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Getting Old Is Not For Sissies

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I had a bad day yesterday. I face planted on a rough piece of ground. I was helping put out a round bale of hay on my daughter's horse farm. As I went through the gate, afterwards, one of the horses (Tootsie) was getting past me. I quickly rose off the seat and went off my daughter's John Deer. I usually back off and use the hand holds to get down, however decided to jump down. Well, my knees gave way, and as I went to step off, I face planted on a rough rutted driveway. 

Paying a price for that today. I ach all over. I hit face down and drove my for-head into the dirt. It almost knocked me out. I have a sore neck, a large cherry across my forehead, and both cheeks, my right hand really hurts, I cut up my left arm and am bruised badly.  To top it off, I have a Dr (Physical) visit on Thursday. My Dr always asked if I am falling. Well, can't get out of that one this time. They always ask "old people" that question I have discovered. 

I am laid up today and doing a little hunting (Outdoor Channel) from "Big Read" (my electric Lazy-Boy) whom I am in love with. My wife purchased it for me when I had bypass, because I couldn't raise up from a lying position for a few weeks. I guess you win some, and loose some. I could have jumped on that tractor 40 years ago. Thats long gone, guys. 

Hope you guys have a good day. 

Sorry and Sore IN Lascassas. 

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Take it easy and heal up.  That takes longer for us ‘mature’ folks now.  I have a hard time not trying to do what I used to be able to do.  For a while I used to say I can still do all the stuff I used to do, it just hurts more now.  Now I’m recognizing that I just can’t do it anymore.

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I hear ya Pop Pop. Thankfully I can still do most anything I put my mind to. It just takes a whole lot longer. 🙄

But then sometimes I'll think "I'll just do this thing." and my body says "Like Hell you will!" 😲

I  seem to be falling apart one piece at a time. Recently found out my gall bladder is full of rocks. I have an appointment with a surgeon next Monday. 💩

Yep, gettin' old sucks. But I guess it beats the alternative. 🙄

Edited by Grayfox54
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Heal up quickly, just tell the Dr. that he should see the other guy.  LOL

I just finished washing my F150 and the wife's RX350, I'm whooped and sitting on the ice pack now.  I'll be stiff and sore later today, and tonight.  I'll have to find something to get into tomorrow to work a bit of the stiffness out.  LOL

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Not nearly so bad as your incident, pop pop. I pulled an embarrassing stunt Monday afternoon. After taking a yard sale purchase my wife made to a location to be powder coated...I decided to unhook my 10 ft. utility and roll it into my usual storage spot.

Short version of a long story. I didn't get enough forward momentum to position it aginst the chocks and it rolled back on me. Dodged the tongue and frame, but backpeddling didn't work and I planted my butt on the gravel and had the trailer smack me in the leg before it stopped.

Now the leg is fine. At least as fine as bad leg can be. But my back and butt aren't to happy with me. Got some spectacular bruises...no pics on this...and sore low back and ribs. Wife didn't know i was doing this. So you can guess the conversation that ensued.

As I lay on the ground contemplating the vaguries of life and stupid old men that refuse to accept what we cannot do any longer...I just thought of more pleasant days...like when I could walk without a cane. Make love all night long and pleasure a woman to screams of ecextasy. Well the first part anyway.

Cursing myself heavily, I had to crawl over to the bumper of my vehicle to have a brace to get up. Then wifey pokes her head out and asks what's taking so long! 


Glad you are ok. If your doc is anything like mine...it could be an interesting conversation as you attempt to explain why you thought you could do this. Good luck with it.

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Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery @pop pop.

My respect for, and avoidance of, confrontations with gravity grow more each year. Gravity is simply indiscriminate in it's ability to abuse us, especially as we age... and recovery takes a bit longer each time.

I've done a good bit of home remodeling in the past couple of years, all with "aging in place" at it's core (I'm knocking on 70's door). Stair Lift, walk-in shower, grab bars and handrails etc. And still have the walkers, shower chairs etc. my beloved once needed readily available.

I've seen too many negative outcomes from injuries during my past 50 years in Health Care.

The mind may be willing. But...

Again, speedy recovery Sir.



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Rest up, hope you get to feeling better. I know exactly how you feel, I'm in the process of replacing my trucks complete ac from the compressor to all the lines and dryer under the hood. Got just about everything out except for the dryer those fittings are a bear so I ordered a tool to help with separateing the lines. Putting in the compressor and getting the belt back on took its toll on me. It sucks getting old, and dealing with some medical issues that I was diagnosed with two years ago, and my strength just isn't the same. Heal up and rest up, that's what I'm doing until the parts come in tomorrow so I can finish it up. Take care, your not the only one to feel this way about getting old.

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Rest up and get well. 
The thing that makes old men grouchy is sitting in your easy chair and thinking of the things that need doing. Your 20 year old mind says it won’t take long. But when you try to get up your 70 year old body says sit down fool where do you think you’re going. 
Gotta love it. 

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I am some better this morning, although sore in different places. What gets me is, when sitting and thinking about what happened, I realize, like most old men, my abilities are really waning. That is hard guys, as many know. I will survive, with Gods help and time, and need to think before I act from now on. Thanks for all the comments and well wishes, guys. Takes time, at this stage in life, to recover from our mistakes, don't it! 

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Glad your starting to feel some better. Your spot on about thinking twice before you act, it's hard to admit that as we get older or go through health issues to act our age at some form when it comes to doing things we did in our 20'(I'm glad I lived through those "Bullet Proof" years). Take care.

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On 7/25/2023 at 10:49 AM, Grayfox54 said:

I hear ya Pop Pop. Thankfully I can still do most anything I put my mind to. It just takes a whole lot longer. 🙄

But then sometimes I'll think "I'll just do this thing." and my body says "Like Hell you will!" 😲

I  seem to be falling apart one piece at a time. Recently found out my gall bladder is full of rocks. I have an appointment with a surgeon next Monday. 💩

Yep, gettin' old sucks. But I guess it beats the alternative. 🙄

Good luck with the Gallbladders stones and surgery. My son-in-law Tommy  went through that surgery last Sunday and he is only 52 and he has been laid up in a recliner since he got back home on Monday. He is off work for 4 weeks and then goes back to light duty for 4 more weeks. 

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On 7/25/2023 at 10:26 AM, Defender said:

Take it easy and heal up.  That takes longer for us ‘mature’ folks now.  I have a hard time not trying to do what I used to be able to do.  For a while I used to say I can still do all the stuff I used to do, it just hurts more now.  Now I’m recognizing that I just can’t do it anymore.

I'd give anything to be able to prove you wrong but I'm living proof you aren't . . . . .

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