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All right you cranky old fart, sounds like my dad after his quad by pass, I knew he was on the mends by how cranky he got. 🤣

SO GLAD you are on the mends, be easy on your wife, she loves you when no body will.

Gods speed

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Posted (edited)

I have 9 pills to take morning and evening, 3 at lunch and bedtime. I haven't had a pain pill since I got home yesterday and feel great. 8 muscle relaxers daily that I'll be asking about Monday when I set my next visit

My granddaughter lives with us. She started a new job in Southaven next door to a Mex restaurant, the doorway concrete is black with grease. She slipped in the rain and now her bad back is bad again. She was supposed to keep my pet room clean while I was away, never got touched. I called our 2 sons for help, Mom got mad cause she didn't know.

We buy a lot from a local auction house that's on zoom and live on Fridays and a dealer's sale on Mondays. I ask about Exp dates, won't buy food items close to date. Got to keep an eye on the wife cause she'll buy if it's cheap. Both boys carried home boxes and bags of out of date food today to be used as chicken feed. Our daughter picked up the grocery list, shopped at wrong location, delivered and left.

I'm sitting on my bed, 90 degree angle with computer in lap. My back is hurting. I told the sons to extend the backrest on my work station stool and fix it tomorrow. They are sending me links for new taller chairs and stools at $80 to $200. Nope, fix mine for less than $5, I have all the material.

My work station pet room was my carport, 2 steps up into the kitchen. During the early 80's I was laid off from work, drawing unemployment and couldn't find a job that paid more than it. Needed to separate my 2 fighting boys. A neighbor was building houses and needed his trash truck dumped daily. I got the better material they threw away. Squaring up the slab, how many yards of concrete you need. Sheetrock, 12 footers, how many. It cost me nothing. My computer desk is a large chest freezer with a cheap kitchen stool/step ladder. My portable reloading bench is behind me and my work bench is behind it. Most anything I can do on my shop's work bench I can do inside the house.

Edited by DeepSouth
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I woke at 3:40 am and read over the top news reports then searched for background stories on the big one. Political, I'll stop there.

At 7:30 I text my neighbor, coming out for fresh air. We lasted 15 minutes, 91 degrees with 101 heat index. She's on MM and asked if I wanted a toke, Nope, to many drugs in my body now, I may not enjoy it. Took almost 2 hours to cool down. Took a nap while my youngest son extended the backrest on my stool. Been on it since waking from nap. Feels great to sit up instead of on the bed. Back, legs and B not bothering me. Plus be in here to keep pet odors down.

Someone just fired up a mower nearby and it sounds like I'm in a shop with 10 running. One thing I wanted my son to do was get in the garage, find my shooting bag and get my headset. Guess I'll live with the extra noise until someone can get them for me.

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Red, almost

I have 2 quarts of lead 358-120 bullets that need to go on trays to cure. My boys rearranged my room and I can't find the trays. Most of my supplies are in flat rate boxes, heavier boxes and totes in front of them that I'd have to empty to move. I'll fill my fridge with canned drinks, no beer and use the box for trash. It gets replaced with the next and used as starter for the fire pit. Can't find the empty box that was here. I recycle aluminum cans, 20 cents per lb trade for lead items mostly, had 1 bucket close to full and a back up, now 2 empty buckets. Guess I'll dig through trash container in the morning.

I want some range time, indoor range 5 miles away won't let me shoot lead. Next is 45 miles away outdoor, open weekends. Will have to visit doctor before released to shoot, within 2 weeks and get a ride.

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I'm glad you have family helping out. Sometimes they do a great job, sometimes they fail. What can you do? Just hope they come thru when really needed.

Noise sounds like an issue. Hopefully by the time more mowing has to happen, someone will have gotten you some muffs or ear plugs to use.

I'm glad pain doesn't seem to be an issue. That's a big plus.

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Posted (edited)

Restrictions now are stay in out of the heat. With the stitches I can't wear a hat. Get as much exercise as I can to keep this 73 year old body going. Don't go anywhere unless there's an able body to help if needed. Don't tilt head to look up or down, keep it straight as possible. No driving for 6 months.

