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Gas prices


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I hate that gas prices are getting so high. Trust me. But these idiots with electric cars that are bragging on this kill me. I have a Toyota 2.7 liter 4 cylinder and it gets terrible mileage at around 20 MPG but it starts everytime I turn the key and can be fixed by any normal person if it ever needs repair. 

Edited by tercel89
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14 minutes ago, tercel89 said:

I hate that gas prices are getting so high. Trust me. But these idiots with electric cars that are bragging on this kill me. I have a Toyota 2.7 liter 4 cylinder and it gets terrible mileage at around 20 MPG but it starts everytime I turn the key and can be fixed by any normal person if it ever needs repair. 

You know well mine does the same.

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20 minutes ago, tercel89 said:

 But these idiots with electric cars that are bragging on this kill me.

What those smug chumps aren't talking about is how wild rates on charging stations are getting these days. If they told the truth that it cost them $60 to charge to 80% which might get them 200 miles on a good day then they'd have to admit to their poor choices. It's a random price example but it's a real and common one you almost never hear about. Not only are they getting reamed on the electricity transport costs, if they don't unplug immediately after charging is complete, there are penalty fees charged by the minute until they GTFO.

Edited by LangdoniousRex
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Traveled from below Knoxville today, a local Weigel's was $2.99 with a discount card at around 8:30am, on the way home today at 4:30pm, it was $2.79 with the discount card.  All the other prices I saw between the house and Kingsport was around $3.00-3.05 as a general rule during the day.  It dropped at this one store for some reason, but I filled up the wife's car anyways at that price.  I paid the $2.99 this morning, and $2.79 this afternoon.

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