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First SCAR-H, could use some wisdom

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Instead of attempting to resurrect a zombie thread, I figured I'd start a new one to ask from the wisdom from past and present SCAR owners.

I picked up a lightly used, 100% factory SCAR 17S FDE for a reasonable price that is in transit. Geissele Super SCAR trigger seems like a good start. Possibly a better handguard. 

Any suggestions/tips/tricks on upgrades/tweaks/etc?


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13 hours ago, FrankD said:

I don't own one but I believe the SCARs are notorious for killing optics

I was on one of the Early User Assessments (EUA) when I was active duty, and then when I got out I served as a New Equipment Training (NET) instructor for the initial fielding to all the units. The L & H variants were particularly hard on most of the optics at the time, but most of the SOPMOD block II optics and later were tested and beefed up to handle the weird recoil profile. Shooting suppressed helped quite a bit. The H with the short barrel unsuppressed was particularly hard on optics.

It’s probably common knowledge at this point but the L variant fell out of favor with the operators pretty quick. The H is still in use for some units for certain roles, but not as prolific as one would have hoped after so much money was spent on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I 100% would start with the geissele trigger. I’d also look into an adjustable gas knob, the KNS discarder is one I went with and you can adjust your settings from 1-13 which helps tuning to your preference. I’d look into PMM as well, they make alot of scar related products that I personally went with and can say make it a way better shooting experience.  Optics wise I can’t really give you a preference because the scar does shred optics but if you tune and get a good mount you should be good to go.

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