July 26 office visit to have stitches removed. July 30 office visit to see the doctors and staff. I have a million questions, hope they have the time.

I picked up a new issue yesterday while at this computer. I was hearing a perfectly time tic. I searched everywhere without finding it. A bit later while checking my blood pressure I did. It was my heartbeat at the void left in my head.

All these services are sending me emails to set up portals for my health. I get to answer question and can't leave comments, change that for sure. All have to be assisted by my phone. Nope, change your end and get it off my phone. To many people use their phones in public. No, it's my private business, return the call when I get in the car or back home.

I still want a meeting with directors at the hospital. Make them all sit in those luggage carts instead of chairs during the whole meeting without a complaint. Plus the other things I'll be addressing. I figure a bit more than 2 hours.

My daughter and wife came to prep room Thursday morning with me, wife in a luggage cart. Complained every 10 minutes about it. I told her to go out to the others and sit in a better chair. After it was announced I was out of surgery she went home. Still complaining about that cart this morning. At 3 am Friday I got to ride on one of those carts for an MRI. Please let me walk back to my room. Can't do.

I take all my meds when needed except the Sleepy Joes. Don't feel like I need those so save them for later. The first few I took I had to use a cane to keep from wobbling while walking the house.


Edited by DeepSouth
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My old son carried me shopping yesterday for much needed supplies. He uses a gym and gets home about 4:30 am. I wanted to go earlier before the heat got high. 

Years ago I bought a Medline wheelchair for my wife. Auction house price $35. It is spiked black/silver in color. The leg/foot support is solid black. Not a match unless needed work is supplied. 

The less than 24 hours in ICU messed up my sleeping.

I don't shop at one store, to many things needed from other stores too. Don't like to be stuck with a brand or product we don't like and trash it at a later date. Plus the price is better than others. We went to 6 stores. First stop was Sam's Club in Southaven. I did fine with my left leg over my right leg in midair with him giving me a push with the cart. At the next store I got an electric scooter. Had to run it slow for him.

Back home and got supplies almost square away. I'm worn-out from my first day of outdoor adventures and took a nap. When I awaken I open the front door, planned to check the mailbox. Oh, there's an older wheelchair sitting at my front door with supports so I bring it in and forget about the mail. It will be washed with Peroxide before use. I don't know who left it to give them a thank you or hug. At 2:30 am my son sent me a text. "Found the wheelchair, left it at the porch."

This morning the hospital sent me an email survey to fill out. I tried to leave good comments and it had space for replies. I requested a meeting in the room I had, with a few department heads and they will sit in their wheelchairs as I conduct the meeting. Yep, I'll be letting my male B shine.

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Dang, you sure are an active fellow for just having a big tumor taken out of your cranial cavity.  Shopping at six stores in a day? I'd be worn out from that.

It sounds like you've got good family helping you & a way to safely get around (wheelchair). That is great news. Hopefully your sleeping patterns can get back to normal soon, along with the odd hearings issues. Hearing a 'tic' in your head and realizing later that was your heart is interesting. Adapt and overcome - you've got this!


Shopping at the same stores as long as I have, I know where each item is I want. I get in and out fast.

I was in the hospital 2 years ago for a week in ICU, congestive heart failure. Doctor said to get more walking in. The neighborhood isn't that safe since people let their dogs run loose. Heat during the summer and cold during the winter. I went to the stores to walk. 2 trips through super walmart without buying a thing, 3 to 4 trips through Kroger with a shopping cart full when finished. Some stores have drive thoughts, I walk in. Sam's Club is large with slow moving customers. I couldn't keep my pace going. Losing as much weight as I have in less than 6 months has slowed me down. My neighbor has volunteered her sons to mow my yard to keep code enforcement off me. She has volunteered to take me where needed if my kids are busy. She is just a little shorter than I and less than half of my weight, afraid I'd hurt her when shopping.

I haven't received any bills yet. See what insurance paid and pay them $100 per month until paid, face to face. I want the paper trail.

I called Medline about the wheelchair parts needed without buying them. Nope, carry it to a bike shop so they can order, pay for right parts. Nope, I'll run it in an ad as spare parts, get some of my $35 back. 

