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16 minutes ago, BigK said:

Last time I stuck my wooden yardstick in a flat spot on the back porch it measured 6" exactly. But looking out the front window now, I'd say there closer to 8" on my Jeep now.



I bet you’re dogs are enjoying a good romp through the snow

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In beautiful scenic Loudon County 27 degrees 6 inches of snow and still falling. May not leave house till spring lol    wish I had put a couple bags of grass seed down before snow ❄️ 


Edited by Sleep profit
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Here in Bartlett, we've got 4, maybe 5 inches. No, I ain't going out there to measure it. 🙄 Temperature according to my thermometer is 19. In Memphis, officially, its 13. Staying my old butt in the house. 😉

Back when I was still working, the worse the weather got, the more likely I'd have to go out in it. It sure is good to be retired. 👍

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In Chattanooga it is very dependent on where. Within a 20 mile radius it was literally between 0” and 7”. 

now that’s what I call typical Chattanooga weather. 

We had about 4”, my Mom about 10 miles south had 2-3 and 10 south of that there was none. My sister about the same north had 7, and friends about 10 miles east had none. 

Edited by darsk20
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measured 5 1/2 inches on my front porch. Not venturing out to see how deep it is in the open. Shovel and snow broom are in the garage. I'm broken hearted I have to stay in the house until Friday. That is if the oral surgeon is open Friday. If the power goes out, I have two very big dogs, wife and I can get in the middle of the bed with one on each side. It's 15 here now and dropping. So far the heat is keeping up.

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1 hour ago, tercel89 said:

The house heat pump is having a hard time keeping up with the temperature.  I had to start up our kerosene heater to help out our heat pump. 

Heat pumps are really inadequate sometimes. And we haven't even gotten to the worst of the cold yet. Not sure about middle TN but tomorrow night it's going to be down close to zero. 

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2 hours ago, Sleep profit said:

I bet you’re dogs are enjoying a good romp through the snow

The littlest one is half bulldog and half beagle. He runs across the porch and slides in the snow. The big one sticks his nose in the snow and throws it up in the air. LOL

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1 hour ago, tercel89 said:

The house heat pump is having a hard time keeping up with the temperature.  I had to start up our kerosene heater to help out our heat pump. 

Just curious if you have put your heat pump in emergency heat mode? The HVAC guy who installed ours recommends switching it to emergency heat mode in these real cold temps.

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The snow has stopped for now but Knoxville is still smack dab in the middle of light blue on the radar. More accumulation is predicted, flash freezing, black ice, all manners of chaos. 

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2 minutes ago, Protongunner said:

Just curious if you have put your heat pump in emergency heat mode? The HVAC guy who installed ours recommends switching it to emergency heat mode in these real cold temps.

Yes , it switched over to emergency heat mode last night. The kerosene heater was able to bring it back up to proper temp. 

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2 minutes ago, tercel89 said:

Yes , it switched over to emergency heat mode last night. The kerosene heater was able to bring it back up to proper temp. 

Something ain’t right. I have a heat pump, it’ll keep the house whatever temp I set for t on no matter what happens outside. You might want to get your HVAC guy back out to check it out.

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My ‘02 4Runner with nearly brand new tires is the snow master.  Went out earlier today to the corner store  when there was only 4” of snow on the ground.

Just did it again with 8” or so of this mess because of wife.

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4 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

I never found driving in the snow difficult, but boy! The other people out there sure make me nervous!!!

That was my evening. I lost traction and slid, near nobody. the gal going the other way though a minute later found my bumper real easy 😕

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6 minutes ago, NoBanStan said:

That was my evening. I lost traction and slid, near nobody. the gal going the other way though a minute later found my bumper real easy 😕

That is an added bonus to the fact I drive junk. I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it if no one was injured.

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1 hour ago, darsk20 said:

In Chattanooga it is very dependent on where. Within a 20 mile radius it was literally between 0” and 7”. 

now that’s what I call typical Chattanooga weather. 

We had about 4”, my Mom about 10 miles south had 2-3 and 10 south of that there was none. My sister about the same north had 7, and friends about 10 miles east had none. 

Similar here. The Knoxville and Loudon folks got snow, here in Maryville we got icy slush.  Temp stayed about 33 degrees all day. It's snowed a little in the last couple hours so we'll have an inch of snow on top all the ice that's gonna form overnight. The roads will be ugly tomorrow. 

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