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Reliable Effective 9mm Carry Ammo?

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Most any good defensive load will get the job done. But every gun is different. I suggest you buy several different boxes of quality defense ammo and go to the range. Whatever is most reliable and shoots the best in your gun is what you go with. 😉

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Agreed on the comments will be varied. I have a "Fantastic Plastic" Ruger Max 9 and I favor heavier along with + P. My Max 9 is stocked with Hornady 147 Gr + P ammo. I also like Hornady Critical Defense which is 115 Gr, and the Critical Duty which is a + P with a 135 Gr bullet and built to Police Specs. Suppose to be superior for metal/glass car body penetration. Several of the premium Self Defense brand loadings will be sufficient in these micro guns.  Purchase you a few and see which you, and your Pistol likes. 

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The best carry ammo is probably whatever known brand hollow point functions 100% in your carry gun and is fairly accurate that you can find and afford.  You can obsess over ballistics and gel tests, but the fact is that most handguns suck for stopping bad guys.  Their great virtue is that they are very portable and you can have it with you almost everywhere you go.  

Having said all that, I carry Hornady Critical Defense 115 or Federal HST 124.  They are fairly common and I don't want to have to find and test a new round because my ammo is exotic, hard to find, or always out of stock. 

Edited by deerslayer
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another vote for the Federal HST.  Have also used Gold Dots with good results.  Like others have said spend the money and get a few boxes of each and run them through and see which works out and routinely run a mag or two through the gun just to be sure.  

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Exactly right on handgun calibers being a compromise for defense. But it's what we have because it's difficult to carry a full size rifle or shotgun in a holster. So we do our best. Hard to go wrong with the brands mentioned. My boys and I run Critical Duty 135+P, Federal HST 124+P and Gold Dot 124+P. There's other good choices too. I don't know if there really is a "best" one. 

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23 minutes ago, res308 said:

Exactly right on handgun calibers being a compromise for defense. But it's what we have because it's difficult to carry a full size rifle or shotgun in a holster. So we do our best. Hard to go wrong with the brands mentioned. My boys and I run Critical Duty 135+P, Federal HST 124+P and Gold Dot 124+P. There's other good choices too. I don't know if there really is a "best" one. 

I carry Hornady Critical Defense in my 365 macro.  I have some Critical Duty, with a plan to carry it in a separate magazine for specific situations, but never got around to doing it.  For environments where I figure I’m most likely to have to shoot, I’m a little concerned about over-penetration or missed shots going through thin walls with the Critical Duty rounds.  Not suggesting others should have the same concerns, this is just me.

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On 4/23/2024 at 10:03 AM, Smith said:

My favorite is Federal HST, but I've used Gold Dots, Norma MHP, Critical Defense, Sig Elite Defense.

Any of the modern stuff works extremely well. A lot of the expansion and jacket separation issues have been technologically overcome.

But for your research enjoyment:



I also carry 9mm based on if I'm traveling somewhere I know I don't feel safe or somewhere I haven't been before. This is very helpful for self defence. Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Links2k said:

I’m a fan of Speer Gold Dot, Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty. 

My 3 favorites as well! Good stuff.

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reliable function in. your carry platform is critical.  beyond that, I choose what local/state/federal law enforcement uses. 

strips away one more thing an aggressive prosecutor may try to use against you in a justified self defense case.  


HST are a solid choice for me.


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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, crashgordan said:

reliable function in. your carry platform is critical.  beyond that, I choose what local/state/federal law enforcement uses. 

strips away one more thing an aggressive prosecutor may try to use against you in a justified self defense case.  


HST are a solid choice for me.


Not completely disagreeing with you,  but from another angle they could simply argue that you are a wanna be LE vigilante using super effective killing ammo without the training. 😉 

Edited by Smith
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I primarily use Hornaday. Critical Duty in the full size guns (>4” bbl) and Critical Defense in my sub/micro compact (<4” bbl) guns. 

That round choice split is based on the manufacture’s documentation in how they were designed for best function and performance. (The names are a hint.) 

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Smith said:

Not completely disagreeing with you,  but from another angle they could simply argue that you are a wanna be LE vigilante using super effective killing ammo without the training. 😉 


valid point.  There's a lot of factors at play on this topic.


Here's what I know based on pretty extensive reading and study and training on this topic.

and of course, i enjoy learning so, anyone with additional light on this topic, please weigh in. Critical review is encouraged.

Law Enforcement agencies have to defend themselves legally in police involved shootings regularly.

Their selection of duty ammunition is generally considered safe enough by the governing agency to be carried in the public and for the public good as well as safe enough to discharge in an attempt to stop the threat while in the presence of non threats (bystanders/innocent victims/overpenetration of threats/walls/etc.). 

This argument has been successfully used in the defense of both law enforcement and civilian cases.

'If it's considered safe enough for law enforcement to carry and deploy in public, and is legally available to the civilian, it can be considered a safe choice'. 

Additionally, choosing SD ammo for any other reason than to "stop the threat" is increasing the risk of criminal prosecution.  Choosing ammo that effectively stops the threat is the goal, not "kill the threat". 

If death happens to be the result of engaging and stopping the threat, than that's another potential legal issue, but easier to defend if the defense can prove you didn't intent to kill, but you intended to "stop the threat".

another consideration:  While cool/sexy/scary names helps sell guns and ammo to the civilian market, it doesn't help you in court.  Carrying a scary sounding firearm "Python/Death Dealer/Viper/ManStopper" etc, loaded with ultra scary sounding ammo like "Black Talon/Devastator/etc." can get you painted as a crazed killer who was looking for a fight, by a skilled prosecutor working in a low tolerance/pro gun control court system.  

Defensible logic is carrying the most clinical/benign sounding platform possible (model 19/p320/etc) with a safe load that is reliable and effective at stopping the threat.  Additionally, being able to prove that you have minimally trained with that platform and ammunition combination at least once to confirm POA and function, may be important. A good prosecutors job is to get a conviction, even if minor, and painting you as an irresponsible gun owner for not training with or confirming POA and Function can cast doubt in a jury's mind as to your other good qualities.

There's a lot of nuanced traps and pitfalls to be found in the SD world when entering the legal system...  just like cocking the hammer on a revolver before shooting a bad guy can land you in prison with a "pre meditated" conviction, regardless of how much he needed to be stopped. While it makes little sense in the heat of the moment and was irrelevant to the outcome regarding "stopping the threat", it mattered a lot to the civilian who cocked the hammer.  

Of course,I welcome any and all intelligent discourse on this topic.  it's important and should be thoughtfully considered.  





Edited by crashgordan
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20 hours ago, Smith said:

Not completely disagreeing with you,  but from another angle they could simply argue that you are a wanna be LE vigilante using super effective killing ammo without the training. 😉 

At the end of the day, it’s all about AA; Articulation and Authentication. 

Be able to explain what choices you made and why; and don’t have any crazy posts or videos “wishing a motha would”

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Posted (edited)

Another important reason to carry HP ammo is reducing the likelihood of over penetration and causing injury or death to others.  Which is exactly why FMJ is generally frowned upon.  AFAIK, there are no documented 'shoot-throughs' in Police of SD shootings using quality HP ammo.  Examples/history to the contrary appreciated.

Edited by chances R
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