out I needed something to redirect that love towards more than I needed to mourn.

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20 minutes ago, Defunct Ammo said:

I'm sorry for your loss. I had also lost my cat of eight and a half years on Wednesday. I understand the pain you're going through. Rest easy, Ginger.

Sorry for your loss. We had Ginger for 9 years and 1 month. Thought we rescued her and she rescued us. 

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