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Nashville Area Permit/Training Classes

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This could probably go in a couple of different subs but I’m dropping it here.

I have a family member fresh out of college moving to Nashville soon who is keen on buying his first handgun.

Who do y’all recommend for a training class around there?  Maybe who has the best permit carry class?  Those are adequate for most and are generally sufficient, was just wondering if there was something else to consider in the introductory sense. 

I’d like that he starts this journey with more structured tutelage that an Uncle can provide (even though that instruction has been excellent 😎).

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You might wanna check the Dragon Defense Firearms school. I believe today is the last day of their registration in Enhanced Carry class for May 26 at Bass Pro Shops (Opry Mills).

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:20 PM, chances R said:

Check with Royal Range.  They host RangeMaster classes and I would think they have RangeMaster trained Instructors

I'll second this.   I would also say that the drive to Murfreesboro for classes with Aq and crew at Citizens Safety Academy is more than worth it. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 12:37 PM, NoCompromise said:

Has anyone specifically taken the Concealed Carry class at either Royal Range or Citizens Safety Academy?

The two people I mentioned above, Aqil and Tiffany, run Citizens Safe Academy. Absolutely Top Notch. Ive not personally taken the classes at Royal Range, but they have good reputation. 

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