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The Dogs of TGO. (aka Show Me Your Doggos!)

TGO David

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47 minutes ago, mike_f said:



Looks like Lilly and Tanner might be related. He really, really, really hates squirrels.


Squirrel s.jpg

Tanner Chair s.jpg

😁😁Yeah, not so much a squirrel dog as she is a mole dog.She will chase about anything though.I was bush  hogging  in the field this summer and she saw a doe and a fawn, she chased them in the woods. About 5 seconds later here she came out of the woods flying at a very high speed with the doe in hot pursuit right on her butt. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen!😂😂

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1 hour ago, jeff43 said:

Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t know which is worse , the mole or the dog tearing up the yard.🤔

I had one about 8 years ago that was a real mole-killin fool. I'll take the mutt over the mole any day, LOL.

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Matilda and Venus. Our Great Dane and our step dog. Venus belongs to my step daughter


Timmy, our 7-9 year old part Dane rescue with Matilda


Timmy and Matilda competing for Mama's attention. Don't mess with Mama, they don't like that.


Timmy is 140lbs of attitude, he knows what you tell him, he just decides if and when he will do it. 
Matilda is 3 years old, covid dog, she sleeps between us.
Venus is a big round ball of chicken. the pic of her laying with Matilda is because she couldn't get out of the corner.

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Thank you all for sharing the pics of your pups!

Just a quick post before I head in to work a bit.

Good on you @A.J. Holst ! Awesome helper you’ve got.

 I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Boo before and can confidently say she is a “Good Girl”, but I would not want to get on her bad-side. 😉 

My pups, 2 sets of Pekingese (Bastian & Lil then Buckley & Grace) over a 25 year period are in Heaven guarding my Bride. But I know Rhonda has her hands full with them! Entitled little devils but they gave us a lot of love in their time. 😇

(My son just sent this pic to me after I told him about my vicarious living through it).


Thanks again to all!


The little guy is Poe. He’s resting on his sister Nala.

Nala is a squirrel killer. Poe couldn’t be bothered with such.



Edited by Jamie Jackson
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I had at least one dog in my life since age 6 and most of them were or are rescue dogs. The last 2 where some type of terriers which 1 of them I had for 18 years and she was rescued by me from a big wild  yellow  Tomcat that had stole her from a litter somewhere and was going to make a meal of it until a 22lr ended that. Animal control had been trying to trap it without success so when I had the chance I took it and I thought it had a rat but it turned out to be a newborn puppy that I ended up bottle feeding and buying doggie milk at 10 bucks a can which the Vet set me up with all the stuff I needed. I had animal control come out and collect the dead cat and all their cage traps they had set around my house. The guy thanked me for killing the cat as he was getting complaints from everyone in the neighborhood about it. I named her Kasey and I had her for 18 years and lost her to heart failure. It was like losing a Child and I still have her on top of my TV console. I had her cremated and placed in an urn. About 3 months a friend of mine brought a dog to  me that could have been Kasey's sister in appearance and he had to find a home for her because he was moving and the new place didn't allow pets. Her name was Darby and I took her in. I only had her about 3 years and lost her to kidney Failure and I have her on my TV console also. Now for present time I have a best friend name Rosie and my daughter was doing Home Health Care and one of her patients was a breeder of Basset Hounds and she had a 5 year old that she could no longer breed and was going to have her put down and my daughter sent me a picture of her and I told her to get her so she told the woman that her father was Rosie so they made arrangements to get her to me. I still have her and she is now almost 8 years old and spoiled rotten.  


DSCF2525 (1).JPG


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3 hours ago, bersaguy said:

I had at least one dog in my life since age 6 and most of them were or are rescue dogs. The last 2 where some type of terriers which 1 of them I had for 18 years and she was rescued by me from a big wild  yellow  Tomcat that had stole her from a litter somewhere and was going to make a meal of it until a 22lr ended that. Animal control had been trying to trap it without success so when I had the chance I took it and I thought it had a rat but it turned out to be a newborn puppy that I ended up bottle feeding and buying doggie milk at 10 bucks a can which the Vet set me up with all the stuff I needed. I had animal control come out and collect the dead cat and all their cage traps they had set around my house. The guy thanked me for killing the cat as he was getting complaints from everyone in the neighborhood about it. I named her Kasey and I had her for 18 years and lost her to heart failure. It was like losing a Child and I still have her on top of my TV console. I had her cremated and placed in an urn. About 3 months a friend of mine brought a dog to  me that could have been Kasey's sister in appearance and he had to find a home for her because he was moving and the new place didn't allow pets. Her name was Darby and I took her in. I only had her about 3 years and lost her to kidney Failure and I have her on my TV console also. Now for present time I have a best friend name Rosie and my daughter was doing Home Health Care and one of her patients was a breeder of Basset Hounds and she had a 5 year old that she could no longer breed and was going to have her put down and my daughter sent me a picture of her and I told her to get her so she told the woman that her father was Rosie so they made arrangements to get her to me. I still have her and she is now almost 8 years old and spoiled rotten.  


