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Stashing Loaded Handguns/Long Guns

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Do any of you stash loaded pistols and long guns around your house? We are empty nesters but do have a grandson who spends 4 nights a week with us. He has downs, but is very obedient. I have one in an entrance hall closet and one next to my lazy boy chair, in a magazine rack within arms-reach, in my den while watching TV. If I am dressed, I always have my EDC in my strong side pocket, but at times and after evening shower, I am in my bedclothes watching TV with Sweetie. 

I do not keep long guns out of the safe but do have a MINI 14 and 12 Ga Mossey riot gun fully loaded in my safe that is in the man cave, which is on the opposite end of the house from where we sleep. I would need prior warning to get one out safely. Do keep my EDC on the bedside nightstand and a 9 MM in the drawer.  Wife's house her gun is in her Walkin closet in the master B R where we sleep. 

What are your thoughts on stashed handguns around the house?

Edited for spelling. 

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As a single man, I used the "Squirrel Method" of spreading them around

When I got married, some went into safes

Now with kids they are in a safe or on my person.

Pistol safe downstairs, Hornady Gun Locker upstairs for the AR and 870. 

With the enigma, I can carry literally fullsize gun in a bathrobe, so thats my primary inside the house

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You can never say 100% for sure that any kid-- obedient, disabled, or not -- won't suddenly decide to go snooping in drawers, closets, etc.  If there's a kid in the house regularly, I would strongly advise that any gun in the house should be in a safe or gun room, or secure on your person.   



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General rule I heard a long time ago and believe is sound advise, is that someone breaking into you house should not be able to get between you and your defensive weapon(s) no matter where in the house you are located at the time.  With the availability of small safes that can be mounted in certain areas, this shouldn't be a that big of a challenge for someone, now days.

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When the grandkids come, I lock all but my EDC up. Otherwise there are loaded pistols all over the house, one on my nightstand, one in the master bath, one in my office. Mossberg in the bedroom closet, AR in the display cabinet with full mag next to it. As I get diversion stashes there will be more. John Wick? Nope, I'm not that quick!

I like the magnetic lock shelves and boxes. I looked at concealment furniture but it is quite pricy. I met a couple from KY who make concealment frames at the last gun show I attended. I plan to have one made for a painting one of my daughters did for us. BTW plans are available on ETSY for any of you woodworkers or cabinet makers. (hint hint)

I have a cousin who used to live in a cabin out in the woods. He kept a 38 snub on a nail above the front door. Until we moved here, the Mossberg was on rubber coated hooks inside the closet over the top of the door. No one casually looking in there would ever see it. A pistol magnet on the back of the headboard is good too.

If there are kids in the house, firearms MUST be secured. My children were all taught well and knew not to touch but there's one in every crowd. I count my blessings and keep the lingerie chest with a hole in the drawer front as a reminder of that. The "one" was quite good at defeating pass locks on doors, climbing, slipping into places and things. I was fortunate, no one was hurt, be vigilant and anal about securing arms around children.

After the chest incident, everything was locked in gun storage except my EDC which was always within arms reach. I could tell more of "the One" getting into locked storage but no reason. Suffice it to say I had to step up security several times.

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4 hours ago, Whisper said:

You can never say 100% for sure that any kid-- obedient, disabled, or not -- won't suddenly decide to go snooping in drawers, closets, etc.  If there's a kid in the house at all, I would strongly advise that any gun in the house should be in a safe or gun room, or secure on your person.   




To the OP's question, It's just me and Mrs. 'lizard so I have them wherever I want. When we have adult company I make sure they're at least in drawers instead of just sitting on a counter or my desk, etc. In the rare times when a kid is in the house, everything goes in the safe or on me.

Edited by monkeylizard
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When Im home, I usually wear a t-shirt and pajama pants so carry is impractical.  I put my EDC and spare mag in a nylon holster that I just carry around.  It also sits on my nightstand along with a Governor and a shield.  I also have my LCP Max on a shelf out of sight and a 20 gauge in my office.  Rest are in safes or gun cabinets.  I do stash filled mags for the shield and my EDC throughout the house as well.  There’s at least 2 spare mags in every room.



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Take this as absolute Gospel. You CAN NOT hide anything from a kid! They will find it! 😲

I do have a couple of guns stashed in convenient locations around my house. But on the rare occasion when a kid may come visiting, I lock up everything.  If/when I ever get grandkids, all my guns will be locked up when they visit. 

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I have several gun diversions books scattered through out the house which are lockable, and to my knowledge wife nor kid has ever asked me about those books in 20 years.  I also have a couple of those gun vault devices that require a code attached to various night stands, I just have to remember to check the batteries when I do the smoke alarms batteries.  I also have one shotgun stored horizontally in my closet stored up around the ceiling above the door which is my go to gun in a hurry, one would have to stand in the closet, turn around and look up.  It is the only gun in the house that someone could access, but will need a step stool, I am tall enough to reach for it.  I do keep the chamber empty for a just in case a kid did reach for it, its a pump and not easily racked from a kid perspective, but anything is possible. 

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My bedroom, office, and mancave all have electronic door locks to keep everyone except my wife and I out. Additionally, in the rooms where I spend the most time with my grandson, all guns not on my person are locked up. He's accustomed to be being asked to leave the room while I lock the door behind us, even if I'm just going to go pee. Safety first, here.

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The only gun that's ever "out" is my carry pistol when I'm not carrying it. Even then, it's near me.  Outside of that it's the main safe or the quick access safe.

Once the kids are gone, I'll probably leave out a rifle and a shotgun. Honestly, I could probably do that now because my kids aren't into it outside of humoring me. I would be more concerned about other kids that they may bring over who don't have their discipline. I never hid it from my kids, so they aren't too impressed. My sons friend though, he's REALLY curious about firearms. I told my son its probably best to exclude my hobby. He looked at me sternly and said "oh... you don't have to worry about that"

Good boy.

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