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Thoughts on the CZ P-09?

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Hey all. Been eyeing some deals on the P-09 as of late and thinking of picking one up. I already have a P-07 which I love, but I’m curious how people think of theirs. As someone with smaller than average hands I typically prefer compacts or smaller but I’m opening up to larger size handguns. I do have a Canik TP9DA which fits my hand perfectly, but I know it has a more compact profile despite being advertised as full size. Thanks in advance!

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I had one and wish I had it back ! They are god , reliable and easy to work on if needed. You can switch them from decok-only to a manual safety to carry "cocked and locked" and the parts to do this are included with the gun. 

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I’ve had 3 CZ pistols,  P01, P-o7 and a P-09.  I kept the P-o9 as I liked it best.  As tercel89 said above, it’s a great gun. Full size, but very versatile

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22 minutes ago, tercel89 said:

I had one and wish I had it back ! They are god , reliable and easy to work on if needed. You can switch them from decok-only to a manual safety to carry "cocked and locked" and the parts to do this are included with the gun. 

Yeah, my P-07 came with those parts too. I personally prefer the decocker over the safety so I kept the parts in the box.

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4 hours ago, tercel89 said:

For some reason I havent seen a P09 in a few months. I guess people are liking them too much to sell them. 

Me too. It was in stock about a month ago. Will have to wait for CZ to do another manufacturing run... whenever that happens lol

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Posted (edited)
On 7/19/2024 at 11:36 PM, NoBanStan said:

I didn't buy a P-09 because i have a P-07 Duty (gen 1). I love the p-07 so i can't see why i wouldn't like the P-09, but.... two of practically the same pistol

Valid point. Although, on the flip side, it is in the same magazine ecosystem so the P-09 mags will work with the P-07. It's one of the main reason why i love caniks so much. I can use my full size 18 rounders in my little MC9,

Edited by Defunct Ammo
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