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TGO Monthly Shooting Contest - April 2009

Guest JHatmaker

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Guest JHatmaker

Several of us decided to start this back up, I don't believe it's been done since December of last year. Here are Rugerman's original rules (modified somewhat):

1. Be safe!

2. You may use any target you wish, but must be able to take an accurate/close picture of it.

3. Your submitted target must have 10 shots only on it. Best ten shot group wins. If you take 20 targets to the range that day and choose the best target of the 20, fine by me. Only one can be submitted per customer per month, though. (If you wish, you may submit a target for each caliber if you chose to shoot more than one gun, but only one taget per caliber per month per person)

4. Unless otherwise stated, we will not be shooting from a rest.

5. Have fun and get your friends involved!

6. To submit your entry, take a photo of your target (and because we love guns, have your gun in the picture, too so we can drool over your glocks, 1911's, CZ's, revolvers, etc.). Submit the photo in the thread for the month. If you have questions about uploading photos, feel free to ask. A number of people can help.

7. Past winners will be immortalized in a "hall of fame" list in each monthly thread for all to marvel at.

8. Entry's due the last day of the month, by 11:59PM and 59 seconds. Winners will be announced within a day or two.

9. There will be two divisions....centerfire pistols and rimfire pistols. You can shoot in either of those categories or both. It makes no difference to me. Just submit a different target for each if you want to do both.

UPDATE: Also, within those two divisions will be a women's division as well (not that men are better shots or anything), but instead of having two threads, we decided to combine them into one contest to get maximum participation.

Here's a printable target unless you prefer to use something else:



7 yrds out

Any position, two handed

Post a picture of the target and gun together.


Edited by JHatmaker
Adjusted rules (target choice) and added verbage for women's division
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Guest Astra900

7 yards, one handed.

45 LC 260g JHP @ 1000 FPS

No excuses I know! But this has been a difficult gun to get used to. We are still getting to know one another. Next month will be better. Promise.


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7 yards, one handed.

45 LC 260g JHP @ 1000 FPS

No excuses I know! But this has been a difficult gun to get used to. We are still getting to know one another. Next month will be better. Promise.


Some guns are just not easy to get use too... that target is not that bad ..Thanks for posting it...

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Guest JHatmaker
7 yards, one handed.

45 LC 260g JHP @ 1000 FPS

No excuses I know! But this has been a difficult gun to get used to. We are still getting to know one another. Next month will be better. Promise.

You get bonus points for being the first, good job!

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Guest clmurray

Now this looks fun...my first day on the site and participating in my first competition...lol...im going to the range in the morning and ill post results before the afternoon.

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You get bonus points for being the first, good job!

I am fairly certain there was a target posted the other day. I think it got wiped out with the server problems. Can't remember who it was though.

Any chance we can get this a sticky instead of the one from December?

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You get bonus points for being the first, good job!

Does he get extra bonus points for doing it one handed on a two handed competition? :D

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I am fairly certain there was a target posted the other day. I think it got wiped out with the server problems. Can't remember who it was though.

Any chance we can get this a sticky instead of the one from December?

The link is in Hatmakers first post.

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I am fairly certain there was a target posted the other day. I think it got wiped out with the server problems. Can't remember who it was though.

Actually, it was me that posted on the "lost day", but not looking for any bragging rights! Here it is again.

Was my first trip out with the new CZ. Got a little spazzy as you can see but it all worked out! Ammo used was S&B "Range Safe" 124gr.


Edited by Garufa
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Guest JHatmaker
Now this looks fun...my first day on the site and participating in my first competition...lol...im going to the range in the morning and ill post results before the afternoon.

Welcome to the boards!

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Guest JHatmaker
Actually, it was me that posted on the "lost day", but not looking for any bragging rights! Here it is again.

Was my first trip out with the new CZ. Got a little spazzy as you can see but it all worked out! Ammo used was S&B "Range Safe" 124gr.

Nice job!

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Guest JHatmaker
I was gonna go to G&L today to shoot for the contest, but......

I CANT FIND ANY .45ACP AMMO!!!!!!!!:P:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Have you tired the Academy Sports in your area? I know the one out here in Franklin had plenty this past Friday. Then again it doesn't stick around long.

I shot today so I'll post my results this evening. Did both a .380 and .40 target.

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Guest johnmattwill
Have you tired the Academy Sports in your area? I know the one out here in Franklin had plenty this past Friday. Then again it doesn't stick around long.

I shot today so I'll post my results this evening. Did both a .380 and .40 target.

Im gonna keep my eye out all this week and hopefully make it to shoot on Friday....... Someone around here got to have some..... :P

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Guest JHatmaker

Here's mine, I did one with a .380 and another with a .40. Had a little better luck with the .40......

SIG P232 (.380): Score 94


SIG P226 (.40): Score 98


PS - Did I score these correctly, I wasn't sure what to do if it's on the line, etc.

Edited by JHatmaker
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Here's mine, I did one with a .380 and another with a .40. Had a little better luck with the .40......

SIG P232 (.380): Score 94


SIG P226 (.40): Score 98


How many bullets did you blow doing that! Must have been the world's suppy of .380. Apparently Sig's do shoot all by themselves. :hat:

Just kidding. Great job!!!

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Guest JHatmaker

:hat: Just 1,000 rounds....j/k

3rd target was the best on the .380, 2nd was the best on the .40

I shed a tear every time I shot the .380, especially since it's so hard to find. I think I may just stick with the .40

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