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I do not vacation with my Wife?!

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1 hour ago, Alleycat72 said:

Oddly enough my Wife and I are talking my oldest Daughter to Chattanooga for the weekend. LOL 

Going to do the dinner train. 

Let us know how that turns out. I wasn’t aware of a dinner train in Chattanooga.

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Jules & I have had exactly 1 'vacation' together in 27 years & that was a week in a tent to see if we could stand to be around each other long enough to move in together. 

The last time we took any kind of trip together was in 2012 to renew our I94s

We live & work together & we are together pretty much 24/7 & we both understand that, occasionally, we need our own space for a while. She'll grab the most portable dog & usually go spend a few days in an AirBnB near a State park so she can go walk around in peace & quiet. 

I generally do one or two longer hunting trips, either out west or Texas or somewhere. Neither of us understand 'Beach' vacations, although I really enjoy sitting & watching a rod tip, waiting for a decent Redfish to bite. 

We also hardly ever eat together. She's vegetarian & although she doesn't mind, I won't ask her to deal with meat on my behalf. She also thinks dinner time is 5:30 while it's actually around 7ish (9-10 if I'm engrossed in doing something interesting) Sunday nights, after work, we do enjoy settling down with a good,  home made, gluten free pizza though. 


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16 minutes ago, Handsome Rob said:

Jules & I have had exactly 1 'vacation' together in 27 years & that was a week in a tent to see if we could stand to be around each other long enough to move in together. 

The last time we took any kind of trip together was in 2012 to renew our I94s

We live & work together & we are together pretty much 24/7 & we both understand that, occasionally, we need our own space for a while. She'll grab the most portable dog & usually go spend a few days in an AirBnB near a State park so she can go walk around in peace & quiet. 

I generally do one or two longer hunting trips, either out west or Texas or somewhere. Neither of us understand 'Beach' vacations, although I really enjoy sitting & watching a rod tip, waiting for a decent Redfish to bite. 

We also hardly ever eat together. She's vegetarian & although she doesn't mind, I won't ask her to deal with meat on my behalf. She also thinks dinner time is 5:30 while it's actually around 7ish (9-10 if I'm engrossed in doing something interesting) Sunday nights, after work, we do enjoy settling down with a good,  home made, gluten free pizza though. 



Everything I do is on Eastern time even though I've always lived in the central time zone due to my job. It's also in military format. We eat lunch 11:00 human time and dinner and 5:00 human time. It confuses the s%÷t out of everyone that walks in the house. 

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43 minutes ago, Alleycat72 said:


Everything I do is on metric time even though I've always lived in the central time zone due to my job. It's also in military format. We eat lunch 11:00 human time and dinner and 5:00 human time. It confuses the s%÷t out of everyone that walks in the house. 


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