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Gun control and democrats

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Think you'll find this interesting. For some perverse reason, I've been reading gun control threads on the Daily Kos (know thine enemy). I was somewhat surprised since you get truly both sides of the issue with, in many cases, a surprising lack of emotional outbursts.

Be sure to look at the comments - that's the interesting part

Daily Kos: Why gun owners don't trust us

Edited by tng27
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Guest mikedwood

My Grand father was a rabid gun owner and a life long rabid Democrat. There was not a space in his house you could stretch your arm and not hit a loaded shotgun. He kept his reloader right by his bed side along with a stack of shotguns, rifles and pistols. Mostly shotguns. My uncle liked the rifles, was a Democrat and has a ton of guns.

All that said they are not the kind of Democrats that are thrilled with Pelosi and her type.

But don't fool yourself or let anyone else fool you. Brady was a Republican and Reagan limited the dates of automatic rifles you or I can buy, there by driving the prices up sky freakin high.

There are parts of both groups that are friends of the 2nd and parts of both sides that oppose firearms ownership at all.

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I'm about 1/4 of the way through the comments but this person's sig line kinda freaked me out. :D

1/20/09. We will be greeted as liberators.
wow, this one on banning handguns:
Little by little they will disappear, sure into hiding at first but eventually by attrition and then by a shoot first policy on all "criminals" carrying handguns in public.
:up: Edited by bteague2
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Guest kcnative

I've been reading the discussion as well, and three things come to mind:

1) The mindset of some of these people is SCARY.

2) I'm impressed by the number of so-called democrats who support 2A

3) I'm impressed by the civility of the discussion, considering the radical differences in opinions. After seeing how many around here have reacted to "alternative thought," we should all take note. While we may not agree with someone's viewpoint, they are entitled to their opinion, no matter how jaded we may think it is. Of course that doesn't mean we can't try to convince them otherwise.

Edited by kcnative
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I have monitored the DKos for some time but somehow missed that thread. No, I am not one of them but I do try to discover how the other side thinks, if they do:screwy:. That thread is a far cry from most of the hate spewed by the posters there. Even the language is acceptable to me for the most part. I find some of the signature lines are unbelievable. :tinfoil:That place was a zoo prior the the election.


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Not just there but it seems a lot of these type folk get up on their soap box and just scream and cry and call others names when they want their way.

Not very nice people and I could see why they do not need guns, knifes or automobiles, they act really scary.

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Guest mikedwood
well said Mike.

Thanks Jackdog. One side of my family are and have been Democrats and the other side Republicans. 40 years and neither has changed.

Well in 2000 my grandfather voted for Bush becuase he knew Gore was going to take away his guns. He was 86. It was the 1st time that he ever voted for a Republican. When he passed away they found checks to the NRA for around $400 a month dating back YEARS.

He carried a .22 revolver in his back pocket since the 50's and probably the same one. When the HCP came out in Tennessee he was so excited and took the class. He was denied his permit because his name was on some watch list. It was the 1st time anyone ever saw him cry.

My uncle took him to Nashville an they met with the TBI and got that fixed. Grandad got his permit. Same name different guy.

Anyway that's the 1st Democrat I ever knew. It's hard for me at times to get the gist of how the parties have remade themselves over the last 20 years and espessially what they have remade themselves into.

It is very hard for me to watch the West coast Democrats and imagine that was the party my Grandfather stood by and loved. It wasn't the same party.

I could rant about the Republican's also but for the sake of keeping it short I won't.

I don't think most people know what the heck the party they are voting for is about anymore. I also think if one bothered to find out it will change.

I agree with Rauel the two party system has failed big time and we get to eat the mud.

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I'd like to know how the cousin in middle TN has even one gun "registered" to him. Especially liked this quote, "Registration laws won't pick up a tenth of the firearms in rural America. Attempting to force compliance on this issue would be harder than rounding up all the illegal immigrants in the entire country."

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