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Posted (edited)

Great news DeepSouth. Praying your health returns to you and for your complete healing. Sorry for the rough time you have experienced.  

Edited to add; Jesus has helped me in the past "numerous" times. 

Edited by pop pop
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Next chemo infusion is 1/21 and you know what the outdoor temp will be. I'll be wearing an extra layer to stay warm while outdoor and might help during the treatment.

Here's something that in my brain late yesterday and I don't care for it. Small businesses and others that charge a card user fee I pay with cash to save me or them the 4% charge. I sent $60 with my granddaughter to pay a $55 water bill. I sent my card with her to pay the $288 electric bill at Kroger. I got the bank statement yesterday. I have a $55 and $2 charge for the water bill. The $288 charge for the electric bill, which is fine and $22 charge at Freddie's. I've wanted to go there since they opened near us but with the eating disorder I've stayed away. Guess she thinks I wouldn't find it.

  • Angry 1

The trip to Freddie's was a "granddaughter service charge" for running your errands. She just KNEW you would understand, ha! Kids. What are you going to do? Least she could have done was bring you back something. Milkshake? Some fries? Something...


Good luck staying warm @ your chemotherapy appointment. T-shirt, sweatshirt, coat, and windbreaker might give you enough layers. A stocking cap for your head would help, too. Hoping it all pays off in the end and you beat your cancer. 

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Yep, that's what I figure she's doing. My son said she could apply to Medicare as a caregiver and get a paycheck.

My first infusion I wore street clothes with PJ pants under them. It was super cold in the room and the blankets weren't enough. He went for an electric throw that helped a lot. Now I keep the PJ pants with sweatpants over them, boot socks, Tee shirt and flannel shirt. A Lewis & Clark field jacket, knit cap, the throw and a blanket over my feet. I stay pretty warm with all that. The jacket came as a set with a waterproof over coat and hood. It's a large size set, just wearing the over coat it looks like a 4 X large. Sam's had the jacket/coat set for $40 about 20 years ago. Best $40 I ever spent for cold weather.

About the same time I got the jacket a small sporting goods store went out of business. Think they name was Fur and Fin. They had a knit cap that would cover your face with a large hole for your eyes, helps if you wear glasses. In the mouth area was something to help keep you warm inside while breathing. Stretching the material a bit it looked like a copper pot scrub pad between w layers of knit material. Does great if you're a mouth breather, not so much if you're a nose breather. It is easy to make with a scarf, pot scrub and a patch over it. I made one for work so I wouldn't mess up the one for hunting.

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I started the chemo infusions weighting 101 pounds. Yesterday's visit I'm up to 120. I can eat most foods and feel a lot better. Doctor said to walk more to get better. I don't last long standing up. 

Last night a booked a flu show at Kroger for 1:45 today. Sent a message to my kids for a ride. First reply, I have type A flu, I'm out. Second reply, I have fever and ache all over. 3rd reply, since you've had covid like my it's type A. 4th reply, youngest daughter has the flu. Called my granddaughter since she plans to shop today. Can't, her back is killing her from sitting at the clinic all yesterday during my chemo infusion.  Called my skinny neighbor, got a headache that won't go away. Guess I'll be taking myself against driving restrictions.

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3 hours ago, DeepSouth said:

I started the chemo infusions weighting 101 pounds. Yesterday's visit I'm up to 120. I can eat most foods and feel a lot better. Doctor said to walk more to get better. I don't last long standing up. 

Last night a booked a flu show at Kroger for 1:45 today. Sent a message to my kids for a ride. First reply, I have type A flu, I'm out. Second reply, I have fever and ache all over. 3rd reply, since you've had covid like my it's type A. 4th reply, youngest daughter has the flu. Called my granddaughter since she plans to shop today. Can't, her back is killing her from sitting at the clinic all yesterday during my chemo infusion.  Called my skinny neighbor, got a headache that won't go away. Guess I'll be taking myself against driving restrictions.