DSCF2525 (1).JPG


I had the pleasure of meeting Darby and Kasey. I didn’t know Kasey had passed. I’ve not got to meet Rosie yet. Looks like you’re taking good care of her.

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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

I had the pleasure of meeting Darby and Kasey. I didn’t know Kasey had passed. I’ve not got to meet Rosie yet. Looks like you’re taking good care of her.

Yea I'm trying to give Rosie a good life since the only thing she was used for was breeding and when she was no longer good for that they were going to put her down so I'm spoiling her as much as I can. I found out last year that she has a heart  condition and has to take medication twice a day and the Vet has put her on a diet and I have to buy special food for her that costs $50.00 for 12 cans which is about $100.00 a month and her meds are $62.00 a month but I will spend what ever it costs as long as she is happy. She also loves all the attention I can give her and she soaks it up like a sponge. I found out that the breeder does not show her dogs any affection at all because they are not pets according to her. I noticed when I first got her that she would cower down when I would try and pet her like she was abused and it took me about 2 months to get her out of that so now when I pet her it seems to never be enough now...lol.

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Here are a few pictures I didn't know I had on this computer. The one is of Kasey in the Jeep and ready to go for a ride. The other one is of Buttons. He was my wife's dog and I adopted him when my wife passed away. He was a Chinese Cryst and the only hair on him was on his head and I had him for about 10 years after Margie passed away and he passed away from heart failure at age 15. I had him cremated and buried his ashes with Margie. 



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19 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

Here are a few pictures I didn't know I had on this computer. The one is of Kasey in the Jeep and ready to go for a ride. The other one is of Buttons. He was my wife's dog and I adopted him when my wife passed away. He was a Chinese Cryst and the only hair on him was on his head and I had him for about 10 years after Margie passed away and he passed away from heart failure at age 15. I had him cremated and buried his ashes with Margie. 



Here is another few of Darby I didn't know I had on this computer. As you can see Darby and Kasey look like they should be sisters but they are not. You can tell the difference in weight is about the only way I can tell them apart in pictures.



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Here's my daughter, Maggie, with our purebred yellow labs Daisy and Shelby, and our pitbull / cattle dog mix, Barrett.


We have always had a dog since we first got our own house. The kids grew up with a big 90lbs pitbull / black lab mix, Sebastian, who was so gentle that he'd let them bounce on his head, and so intimidating that the Jehova's Witnesses stopped knocking. 

Sebastian was a rescue, just like every dog we've had since. He was a 7 month old that was too much puppy for his original family to handle. Being black and a pit mix, he was not likely to be adopted. We found him at the pound on his last chance month, and he was the best-behaved dog anyone could ask for.

When we moved to a house with property, Sebastian gained a little brother, Scout. He was a cattle dog / shepherd mix that looked just like a half-sized German shepherd. A lifelong puppy-sized short-haired shepherd that leapt up cliff faces like a mountain goat. He was a street rescue from Calexico. Injured in his first weeks of life, a dog charity imported him to the US. Whatever happened to him down there left a permanent impression on him, because he was extremely, inconsolably aggressive to only one kind of person: Hispanic males. He was a mixed mutt from the streets of Mexico; he was our Racist Street Taco.

Barrett was a rescue from the pound; friends picked him up in Texas as he was about to be put down. He'd had a hard first year; he grew up in the shelter and overcame Parvo. My friends tried keeping him but he had a submissive peeing habit that they couldn't beat. They drove him 1000 miles to us in Chattanooga just to give him another shot. It's been six months and there's no more peeing.  I like dog training.

His purebred sisters are rescues, too. They were $1000 AKC puppies who were adopted by a single lady who works 10+ hours in an ER and lives in a condo. Apparently, she decided that might not be the best recipe for success with two 60lbs dogs after the puppies destroyed the condo a few times over and earned her some HOA violations. We agreed to take them in, and now they're right at home on acres upon acres of private ranch.

We never go out to buy a dog. There are so many in need already, and somehow they seem to find us at just the right time. We love our dogs, and we're glad to have a place for them.

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He is a Doggo ... Dogo Canario

He is very large for the breed weighting 165 pounds 30" at the withers.

Most males are 125 pounds to 140 pounds 26" at the withers ... 

They are also called Presa Canario ... not for first time owners but great family dogs if you train them from an early age.

They bite hard and once they are going after something you better have a well-trained dog that listens to your commands. 





1 year 4 mth 165 pounds (4).jpg

Edited by Kano
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This is Pascal.  My daughter named him after Rapunzel’s lizard in the Disney movie Tangled.  Pascal is 12 years old, weighs six pounds, and has no teeth, but he thinks he is a wolverine.  IMG_8175.thumb.jpeg.1790fb5e28c2145c36d9e8723f403aee.jpeg

This is Cody.  We lost him in February.  He had 8 or 10 pounds on Pascal, but had a much better disposition.  He always looked like he was smiling.  


This is our other dog, Teddy.  Teddy is actually a cat, but may have more dog DNA than Pascal.  Teddy is the friendliest pet we’ve ever had.  IMG_8174.thumb.jpeg.5f1f19f9ef371e166a225786db24479d.jpeg

Edited by deerslayer
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