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The Dogs of TGO. (aka Show Me Your Doggos!)

TGO David

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3 hours ago, Kano said:

He is a Doggo ... Dogo Canario

He is very large for the breed weighting 165 pounds 30" at the withers.

Most males are 125 pounds to 140 pounds 26" at the withers ... 

They are also called Presa Canario ... not for first time owners but great family dogs if you train them from an early age.

They bite hard and once they are going after something you better have a well-trained dog that listens to your commands. 





1 year 4 mth 165 pounds (4).jpg

Now THAT is a beast! And a beautiful one at that. 

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  • 2 months later...

After losing my 2 older Shepards in 2023, we brought home this fluff pup to regain some joy. His name is Shadow. He and our remaining shepard, Winchester are inseparable. A 2-year-old and a 2-month-old.....please pray for me LOL.




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This was Burley , my buddy and my other child. I raised him from a puppy. His mom was a Jack Russell and his father was a Black Lab ( imagine that situation with a step-ladder LOL) . He passed away a few years ago at the age of 17. He watched my son go from Kindergarten all the way through graduating college. He was my buddy. He rode in my lap , watched over my family and was just awesome ! The picture of him with the pistol was not meant to have him in it but he kept laying in front of the gun and it turned out to be one of his most majestic pictures. I love you and miss you Burley ! 





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2 hours ago, tercel89 said:

This was Burley , my buddy and my other child. I raised him from a puppy. His mom was a Jack Russell and his father was a Black Lab ( imagine that situation with a step-ladder LOL) . He passed away a few years ago at the age of 17. He watched my son go from Kindergarten all the way through graduating college. He was my buddy. He rode in my lap , watched over my family and was just awesome ! The picture of him with the pistol was not meant to have him in it but he kept laying in front of the gun and it turned out to be one of his most majestic pictures. I love you and miss you Burley ! 





Reminds me so much of my Molly. The poses that is. Molly loved to ride. Didn't care where we went, just got to get in the old truck and lean agains me or lay her head on my leg. She rarely hung out the window. That just didn't seem important to her.

Lost her to cancer, not quite 2 years ago. Still hurts. I miss her running out to greet me. I just pray I'll be worthy enough to find her again in Heaven.

That's all. If I look at more of these I'll be crying and have to explain it to my wife. But she understands.

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is our yellow lab/german shepherd mix. We got him from a shelter at the beginning of Covid as a puppy. Met his breeders by chance a couple years later. His sister is a TSA dog.  He’s been perfect for us, loyal and great with my daughter and fierce protector of the house. 



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  • 6 months later...
On 12/2/2023 at 8:19 AM, papa61 said:



Matilda and Venus. Our Great Dane and our step dog. Venus belongs to my step daughter


Timmy, our 7-9 year old part Dane rescue with Matilda


Timmy and Matilda competing for Mama's attention. Don't mess with Mama, they don't like that.


Timmy is 140lbs of attitude, he knows what you tell him, he just decides if and when he will do it. 
Matilda is 3 years old, covid dog, she sleeps between us.
Venus is a big round ball of chicken. the pic of her laying with Matilda is because she couldn't get out of the corner.

Timmy has been gone for a while. His loss left me devastated and Matilda lonely. I didn't want to get another but there was a hole that needed filled. We drove 200miles each way to Hamilton Mississippi to get Snoopy. He is 16 months and smaller than Matilda but he is as sweet as any pup could ever be. He has latched onto me and I am very pleased. He and Matilda got to play outside together for tha first time today and they wrestled and played quite well. I have prayed for 10 days while keeping a gate between them and can say God is great. He is rarely far enough away for me to get a good pic but his coloring mimics our Timmy. I am amazed that he bonded with me so quickly. He has put on a little weight and is doing fabulous.

pic inside is what I usually see when I move, even a little LOL



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This is Dixie. Sadly had to put her down in May, cancerous tumor came back in her foot (had one removed back in 2018), and she was struggling physically. She would have been 13 next month. We got her a month after being married, she was around for so many stages of life, birth of 4 kids and several moves. She was kind of dumb and silly, but the sweetest dog in the world. Never showed an ounce of aggression her entire time on earth. It’s funny, she came from a duck hunting blood line but was afraid of the water and gun shy. She was my best friend other than my wife. 






Edited by steveo50
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