After one shopping trip I took a nap. Opened the front door for a walk to the mailbox. There's a used Drive wheelchair with leg supports at the porch. Where it came from was answered hours later. It was at someone's trash pile and my oldest brought here. I cleaned it up, made replaces, parts from the Medline. Lubed the wheels with Rem oil. Man, that thing flies.

One of the state's outdoor range is about 50 miles south of me at Sardis, MS. I want to go asap and see about setting up a meet and greet for when it gets cooler. Maybe pick up some needed brass too. It's open noon till dark mostly on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. $20 per day to shoot. Make the meet for TN, MS, AR members and anyone else that wants to join us. Set up canopies for lounging with cold cuts, burgers and dogs. If you want 9mm brass here's your chance to get more than needed. Their buckets are full and no place that recycles wants it.

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It sounds like you have your shopping down to a science. You are a "mall walker" but without the mall! That's great thinking for getting in your steps while avoiding the heat and cold.

Your neighbor lady sounds nice offering to help w/the lawn mowing (her boys) and taking you where you need to go. Kinda renews my faith in people a bit. God bless her for offering to help during your time of need.

Your son scored big finding another wheelchair w/the parts you needed. Sounds like you are covered for mobility. I hope you keep recovering quickly and can get back to enjoying some time @ the range soon.

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My truck was full of building materials that needed to go to my daughter's house before that first attack. The truck has sat long enough that the battery is dead. I got my granddaughter to give it a boost. She has no clue so I did the work, not bad just warm. She drove, she's short, hard to see the road. The oldest son met us there, some material was stacked in the carport to be used soon and the rest in the storage building. Took him about 20 minutes while I watched. Dang, wish I could help. 

We swapped to the car at home and headed to Kroger. The 4 that helped me that day were working and I had a chat with each. 2 of 6 employees that I like to chat with were there too. So the 3 bag $90 trip was long. Instead of walking with a cart I got a scooter. 

I watched a zoom auction that's in Senatobia, MS last night. Dang, everything sold close, at or over retail, I bought nothing. Example: Grainger brand vaseline, small jar 2/$3, walmart brand $1. I'll watch his dealer's sale tomorrow, if I don't buy anything I'm done with them. I didn't take a nap so I started nodding near the end. Went to bed at 9:10 pm, up at 2 am hungry. We keep boiled eggs in the fridge, never know when we'll need 1 or a few. I had 2 and a small drink of 7-up. Back to bed at 2:45 am. I woke at 8:20 am. Best night's sleep since I returned home. 

I found out today my beekeeper, 81 year years old is retiring/ closing business in 30 days. I buy 5 to 6 gallons per year from him, no sugar used by me. Honey only since 2012. He just went up to $50 per gallon when I bought my last, about half gallon left. Need to go soon and get a bulk order. Looking at facebook and marketplace honey is double if not more most places I see it, plus the extra miles to get it. I found a cold tonic years ago and followed the recipe, too much, If I get a cold now a fresh batch is made at half recipe and some gets thrown out. 2 to 4 doses the first day and the cold is gone. No need for a doctor's visit or over the counter drugs. 

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My daughter carried me to the clinic to have stitches removed yesterday. The 10 minute visit with the nurse turned into an hour. We asking questions that she couldn't answer. She asking questions that I could. I asked about changing the acid reflex pill to evening instead of morning. No, best suited with my morning drugs.

I've been wanting chicken livers for some time now. A stop at Jack Pirtle's on the way home was a bit out of the way but we made it. I walked to the window and placed our orders, 6 piece dinner for me. Could have done the drive thru. I talked with the cashier about the old days, mid 80's when I worked Maintenace at the 12 restaurants and warehouse and us Desoto County people wanting one built near us. After about 8 minutes she said your order should have been ready before now so she filled it. I opened the box to find it filled with livers and 2 cups of gravy along with fries and biscuits. I ate 4 on the way home, tiny bites with gravy. I felt a gag and stopped. At my driveway my acid reflex kicked in and she got to see one of my gagging spells. 3 hours later I felt better and heated the box for my dinner. I got 6 livers down with gravy and fries this time before the gagging started again. My pup Sasha got 3 livers while I ate mine. Knowing that the remaining livers wouldn't be good heated up again I bagged them for Sasha as treats. I counted another 18 livers. 

