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  Hello all.   I was thinking about purchasing a compensated Shield Plus to replace my current carry.    Is there any concern with the compensated ports getting clogged with lint or debris ?  I guess I'm asking are compensated pistols ok for carry or just range toys.  Thanks

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They work, but why do you want one? What are you trying to accomplish that can’t be done with a normal barrel?

I find them to be highly unnecessary. With pistol rounds you really aren't getting much in the way of benefits. 

that said, the counter argument “it’ll mess up your night vision if you shoot it at night” is overblown. 

Can suck while shooting from compression though. 


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Comped guns have been around for a long time now but it’s seems comped guns are becoming a new hot-ness for CC again (I know the Roland special is probably coming up on 10 years now). 

From everything I’ve seen/read - totally my personal perception, it’s just for a maybe 5-10% reduction of recoil to deal with. 

Do you have freed up funds to shell out for making a switch just for a 5-10% gain in recoil management? 

it’s a very easy question for me to answer. Juice not worth the squeeze of investing funds, time and ammo to vet a new gun for carry. Not to mention possible reliability issues that may be more prone to pop up. 

My personal, general thoughts for CC proficiency-from concealment

can you repeatedly make a 10yd head shot in 2 seconds or less?

can you run a 7YD bill drill clean in around 2 sec? 

Most people are going to be pretty challenged with those and a comped gun is gonna be very little help,  if any for reaching those standards. Sure, the comped gun will help on the bill drill but only in split times - that’s a good way down the rabbit hole on the list of things needed to get that one done  

It’s all about shot placement anyways. 90%+ of people are far more better off investing in more training/ammo. But that’s not new and shiny. 

That said, I’m all for people doing whatever they want and makes them happy. Just my $0.02. 

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For what it's worth, I've tried the comp idea on my MR920, a Glock 43x, and my trusty Smith MP EZ 9 With defensive loads from 124 to147 grains.   

I can barely tell any difference.  These are excellent comps and my hands are 78 plus years old. 

 I would simply buy a " non comped " gun.  They are cheaper n easier to conceal.

I'm like several others have opined.  There simply ain't enough gas generated nor velocity to have a very meaningful recoil or muzzle rise reduction.


Edited by leroy
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And to answer the question pertaining to anything getting in the comp slots-

It will immediately get expelled upon first firing-

lots of heat and pressure coming out of those slots-

So nothing to worry about on that level-

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I've been carrying my compd P365XL for almost a year and I have never once had something "stuck" in the comp slots that has prevented the gun from firing.  Any dust or debris that gets in there is blown out immediately.

In terms of effectiveness PMM touts a 30-40% decrease in muzzle rise, I don't know if I would go that far but it does help the gun settle faster on multi shot strings.  I did not notice any increase in muzzle flash with the comp on, I am sure it is there and if I were to shoot at night I would expect more of an impact to my vision but it is not a giant fireball going through the top of the ports.  I did run this gun through a pistol class a few months ago where we did shoot from compression and I will say it was definitely gassy and not an experience I would seek out, however if necessary it was doable and my face did not melt off or anything crazy.

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I carry this one daily. Staccato C 9mm Single Stack that I sent to Monsoon Tactical for their Genghis Comp. It works great for me and I can tell a difference in muzzle size. Butvas others pointed out they're not for everyone, do you have a buddy that has a comped gun like yours or close to it that you could run a few mags with different ammo and see if it's something you want to invest in.20220607_150410.thumb.jpg.eaf22b18261187c6e0e9b9bdc7f02db1.jpg20220607_151849.thumb.jpg.b41f98e3cd01bd26e3f60304c356b1fa.jpg20220607_151931.thumb.jpg.5770c53f50f6c7e926b228314505d99b.jpg20220607_151944.thumb.jpg.be76d07d9bcd4d77e6cd2920b6296bd4.jpg20230527_101529.thumb.jpg.747565270451c2e93f54feee107f4cfa.jpg

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I definitely need to try one out.  I usually buy all the bells an whistles for most of my guns (triggers/sights) ,just never shot a compensated pistol before.  I'm nowhere near a good pistol marksman so I need all the help I can get.  I ended up buying another rifle  I didn't need this month from someone at work (DDM4 SLW) but looking for next good deal on another pistol in the future.  Sounds like it'll be fine to carry.  Thanks for all the opinions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Biggest difference between defensive use and all other uses is the potential to have to shoot from compression / retention / pectoral index.  Before proceeding further, consider dumping a magazine from such a position and use that to help guide your decision making process.  I would recommend safety glasses over safety squints. 