I’d take you. But my kids have the flu…

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I took myself, no problem and shopped the specials after. Shopped at the Southaven Aldi then at Dollar Tree. Wanted to hit walmart but on my last leg.


I just got the "influenza type A" diagnosis myself so it's good you got the shot, as your family wasn't kidding; the flu is definitely making the rounds.

I'm glad you were able to keep warm for your chemo. The weight gain is a positive sign, too. It sounds like you are making headway, even if the progress seems slow. Hopefully it'll warm up soon so you can try to get in some walking (per doctors orders.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm eating everything that I can get my hands on now, just small bites. Infusion tomorrow, IV removed Wednesday. Do it again in 2 weeks.

Soaked red beans Friday night. Made red beans and rice for dinner yesterday. Added chopped onion and chili pepper to the cornbread mix. Baked 56 in the cast iron corn cob pan, got 48 left over along with 4 quarts of beans a 1 quart of rice. I don't mix them until in the bowl.

Posted (edited)

Praying for you DeepSouth. 

Edited to add; Jesus Christ is a tremendous comfort in my life. 

Edited by pop pop
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The infusion was a lot later in the day than I've had in the past and a lot quicker yesterday. Instead of 1 large bag of saline there were 2 smaller ones dripping at once. Then instead of 1 bag of chemo drugs at a time there were 2. Got the wear home pump applied and out the door at 3 pm. I must have napped for a bit. A snort woke me up. I asked the lady seated to me if I snored, just that little snort is all I heard. Looked at the clock, got a 43 minute nap. A lot warmer in the infusion room this time, was able to have blanket on without it plugged in. last infusion in 2 weeks then a ct in 4 weeks.

Since on the subject of eating I search for what I want until I find it. In younger life there were 2 companies that made them, Mrs, Weaver and Mrs Drake. Their products could be found in containers and sandwiches. I can find tuna, chicken and pimento cheese salad in most stores but not ham. I asked at all store deli departments about it. One store, SuperLo in Southaven, MS now has it in their fresh made section in containers. I got 1 Sunday and had a sandwich when I got home yesterday. Dang, made with sweet relish, I added some dill relish and it tasted better. 

Granddad worked at Evergood packing company in years past. He'd bring home meats a few times when they were needed. We made our own ham salad, sausage and hamburger meat with a hand crank grinder. I would guess the sausage and burger were about 95/5. Can't find that mix anywhere now.

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I'm able to get out and shop for myself more. SuperLo has Boston Butts for $1.49 per lb. They are cut at or near halves which fits in an oval crock pot better. I cooked one Saturday on high for 4 hours, wife said on low over night. Nope I had to dig it out of the pot since it was falling apart. Removed the bone and fat, meat into another crock pot bag. Juice and fat into a container into the fridge. Sunday morning the bag was put back in the crock pot. The fat was spooned off the top of the juice and trashed. 3/4 cup of juice mixed with BBQ sauce was stirred into the meat. Crock pot set on warm for most of the day. At dinner time the meat was super tender. 

I cooked store bought frozen fried and onion rings, made a pot of baked beans too. The rings were sweat so I had 1 bite. It was the breading, not the onion. The bun was tough so I eat the meat and slaw. Not really a fan of fries unless I have a mustard sauce, out of horse relish sauce.

Monday again after the first. Head out to pay utility and doctor bills that I can't pay online. May shop while out too.


Sounds like you are finding and making some foods you like. Crock pots are a great way to tenderize some tougher meats. Good thinking. Onion rings are always hit or miss; just as you said, depends on the breading.

Glad to hear you are able to get around to tend to bills, not that it is fun doing that. But it shows you still have mobility and mental capability, which is great news.