During these acid reflex gagging attacks I spit up a lot of flim of stomach acid and mucus, no food.  It leaves my esophagus and throat raw. I'm on an acid reflex med that I don't think is suited to me.

At 6 pm I searched all the online action sites that are local. All closed for the day. I started watching a new to me old western on Utube. I nodded twice and caught myself. Later I nodded again, the movie was at a point where I felt like I missed some. Yep, 1 minute 13 seconds. Got to watch that better. I don't need to fall off this stool and be laid out in the floor.

Being wore out from the day I was in bed before 7 pm. At 1:20 am I'm awake with a million tiny burps and a raw throat again. I think this is the longest I've slept since being home from the hospital. I ate a few cookies with a strawberry boost and I was back in bed from 3:25 till 6:40.


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It seems like you are recovering well but aren't doing too good on your current acid reflux meds. Surely a telephone consult to your doctor could result in a prescription to try something else or a bump up in your current dosage. 

Hopefully you can start getting to the point you can sleep uninterrupted for 8hrs and get some real rest. That always helps when healing is on the agenda.

As for chicken livers, every now and then I get a craving, too. I'm glad you got to scratch that itch even if it wasn't completely uneventful. One day at a time is easy to say, but harder to live. Hang in there.

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Years ago we went on a catfish group camping trip to Pickwick Lake. Not ready to return home we went to Piney Grove campground at Bay Springs Lake, MS. Asked the host about grocery stores in the area. walmart at Booneville, MS 30 miles away. Sunflower in Tishomingo, MS 15 miles away. We went to the Sunflower. There were stacks of cased canned good at great prices. We got 2 cans of Luck's chicken and dumplings to try for dinner, 99 per can. McHenry peaches 99 per lb, got 4. First time seeing or hearing about them. I peeled and sliced the peaches and a taste. No need to add sugar for them to juice out. Great over pound cake with vanilla ice cream topping. My wife fixed a pan of cornbread to go along with 1 can of dumplings, had to open the second to finish dinner. They are made with noodles and taste better than Sweet Sue's. 2 days later with camper in tow we returned to Sunflower. Bought 2 cases of the dumplings, all the peaches and 2 quarts of sourwood honey, $5 per quart. No store in my area stocks them. A cash saver store will order me a case when I want them. Our homemade ones don't go to leftovers no matter how much we make.

Yesterday I woke from a nap and hungry. First thing I spotted was a can of the dumplings. I fixed a pan of cornbread, when it was ready I microwaved the dumplings. Afraid the cornbread would give me problems. Nope, ate 2 large slices just fine. Today I fixed a glass of cornbread and milk. The first bite was great, 2nd bite not as good, After 3rd bite Sasha my pup got the rest. 

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No restrictions lifted but do what you can or feel like doing for now. Radiation and Kemo treatments starting 8/21. Visit with GI doctor being sat up.

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Interesting story about the groceries you found in Tishomingo, MS. Talk of fresh peaches has me craving one now, ha!

I know you have a long road ahead but it seems you are doing it right - one day at a time, keeping a positive attitude and remembering the good times.

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Posted (edited)

Going to be a busy day. Yep, can't sleep. Will get up at 7 am. C-spire is digging holes in every yard 2X3 ft. I don't want my Zoysia left for them. Will dig the hole and move the sod up closer to the front door. Trees make grass grow slow or not at all. 

Granddaughter is sick. Text both sons about a trip to Sardis, MS gun range, no reply yet. They have to be ready to leave for work between 3 and 4 pm. My neighbor said she might go with me. Bad thing is the AC in the truck is out. Hopes windows keep us cool enough. Meeting an army buddy from IN at Sardis haven't seen since '78. Plan to gather 20 buckets of casings. Will have sorting to do when I feel halfway good during the radiation and Kemo. She said Saturday would be better. Husband and oldest son could go with me. The buddy will be headed home then. Saturdays are busy at the range and I hate crowds.

