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12 hours ago, Garufa said:

Camel toe?  What do you know that we don’t?

Kamala, Camel, just the way I see things.

Just one other word for female spot between the legs. I have ZERO respect for her, she is just another undeserving .gov employee that happens to be VP.

Edited by RED333
Because I can
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13 hours ago, RED333 said:

Kackling Camel Toe, she will double speak her self right into a corner.

Harris: "We all can do something to control guns, held in the hands of those who are in control of their gun. This is crucial, since gun control involves controlling guns, and controlling those who control their guns. This kind of approach to controlling guns will stop the illegal control of guns to do the damage that a controlled gun can do to people who are not in control of their guns."

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Harris is an idiot. She's only the VP because Joe needed a black woman to round out his liberal ticket. Sadly, she's the best he could get. 🙄

For the most part, she's kept in the background. When she does surface, she only embarrasses herself and the Dems.  So go ahead and put her in charge of this gun violence office. She'll just screw it up like everything else she touches. 💩

BTW: rumor is that Joe is looking for a new running mate for 2024. 😉

Edited by Grayfox54
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On 9/23/2023 at 12:33 PM, Grayfox54 said:

Harris is an idiot. She's only the VP because Joe needed a black woman to round out his liberal ticket. Sadly, she's the best he could get. 🙄

For the most part, she's kept in the background. When she does surface, she only embarrasses herself and the Dems.  So go ahead and put her in charge of this gun violence office. She'll just screw it up like everything else she touches. 💩

BTW: rumor is that Joe is looking for a new running mate for 2024. 😉

Hope joes new running mate is Fetterman  their slogan could be voting for us    Is it a no brainer  Good morning and Good night  lol 

Edited by Sleep profit
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14 hours ago, Erik88 said:

Not concerned. This group cannot pass new laws and Congress has shown they won't either. This is one of those feel good measures to show they are "doing something". 



Exactly.  This is reminiscent of the time right after the Newtown shooting in 2012 when Obama formed a commission to make recommendations for new gun control measures.  Given the situation, I was concerned that some actual legislation might be enacted, until I heard that Obama had appointed Joe Biden to head it up.  At that point I knew that it was nothing more than window dressing, and was destined to fail.  Appointing Kamala Harris to head up any new office is a kiss of death ...

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On 9/24/2023 at 7:37 AM, Erik88 said:

Not concerned. This group cannot pass new laws and Congress has shown they won't either. This is one of those feel good measures to show they are "doing something". 

There was a decent comedy movie called The Distinguished Gentleman that came out in 1992. I was a little naive about politics until then and it really opened my eyes while it entertained me. That was one of the main things I remember from that movie. Politicians show sympathy and launch inquiries that never see the light of day to make it look like they're doing something.

Edited by BigK
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Rumor is it, that the historic first-ever black female vice president will be replaced with a white male of the Pelosi stock named Gavin Newsom who will probably end up as president after sleepy Joe doesn't wake up one afternoon a few months after the election.

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5 hours ago, JonDaniels said:

Rumor is it, that the historic first-ever black female vice president will be replaced with a white male of the Pelosi stock named Gavin Newsom who will probably end up as president after sleepy Joe doesn't wake up one afternoon a few months after the election.

I find this highly unlikely, given that Biden needs a candidate on his reelection ticket who has some appeal to black voters.  Newsom is, I believe, being prepped as the 2028 candidate.

What's the source of this rumor?


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18 hours ago, Whisper said:

I find this highly unlikely, given that Biden needs a candidate on his reelection ticket who has some appeal to black voters.  Newsom is, I believe, being prepped as the 2028 candidate.

What's the source of this rumor?


Whisper, I think the black voters got a good dose of Camela and now are bored of her.  I think there is now a new fear the Democrat leaders are completely inept and senile and let's face it, neither Biden nor Camela are going to be able to serve another entire four-year term before dropping dead or being ousted.   Newsom is that the clean-cut greased hair Socialist Liberal with a political dynasty family appeal.     

There have definitely been a lot of rumors that Camela is going to be given the boot.  I've never seen a Vice-President who has been so irrelevant and useless in influence that I can remember.  Even Dan Quayle had much more respect among people than her.   The Pelosi royal family wants to take control of the US and has more power I think than we know.

I also am not a big believer that The People are going to get a choice, but rather the establishment will make the choice.  Remember, how many of the Leftists were all burnin' for Bernie and they exposed the Democrats rigged their own primaries to make sure Hillary Clinton secured the spot.

Of course, rumors are just rumors.  Definitely don't take any of what I said here as fact, just rumors that caught my attention.

Edited by JonDaniels
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On 9/25/2023 at 5:06 AM, RED333 said:


Tell me ONE thing the government is in charge of (or even distantly involved in), that has NOT become a "BIG WASTE OF OUR MONEY!!!"?

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