Yesterday I looked over the stuff that will be at the zoom estate auction last night. Not much I care about, about 100 lbs of lead is about it. I pull a container of chili from the freezer, into a pan on the stove at low heat. I've got an infusion session for today and take a shower while waiting. Stepping out of the shower and drying off I feel the feeding tube has fell out of my belly. We know very little about it so Jason is called to take me to ER at 7:30. The doctor said it had pulled out of my stomach and can be put back in. I had plans to talk with doctor today about removing it. The ER doctor removed it. Need a CT to see how things are going inside. All good and released at 12:40 am.
West clinic infusion visit started at 9:30 am today with lab work. Visit with doctor was next. I asked how long it will it be before I can eat without leakage. That's hard to say. Eat lightly for a week or more and things should be fine. Hold off on large meals for a while. Watch for leakage and call for help if needed.


Wow...your feeding tube fell out?! Dang, that's kind of scary but it sounds like the doctors feel you'll be okay without it. I hope so. If you can keep up your appetite and find foods you like, it should work out.

I hope the infusion went well. Is this a chemo treatment? 

You mentioned chili and danged if that doesn't sound good! Perfect cold weather meal. That, and stew. I haven't had stew in a while. Since it's snowing outside right now, seems like tomorrow should be a chili or stew lunch day.

Hang in there @DeepSouth - you are a fighter and it shows. 

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Posted (edited)

Yes, infusion Is a chemo treatment.

Granddaughter helped change the bandage then I had a slice of pizza for dinner with a pint of Jumex pineapple/coconut drink. This morning the bandage is damp and some of the tape doesn't want to stick to my hairy belly. Change it out soon and see what I find on it. It's clear on the outside.

Glad we/I got everything caught up before the snow started yesterday, 3 inches on the ground this morning. Haven't heard any traffic on my street since 5:50.

Edited by DeepSouth

I hope your wound from the missing feeding tube heals fine and does so quickly. 

I'm glad you didn't have to go anywhere in the snow. Safer to stay home and let the sun work on it for a day or two. We got 2 inches but the sun today melted a good bit of it. Just gotta get thru these very cold temps next couple of days.

I hope the chemo is working for you. Gotta beat the cancer so you can keep on enjoying your family and hobbies. Good to hear you are still eating, too.

  • 2 weeks later...

I hadn't used the feeding tube since about the middle of January, crush pills so no swallowing. Been doing good with them since. 

I'm getting out a bit more the last few days. Raked and blew the sideway and driveway off. Got a mountain of leaves in the narrow side of the driveway. That's where they mostly end up anyways. Been doing a few short shopping runs to easy what my granddaughter has to do.

Not having a shotgun press I built a stand to decap hulls with a punch and hammer. Got 2 large coffee cans of decapped 410 hulls now. Got outdoors Wednesday and changed it up some, added a 4X4 block, grain end up for a punch bench. Looked online for over cards and fiber wads. I've got a cart full of out of stock items on a few websites. Might get 1 or 2 items in but waiting for all. Watched a few Utube videos of reloading 303 britt, 444 Marlin and 9.3X74R brass as 410's. Fire forming the bottle necks using grits. Some were making their own over cards and wads with a punch. I have a Harbor Freight hand held punch that goes up to 7/16", it's been a non-stock item for a few years. I have snack size baggies filled with different thickness cardstock and cardboard 7/16" disc now. My son is making a jig to glue and hold the disc in place to make 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2" thick wads. Bought a hollow punch set and started punching 1/2" disc. Striking the grain end of the block isn't very noisy and it sets just right at the side of the bed.

I won the bid for a Lee 45 Colt die set, $15 plus $8 shipping. Size and load some shorty 45 Colt/410 loads

My wife's electric recliner has 3 remotes on wires. She keeps losing the tv remote. It's tiny compared to the other 3. See if I can figure out a leach for it soon. Digging into the chair has the back of my hands red, black and blue. 

My son is suppose to be here at 10:30 so we can visit a few gun & pawn shops looking for a cheap 410 shotgun. May have to go into Memphis.


