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Active shooter situation in Maine at this Time!!!

The Legion

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8 hours ago, Erik88 said:

I'm not sure how this is any different than the 100 other mass shooting events we've had. Certainly no worse than any of the shootings involving kids. In a week this one won't even be in the news. 



Agreed. The anti-gunners have been beaten into submission.

A politician may make a speech, but nothing will happen. As soon as this guy is caught or killed, everyone will move on to the next thing. 

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Thing is, he has a history of mental issues. The Army sent him to a hospital. Nothing was ever done, in spite of all the red flags. But the first thing the antis want is take away guns.

Same story. One of the few things Biden has memorized.

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13 minutes ago, Grunt67 said:

Thing is, he has a history of mental issues. The Army sent him to a hospital. Nothing was ever done, in spite of all the red flags. But the first thing the antis want is take away guns.

Same story. One of the few things Biden has memorized.

Someone’s guns probably should shave been taken away in this case. 

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12 minutes ago, Alleycat72 said:

Fixed it for you.

Didn’t need fixing but you do you.

9 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

That’s my position. If you can’t be trusted around guns, you should not be trusted around public.

I am in total agreement with that, but…

Who’s gonna pay for locking up all the nut cases in this country?  

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1 minute ago, Garufa said:

Didn’t need fixing but you do you.

I am in total agreement with that, but…

Who’s gonna pay for locking up all the nut cases in this country?  

China, they already own much of our debt, what's a few billion more?

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Let's be honest. Let's say I was red flagged and crazy as hell. They took all of my guns. All I'd have to do is go out in the yard a pick some plants or fuel up one of several big trucks I have access to. Look up placards on Google and do some cooking. The only way to stop someone is take them away. People just don't have the stomach for it anymore. 

Taking guns away is part feel good and part control. It does nothing to the bad guy, but it will control the good guys. 

The root cause is crazy mfers on happy pills. They help a lot, but a small percentage go off. 

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On 10/26/2023 at 5:25 AM, Erik88 said:

I'm not sure how this is any different than the 100 other mass shooting events we've had. Certainly no worse than any of the shootings involving kids. In a week this one won't even be in the news. 



You may be correct, or MSM may drag this one out because he’s a white male, apparently hetero, and oh my goodness, he’s a firearms instructor.  Probably a white supremacist by Monday.  

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14 minutes ago, deerslayer said:

You may be correct, or MSM may drag this one out because he’s a white male, apparently hetero, and oh my goodness, he’s a firearms instructor.  Probably a white supremacist by Monday.  

According to media, we don't know where the hell he is, but he's definitely a conservative.

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On 10/26/2023 at 5:25 AM, Erik88 said:

I'm not sure how this is any different than the 100 other mass shooting events we've had. Certainly no worse than any of the shootings involving kids. In a week this one won't even be in the news. 



A lot of events are identified as mass shootings when they're not. It's at least a real mass shooting. You're right though. It won't deliver the votes/money of a Sandy Hook.

Edited by mikegideon
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1 minute ago, deerslayer said:

I’m still not sure what extreme MAGA means.  As far as I can tell, it’s a term Democrats use to describe any Republican not named Romney, Cheney, or Kinzinger.  

It's like "assault weapon". Came right out of their brains, made to sound as scary as possible. Romney is NOT an extreme MAGA Republican. The Democrats will give him the special 5 day funeral when he finally croaks.

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I'm sick to death of Giffords view of state's gun laws. Quote all of their line on the news and fail to mention Maine has flag laws and he was know to be mentally unstable. It's the lack of gun control laws that is the cause of this. Maine gets a B in gun laws and an F- in follow through. THERE! put that s#!t on the news.

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On 10/26/2023 at 1:25 PM, Gingerbread_man said:

I would suggest that it was the primary point of the shooting. Of course, this is under the assumption that it is a "sleeper" shooting as a few others have been.

Just who/whom or what “group” is backing/running these false flag operations?  What other mass shootings are thought to be “false flag”

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