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8 minutes ago, papa61 said:

I am not offended. Being born in 1961 I wasn't available to ensure the Acts of congress in 34 and 68 infringing were thrown out as treason. I have voted conservative since the first election I was eligible. I have went into the school when my children were in and let them know they could not force their liberal acceptance issues on my children who were raised with Christian morals. I stand and tell everyone how foolish gun controllers "common sense' is. I have stood in front of a judge and told her she did not have the authority to make me sell my guns. (she backed down) I have refused to obtain a CCW permit because federal case law states that you cannot apply a fee or test to any God given constitutionally guaranteed right. Not because I couldn't pass the test or pay the fees, because it was wrong. I carried before our Tennessee lawmakers saw fit to have "shall issue" permits. Every sheriff's deputy and half of the city police knew it, knew me, and were unconcerned. I stand up for myself and vote for the lesser of two evils. Many voted for the man who used his office and power for sex and lied at every turn because "It's the economy stupid" was a good slogan. I had no reason to have a gun rack in the back window nor carry a firearm in school but I did carry a large lock-back in a sheath on my belt. I took vocational classes and it was a tool like any other. I won't shrink from the fundamental statements made in the bill of rights and other writings of those who wrote them and signed them. I have been counted, my beliefs put a target on my back and that's fine with me. I am tolerant but I don't have to be accepting nor am I to judge others.

Exactly the values and actions by which I was raised and what governs my actions. An Army upbringing really does wonders. 

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