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Best Place to go for Handgun Safety School (Getting EHCP)

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I am looking for the best place to complete the handgun training course so I can get my lifetime EHCP. I travel to many neighboring states with work and want to be able to have my firearm with me. I am in the Nashville area. 

I saw some online courses and wanted to know the validity of them or if it is something that has to be done in person. 

Any comments or information about a lifetime EHCP regarding maintenance of it with moving (I currently live in an apartment), how it affects renewing a driver's license, or ANYTHING at all is GREATLY appreciated!!!

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You need to attend a class at Citizens Safety Academy in Murfreesboro.  Aqil Qadir and Tiffany Johnson are some of the best people in the industry, not just in TN, but nationally.  

EHCP requires no maintenance other than renewal every three years, and it doesn't affect your driver's license.  Getting the permit so you can carry in other states is an excellent reason to have one.



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On 9/20/2024 at 7:37 AM, NoBanStan said:

The class has mandated material, so it really doesn't matter where you go. Find the cheapest. $250 or $60, either gets you the certificate.

The guy who taught mine retired, so unfortunately I can't recommend where to go.

Mandated slides is fine but if the person teaching the class is unable to accurately convey that information or answer questions, you could leave in worse shape than you went in.  And since there is a range component, as always, find a reputable instructor.   There are others in the area but Tiff and Aq at Citizens Safety Academy in Murfreesboro are top notch. 

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I haven't been but I think the Royal range has classes for that and they support the page we are using.  I'm a member of strategic edge they are not the cheapest that's forsure.  It depends on your skills before going to class on how much the instructor matters,  I have been to multiple classes in multiple states,  some instructors were fantastic, some were not.  Get your permit, then continue your training, not cheap but neither is your life or others.  Good luck 

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4 hours ago, Capbyrd said:

Mandated slides is fine but if the person teaching the class is unable to accurately convey that information or answer questions, you could leave in worse shape than you went in.  And since there is a range component, as always, find a reputable instructor.   There are others in the area but Tiff and Aq at Citizens Safety Academy in Murfreesboro are top notch. 

I've met plenty of cheap experts and expensive idiots. I fundamentally agree with what you mean, but would argue that paying more doesn't mean better. I got my HCP class for $60 when most places charged $80-$150. Terrific instructor.

My ultimate point is that, regardless of what you pay, you get your rubber completion stamp at the end.

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I think Tiffany and Aqil both are top notch.  However, I think Royal Range has RangeMaster grads as instructors as well.  Done correctly, the specified State curriculum has to be followed but a good instructor helps.  This will generally consume the 8 hrs as dictated.  I think the state also has a $30 rebate program.  I highly recommend the training and then proceed with additional training.

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6 hours ago, NoBanStan said:

I've met plenty of cheap experts and expensive idiots. I fundamentally agree with what you mean, but would argue that paying more doesn't mean better. I got my HCP class for $60 when most places charged $80-$150. Terrific instructor.

My ultimate point is that, regardless of what you pay, you get your rubber completion stamp at the end.

I never said anything about price. 

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9 minutes ago, Capbyrd said:

I never said anything about price. 

That's fair. You responded to my post about not overpaying for the service, so i thought price was inferred. All good. No harm no foul. I think we're both right.

OP get the training you need, but know what you're paying for.

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