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Glock 19 made in 1991

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I have stopped buying striker guns and have gotten into revolvers and hammer-fired semi-autos. I like striker guns but I have plenty and as a matter of fact , I'm sure you've seen me selling off my extra striker guns that I just don't use. Well , I stopped at a pawn shop that I haven't been to in a while and saw an older Glock 19. I handled it and looked it over. Like most Pawn Shops , they have the trigger-locks so that you can't try the action to make sure all is working in good order. They wouldn't let me take it off to try it so I left. I gave it a day and then returned a day later to look further. I ended up buying it and glad I did. The serial number prefix is SZ which shows that it was made in 1991 which is my high school graduation date ! Plus that means it's 33 years old. I got home and it seems like it has had maybe 300 rds or less through it. It even has the uncaptured guide rod and spring unlike the present day Glocks which are captured. The magazine is the same age and there is no damage nor marks on the base that show it being used and dropped like we do in training. I am very happy and glad it was still there. It appears that heavy duty Glock collectors buy up these uncaptured springs and guide rod used  and pay a hefty price. Anyways , The innards are black colored which mean that they haven't had the "upgrade" that GLock offered. I called Glock and the technician said that they'd replace them for free but if mine was working great and in very good shape that he would "keep it the way it was" hinting around that I should keep it stock. Which I will. I will shoot it more but if it aint' broke , I ain't fixing it. Here is some pictures. I like it a lot more than the newer stuff coming out. Plus I like the old "cut-out" in the front of the magwell to strip out stuck mags if you ever needed too. I see the newer aged Glock owners complaining about this , but I have always loved it ! 





Edited by tercel89
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37 minutes ago, FUJIMO said:

Great grab. 2 of my goto glocks are early models,  17 and 19, both have seen better days in terms of looks but dang if they aren't reliable 

Heck yeah ! These early ones are rust proof and built for the end of times lol 😂 

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