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Nashville Armory / Franklin Range transitioning to Modern Warrior's


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3 minutes ago, Burnman5000 said:

I never saw top quality customer service before, so unless they are completely changing owners and staff, doubt that changes. 

Copy that.  I only stopped in this time as I was looking for an item and had checked almost everywhere else for what I was looking for. Says a lot when I live a couple miles from them.

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There used to be a small shop called Guns & Leather on Hwy.327 just north of Lenoir City.  It had been there for years and was an old school shop.  It had cardboard boxes of old stock/used holsters on the left as you walked in with real "leather" holsters believe it or not.  Also had a large selection of new holsters and accessories, a coffee pot for all, a table to sit and have conversation, ammunition, and a couple of isles that might have no telling what displayed that the owner may have stumbled across at a good deal.  Oh, and they had new and used firearms...I miss the place.

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20 hours ago, Garufa said:

Why can’t we have normally named gun stores anymore?   Like Bob’s Guns or something.  It’s all armory this, tactical that, and now “modern warriors”.  🙄

There's gold in them thar hills.

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On 9/26/2024 at 10:49 AM, Burnman5000 said:

I never saw top quality customer service before, so unless they are completely changing owners and staff, doubt that changes. 


On 9/26/2024 at 1:12 PM, Patrick Henry said:

Yes, new ownership and some staff changes. 

GOOD, I just might go back.

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1 hour ago, CylonGlitch said:

Nashville Gun and Knife has recently changed names as well, but I don’t recall what it is called right now.


I believe is it Outpost Armory now. 

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Hopefully the name change won't reflect on the type of service they're going to offer. I can't stand going into a gun shop that has either ex-cops talking about the "old times" and think that Glocks rule the industry or some blow hard who thinks his carry gun is the best and the rest are just junk, and also I hate it when there's a "person" who dosen't know anything except what's going on with Facebook on their phone. Whatever happened to the guys and gals that worked in these shops that actually cared about their customers needs and wants and offered good advice to them. Hopefully when "MODEREN WARRIORS" takes over they don't fill it with want to be "Operators" that have "never been there and done that" attitude.

Edited by DJTC45
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