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Handgun Hunting...Who Uses a Handgun to Hunt and What Do You Use?

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I have used a variety of handguns over the years.  Started off with a Contender in 30-30.  Then switched to a 1911 for a while.  Then I got into wheel guns and used S7W 629, Ruger 480, and a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 mag.  This season I am going to use my FK PSD in 7.5 fk.


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I mainly use the Taurus Raging Hunter in 460 S&W but picked up a Taurus 44 and plan on doing some hunting with it as well out to 50 yards. Have taken deer and pigs with the 460 and it'll flat do a number on them. This hog never took a step with a high shoulder shot. 


The Taurus 44 I picked up and going to try to do some doe patrol with it.


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20 hours ago, Henry347 said:

I mainly use the Taurus Raging Hunter in 460 S&W but picked up a Taurus 44 and plan on doing some hunting with it as well out to 50 yards. Have taken deer and pigs with the 460 and it'll flat do a number on them. This hog never took a step with a high shoulder shot. 


The Taurus 44 I picked up and going to try to do some doe patrol with it.


If you don't mind me asking, what is the recoil like on the 460 and what about on that 44? What kind of accuracy do you get with both

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I just picked this Taurus Tracker in 44 up. I've had my eyes out for a Smith in 44 for years at a good price and one never came along, so I compromised. I've shot it, but haven't hunted with it yet. After shooting it I'm very pleased and can't think of anything a Smith would do better. I believe Taurus has upped their game.  Intended purpose of this is point blank shots on pigs, so it should do fine. 



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  • 4 months later...

I have been using a S&W 357 mag revolver with a lupold scope but I found that too bulky to tote. Recently got a Glock 40 and plan to hunt with Lehigh defense solid fluted bullets. 

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