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Parker Shotgun Inquiry... Where are my over-under enthusiasts?


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I have a family member inquiring about an old Parker shotgun that "has been in a safe forever" and trying to find some info on value / model etc. Google is good but why not ask some local folks!?? any info or direction to search is appreciated. This is outside my niche of gun knowledge so hoping to find someone on here with more information. thanks for looking!

it is only allowing me 600kb max to post a picture.. this is small enough to see but ....



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V- Grade I assume it's 12 gauge.

Nice looking shotgun, a bit of color remains, blue looks good if original, wood looks good, non original recoil pad.

Does it have ejectors?  Bbl's look to be 30" or 32.

Hope this helps.

Edited by AuEagle
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My father was a country doctor in rural Georgia back in the 50s-60s. He made house calls and often the people had no money. He would bring home chickens, Moonshine, old furniture and such. One farmer gave dad a Perkins percussion cap, double barreled muzzle loading shotgun. Made in England. Oh wait! you said Parker...........never mind.

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The breech opening lever and safety have incorrectly been blued. They should be case colored like the receiver.  I would wager that the barrels have been re-blued as well.  Hard to tell much from the pics. Looks like a solid shooter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like you’ve got a nice piece on your hands! For Parkers, value can depend a lot on the model, condition, and any engraving. You might want to check out the Parker Gun Collectors Association (PGCA)—they’ve got a lot of resources, and their forum is full of people who know these shotguns inside and out. If you’re having trouble with image size, maybe upload to Imgur or a similar site and share the link.


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