My son and I went to the one pawn shop in Horn Lake, the one in Southaven, the one on Hwy 61 headed to the Tunica casinos, one at the Tunica outlet mall, one in Whitehaven and one on 3rd street. All had breach load single shot 410's. Starting price for a used gun $250. Will search other Memphis pawn shops a bit more. The Charles Daily 101 walnut for $120 is looking better at this time

Saturday I got 50 spent 303 Britt casings in the mail, 10 cents each plus $3 shipping. Got them decapped and polished, will prime them today. Got powder, grits and toilet paper ready to load for fireforming. Just need a gun.

On a facebook fishing group I posted I was looking for a 410, hulls and casings. Got a reply from a member from Columbus, MS. Hasn't reloaded in years, moving and wants stuff out of the way. He's shipping me all his 410 hulls, primers, shot, 303 Britt, 444 Marlin, 44spl/mag, 45 Colt, 45 ACP casings, primers and bullets. 

On my facebook feed I got a link to Palmetto State Armory Daily Deals. Free shipping on $60 purchase. I ordered $65 worth and the site wouldn't take my card. Checked the bank account, been paying doctor bills and down to $55. Redid the order for $45. Got an email comp. Will see soon if the site is real or not. Wolf 7.62X39 $1.99, Remington 20 ga 7 1/2 $1.99, Wolf 223 $2.49.

Infusion tomorrow from 10 am till finished. Rain in the forecast starting about 11 am till 7 pm. No shopping on the way home.

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Posted (edited)

My father purchased me a Stevens single shot, slightly used, 410 from a pool room in 1957 for my 9th birthday. It was a butie. I harvested 100 of small game, with that little 410, for years, until I went to the military/Vietnam in 1966-67 68. I recently gave the little Stevens to my grandson who told me, a couple weeks ago, he intends to Turkey hunt with it this spring. Warms my heart to see him using that little 410. He hunts the Frances Marion Nt Park near Mt Pleasant S Carolina. He used it for squirrel hunting this past fall, and his dad sent me a video of him harvesting swamp squirrels around the Charleston S Carolina area where he lives.

Brings back good memories of my dad and I hunting throughout my "kidome." Parker's dad hunts and fishes with him now. That little gun is bringing him joy as it did for me as a young man. 

That little gun holds a warm place in my heart, for sure. So glad to see Parker using it and doing what I did as a child. By the way, my dad gave the pool room owner a crisp 20 doller bill for the little 410. How is that for inflation. Are we better off now? 

Edited to add; Praying your infusion goes well today, and your treatment is 100% successful, D-South. 

Edited by pop pop
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410s are so easy on the shoulder they are like the. 22LR of the shotgun world, and with TSS shot, there is no stopping a person from using a .410 to hunt duck, geese, or turkey! (Well, cost. TSS shells are expensive. That can put a damper on things.) But other than that, the .410 is more versatile than ever.

@DeepSouth, I hope your infusion goes well & you don't feel too bad after.

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First thing at West clinic is a blood test. Usually the IV in my shoulder port feels like one in the arm. A different nurse today and felt nothing, She's that good. They draw 5 tubes of blood every 2 weeks plus up to that much from any other doctor or clinic Next was a visit with the doctor. My chart looks great except  enemic  (sp). It's at 9 where the lowest should be 11. They will address that later. Infusion went a lot faster today. Next infusion visit is in 2 weeks. They will do a CT, after reading it they will know what needs done next. Rain started about noon and will end about 6 pm. Average wind is 25 mph., gust to 40 until morning. Sounds like T nasty weather for some. We didn't shop on the way home.

Sitting in bed with laptop I'm looking everywhere for 410 load data. Sending a lot of links to an email folder and filling a notebook. Using brass casings I should be able to load #9 through #4 shot for $3 to 6 per box. TSS loads about $18 per 25, local store has them for $49 for 5.  Thought I was limited to 410 hulls, 410, 303, 444 and 9.3X74 R brass. Looking at Cast B I can search for 7X57R, 300 Win mag, and 30-40 Krag too. Some need the head stamped sanded a bit so the breach will open/close, about 0.005.

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