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I’ve played with a couple on carry guns.  They are neat and kinda work, but they are not worth the extra noise they make.  I haven’t shot one from retention (which is a realistic possibility in a defensive scenario), but I doubt I would like it.  

Edited by deerslayer
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for strictly carry purposes, I think the concern for something getting in the cut out is of no concern.  The only possible advantage, and I have nothing to base this on but a hunch, is that if someone grabs hold of the gun by the front of the muzzle area, I bet they let go when you fire the gun.  Similar result as cylinder gap effect on revolvers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m in the same boat as far as deciding to comp carry or not. Seems to be what’s popular in the industry right now.

I recently purchased a handgun with a comp from the factory after watching all the guntubers praise it for the comp, I’d give it a try. So I Took it to the range to zero my red dot optic and run more rounds down range with my EDC and can honestly say I couldn’t tell the difference with reduction to recoil or muzzle rise VS. My non comp’ed G43X edc. After reading all the comments on this thread I’m leaning more towards not comp’ing my EDC tho I love the aesthetics of comp’ed guns I think the extra money for a comp is better spent with more range time and training. 

Edited by PoonPlatoon909
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll add my experience here.

Gen 3 Stock Glock 19

vs Gen 3 Stock Glock 19C

No perceived difference at the range pertaining to muzzle rise, flip or recoil.

That was confirmed by the wife who then proceeded to order a non ported LoanWolf  replacement barrel for her 19C and has never looked back nor questioned me again on comps. 😂 That was almost 20yrs ago.

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I ended up getting the shield plus carry comp (pick up this week).  I shoot my non comp shield well and have to try it.  I never thought about it being louder.   I guess it'll be a range toy if I don't like it.  Now to figure out what dot will fit on it.

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I own all the flavors of compensated and standard P365's. A little over a dozen of these little runts. I have many other compensated pistols in compact and full size, but the 365 series (and Macro, which is really a compact not a subcompact) are the most carryable and thus the ones I have the most experience with.

I live on a ranch, and so I actually draw and fire my CCW on a weekly basis (squirrels, groundhogs, coyotes and other vermin). I find very little perceivable and performance difference in muzzle rize between my compensated and standard pistols.

I try to sneak in ear pro, but when I don't get to it, I *do* find that a standard pistol shot without ear pro is tolerable, while two separate single-shot experiences with a compensated barrel convinced me to never do that again. I imagine an unprotected multi-discharge defensive shooting would be even more unhealthy. So unless you plan on telling your attacker to wait while you go retrieve your muffs, I strongly suggest sticking to a standard barrel.

The other thing that made me take my comps out of my carry pool is size. A subcompact or micro is already a significant compromise on muzzle velocity for a handgun, and of course a handgun is already a significant compromise for self defense compared to a rifle or shotgun. Giving up another inch (20% or more!) of barrel for a gadget that isn't contributing a noticeable benefit is not attractive to me. It's about 100fps, which is not earth shattering, but I like that 100fps more than I care about reduced muzzle rise on a gun that I never noticed muzzle rize with to begin with. Or, I carry the shorter gun and have more comfort and concealability when sitting, walking, running, and otherwise living my life.

Lastly - in my draw-and-shoot practice on the range from concealment, putting 11 rounds downrange, reloading and reholstering is much more uncomfortable with a compensated gun than with a standard gun. One to three rounds, no noticeable difference. But after a mag or so, the compensator feels much hotter inside my pants. There's a joke there somewhere but I'm trying to be serious.

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On 8/31/2024 at 8:53 AM, PoonPlatoon909 said:

[...] I’m leaning more towards not comp’ing my EDC tho I love the aesthetics of comp’ed guns  

Get the comp gun and then swap the short barrel for a full length. You'll get the aesthetics you love plus the performance benefit of a longer barrel, without all the noise, flash, and heat. Now it's not a compensator, it's a heat dissipating slide! 😁

Edited by DocHawk
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  • 2 weeks later...

She is pretty but will not be my EDC .  I'll still have some fun with it. I really can't tell much difference getting back on target.  I also got a lemon for the trigger and am putting an Apex sear in tomorrow to see if it helps.  My 3 inch shield plus has an amazing factory trigger.


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