Edited by DeepSouth
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Posted (edited)

The nurse called, be at Southaven West Clinic 8/8 at 1 pm. I better go tomorrow to the range or it will be a while before I'll feel like it. People I've talked to that's had Kemo says all you joints feel like sandpaper. You'll won't fell like talking, eating or moving your little finger.

My buddy went to the Sardis range today, didn't shoot but picked through lanes bucket for 2 buckets of rifle brass he wanted. Likes the way it's laid out, state of the art kinda thing.

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My granddaughter went to the range with me. She doesn't drive the interstate and her speed limit is 45 mph. I carried 15 buckets and a 2 wheeler. Brought home 7 from pistol and 8 from the rifle lanes. They have electricity, wish I had carried a fan. I got a good workout, I've missed that over the past few weeks. The barrels of casings were gone. Told they were put in the trash container since we don't have a recycling of ammo brass. I'll head back when I'm able. Offer it here sorted at a good price. 9mm .02, pistol up to 45 acp .03, large pistol and rifle .05, 223/556 no sort no inspection .04. Prefer to ship in medium flat rate box at your cost. PM me for what you want and I'll let you know when I'm able.

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Posted (edited)

My heart doctor's visit was 8/26, called and got it changed to 8/6. Gave the nurse the hospital release papers with change of drugs. Weight 145, guess some food I eat is doing good. Heart rate 67, highest it's been in a while. The doctor checked it again at the end of our meeting, 64 still good. EKG, they said it looked good. Changed the dosage of one drug and added another back at a lower dosage. Will call the head doctor's nurse about the changes. I got back to the lobby and the head doctor's nurse called. We can get you in for the gamma knife on 8/8. Let me check on a ride. Text the kids, short notice can't take off from work. So things are back as they were. Forgot to say anything about the drug changes, asked about the GI and PT doctors, I should be hearing from them this week. 

8/2022 I had an EKG with scope at the heart doctor's office, I know it has another name, I got the bill from Baptist Medical group and paid it face to face with a printed receipt. 8/2023 I had another one done. I haven't got a bill yet. I got a call from a collection service wanting to talk with me at another address. All the information she has is me but at that address. She has to talk to that person. My granddaughter enters the Baptist Medical group address into her phone. It should be less than 2 miles from the doctor's office. Nope, it gave us a 16 mile round trip. I paid the ER doctor's bill that I've received, Check on wife's bills, none. Asked about the EKG bill. Not my address, can't take payment.

A stop at the dentist to pay on a bill. I said something about the acid reflex I have. That's why you're losing your teeth. Guess brushing 4 times a day isn't enough.

A stop at Kroger for a few things since we didn't shop the weekend. Cash from the bank so I could get new tags and pay water bill. They charge 3.95% using a card, saved me $22.40. Back home to sort brass casings.

Edited by DeepSouth

Sounds like one inconvenience after another. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you seem to be getting around better.  

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Posted (edited)

Yesterday while out of my computer room I missed the comp call from West Clinic. I hate these kind of dealings on my phone.  Monday will be the new visit. Hope they don't call again.

The head nurse called about the heart doctor's drug list I faxed her. What's Furosemide for? Legs and feet swelling. I'll check with the doctor and call you back. A bit later, can you be at the hospital soon? We want an image of your legs, looking for blockage. They didn't find anything and released me at 4:05 pm.

We stopped at Papa John's for dinner I got a piece of pep pizza, had to heat it a few times while I ate it and gagged on most every bit. Had a second piece too. Pizza heated a few times at 15 seconds gets hard fast. Half of each piece ended with me eating the toppings and the pup got the crust.

The rifle brass sorting is getting close to the end. Someone on the gulf coast sent a list of all he wants in rifle and pistol. I have a 2 gallon bucket to sort through again for the ones he wants that wasn't sorted the first time. I have gallon bags of sorted casings that aren't being asked for. I should start on pistol casings later today. There are a few rifle casings in those 7 buckets too.

Edited by DeepSouth
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You are the Energizer bunny. I don't know how you do it with everything you are going thru. We are rooting for you to have a great outcome.

That's odd your local range doesn't have a place to take the unwanted brass. Always metal yards looking for copper & brass. Maybe there just isn't enough of it for them to bother?  Glad you and your buddy are "recycling" the good brass so others can make use of it.

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