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Carry Badges

Guest robert83

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Guest Tn.Mitch

paid $25.00 for mire off Egay,and $10..00 for the holder,wear it to my friends house sometime for a joke on my belt,I tell him the Dog is here and there is no ecsape...lol



Edited by Tn.Mitch
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Guest eyebedam
paid $25.00 for mire off Egay,and $10..00 for the holder,wear it to my friends house sometime for a joke on my belt,I tell him the Dog is here and there is no ecsape...lol



Maybe you shouldve been wearing that badge in the dollar store when they gave you such a hard time. I couldn't resist. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture.

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These things have no merit. They can only cause trouble the HCP is all you need period. Of course maybe I'm just jealous since I'm bald and can not pull off the DAWG thing...oh well no badge for me, or giant cans of pepper spray on each hip either...:rock:

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Guest KWW67
they way thay acted, they would have arrested him for impersonation.

Mitch, I have been doing this longer then anyone so please take my advice and dont wear that in public, its just going to get you into trouble.

+1. Trust me, if you have had wear one for a living for any length of time you can't wait to get it off. After awhile it seems to burn your skin.

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But would you wear the badge if it meant you could carry in a restaurant or park?

nope, because it would give away the fact that im carrying and it would have to be open... it would take away any advantage of suprise I would have...and I wouldnt want anyone thinking in a cop so some gang banger can get his initiation off by capping my azz and taking my badge.

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When I was taking my class with the Williamson county Sheriff Dept. They really tried to push the the sale of the Tennessee Carry Badge on us (50 bucks).

I'm sure the reason had to do with $$ and not them thinking it was a good idea.....it's almost always about the $$$.

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Guest kingtone
Da Troof!



that is CLASSIC!

for those who cant see what the sign says...

"These products may only be sold to Individuals who have a Tennessee Hangun Permit. We must see your handgun permit. Thank you. "

Talk about impersonating someone of importance... the guys selling these think they have some legal jurisdiction over the distribution of this crap. Id love to write underneath the sign:

"or.... you can buy them on ebay for cheaper and no handgun permit!"

Thanks for posting that Crimson. you made my day!

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that is CLASSIC!

for those who cant see what the sign says...

"These products may only be sold to Individuals who have a Tennessee Hangun Permit. We must see your handgun permit. Thank you. "

Talk about impersonating someone of importance... the guys selling these think they have some legal jurisdiction over the distribution of this crap. Id love to write underneath the sign:

"or.... you can buy them on ebay for cheaper and no handgun permit!"

Thanks for posting that Crimson. you made my day!

Not just that, but after I snapped that pic, the dude came out and said "no pictures, no pictures"...


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Guest kingtone
Not just that, but after I snapped that pic, the dude came out and said "no pictures, no pictures"...


oh it just gets better and better! ;)

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paid $25.00 for mire off Egay,and $10..00 for the holder,wear it to my friends house sometime for a joke on my belt,I tell him the Dog is here and there is no ecsape...lol


Had too look twice, then started laughing MAO when I noticed the butt of your pistol in the holster.

Is that the required carry method for HCP Badge owners? ;)

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Guest db99wj
i got 2 of those stupid forms offering that wallet and the HCP badge in the mail the other day. in the trash they went. there is a thread about them somewhere here on TGO but i did not want to search for the darn things.


Oh, wait, I got the same letter yesterday, tore it up and in the trash it went, wanted to comment on it, but was/is too lazy to search for the thread!!:P

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