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SOCOM .300 WinMag Ammo - Middle TN

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I have 140 rounds of SOCOM issued A191 .300WinMag ammo (190grn) available. $3 per round. Comes in the pictured MTM hard cases.

These are not reloads. I transferred them from their original issue cardboard boxes into these  hard cases.

These were the go-to .300 WinMag round for special operations snipers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I’m in the Spring Hill / Columbia area, but willing to travel a reasonable distance.

My trade interests are pretty broad, feel free to ask.



Edited by Danger Rane
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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, DC551 said:

Wonder if those are some of the SOTIC shop loads with the Lapua bullets. Shot a bunch of those back in the day, fine ammo. 

I think the loads you are referring to, which I believe were a collaboration between the 5th Group SOTIC locker and the SOTIC committee at Bragg, are what led to this A191 load becoming a production load. And you are correct, the early prototype did use a Lapua projectile, whereas these are the SMK 190grn similar to what the Federal Gold Medal Match round uses.  One significant difference between the Federal GMM rounds and these A191 loads (also known as M248 Mod0) is these SOCOM loads reportedly use a powder less prone to temperature sensitivity.

These rounds I’m selling were originally packaged in the typical military brown cardboard boxes, I put them in these MTM cases to better survive a cross country move.

Edited by Danger Rane
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  • Danger Rane changed the title to SOCOM A191 .300 WinMag Ammo (Price Reduced)
  • Danger Rane changed the title to SOCOM .300 WinMag Ammo - Middle TN - (Price Reduced)
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  • Danger Rane changed the title to SOCOM .300 WinMag Ammo - Middle TN

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