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Road to Socialsim

Guest nraforlife

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Guest bkelm18
  nraforlife said:
For all those who think we are not on the road to socialism and think those of us raising a stink about the path our country is on are tinfoil hatters.

Barack Obama Maintains Control Over Banks By Refusing to Accept Repayment of TARP Money - WSJ.com

And you're also the same folks who cry about the media being biased and lying to the populace, and yet you link to a news media article to "prove" your point, whatever it is.


I'm starting to think it should be mandatory to check "facts" or stories at impatial info sources (ala snopes.com, etc.), and spending some time outside the south before posting anything in this forum.

Also, the book "what's the matter with Kansas?" should be required reading...


I'm starting to think it should be mandatory to check "facts" or stories at impartial info sources (ala snopes.com, etc.), and spending some time outside the south before posting anything in this forum.

Also, the book "what's the matter with Kansas?" should be required reading...


The guy just went overseas to the G-20 and badmouthed America (I guess that's what happens when you listen to Jeramiah Wright for 20 years). Why do so many still defend him?

Definition of socialism (not mine but Websters):


Main Entry: so·cial·ism audio.gif Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ Function: noun Date: 1837

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done


Forget what anyone says, Obama has enacted #1

  CK1 said:
I'm starting to think it should be mandatory to check "facts" or stories at impatial info sources (ala snopes.com, etc.), and spending some time outside the south before posting anything in this forum.

Also, the book "what's the matter with Kansas?" should be required reading...

Why would anyone in their right mind want to leave the South??


I agree all pizza is not equal, pizza here is not so good.

And how does anyone know if snopes has an agenda or not? There has been stuff they remarked on that was later proved incorrect.

Obama bad mouthing the USA???? Yeah there is a suprise.

Someone should invent a drinking game where you have to take a drink everytime he mutters "uhm" when speaking. But then I guess there would be no one still awake after a few minutes of him talking without a script.


Snopes is run by a husband and wife team (iow, small operation) - it's up to you to determine exactly what their biases are...

  CK1 said:
I'm starting to think it should be mandatory to check "facts" or stories at impartial info sources (ala snopes.com, etc.), and spending some time outside the south before posting anything in this forum.

Also, the book "what's the matter with Kansas?" should be required reading...

Snopes is known to have been wrong. Shucks, if the gvnmnt or media says it I believe it:tinfoil:



I don't know that snopes is biased but I dare say anywhere there is money involved that there is an agenda. So no telling if anything you read or hear from a website or news source that accepts advertising is actually the truth and nothing but the truth.

Guest nraforlife
  Batman said:
... Why do so many still defend him?...

Because ( ANY combination of the following )

1) To do otherwise would be to admit they were wrong

2) To do otherwise would mean they would have to do something to rectify the problem.

3) To do otherwise would open themselves up to being called a Racist.

4) Because they agree with him

5) Because they are sucking on the public teat

Guest tnjimbob
  nraforlife said:
Because ( ANY combination of the following )

1) To do otherwise would be to admit they were wrong

2) To do otherwise would mean they would have to do something to rectify the problem.

3) To do otherwise would open themselves up to being called a Racist.

4) Because they agree with him

5) Because they are sucking on the public teat

to add to the above (all excellent points, btw):

6) Nobody wants to tell him he is overstepping his authority for fear of reprisal.

7) it is cool to bash America amongst liberals. I think liberals want to assuage their guilt for being successful.

8) Despite Capitalism being proven successful for many years here in America, many feel that it is time for a change ("hope & change" anyone? Al Bore saying the Constitution is a "living document and subject to interpretation") and they point to perceived success of European countries & the EU. They equate alleged cultural sophistication with a move towards Governmental socialism/communism, despite the failed attempts by Russia, etc.

Any/all of the above & you can see why Obama still has more positive support than negative.

Guest mikedwood

I think we have been socialist for years and years. After WW II it got worse and worse. I think any government at all implies a some level of socialism. I suppose the question is when does it get uncomfortable for you.

Socialism scares me because it is getting less and less where anything is yours, or mine. It's all ours. With public schools it's not even your children or my children. They are ours or to be more specific the governments.

Wait for public healthcare when it's not your body or mine, but ours or rather the governments.

But the kicker is no real way to stop it. As the problem with a pure democracy was when people figured out a way to vote themselves a raise it was over. Well a large enough portion has figured out how to do it from within a republic. So here we stand not so united.

  mikedwood said:
I think we have been socialist for years and years. After WW II it got worse and worse. I think any government at all implies a some level of socialism. I suppose the question is when does it get uncomfortable for you.

Socialism scares me because it is getting less and less where anything is yours, or mine. It's all ours. With public schools it's not even your children or my children. They are ours or to be more specific the governments.

Wait for public healthcare when it's not your body or mine, but ours or rather the governments.

But the kicker is no real way to stop it. As the problem with a pure democracy was when people figured out a way to vote themselves a raise it was over. Well a large enough portion has figured out how to do it from within a republic. So here we stand not so united.

It's an Argument of the Beard. There is no definite answer, you just have to know it when you see it. The problem is some aren't looking.

We are on the same road as good intentions.:cool::screwy:


let me see something...first republicans wanted an uncontroled corporations and banks, because goverment has no business controling them..right....then, when they screw up and waste gazillions of tax payers money they decided to bail them out with some more of bazillions of tax payers dollars (Bush started with that, not Obama) ...???...then when Obama says that goverment (tax payers) need to control those corporations, then they are socialists...??? ...you guys are talking about socialism without having a single clue what that means.....


Guest EasilyObsessed
  44M said:
let me see something...first republicans wanted an uncontroled corporations and banks, because goverment has no business controling them..right....then, when they screw up and waste gazillions of tax payers money they decided to bail them out with some more of bazillions of tax payers dollars (Bush started with that, not Obama) ...???...then when Obama says that goverment (tax payers) need to control those corporations, then they are socialists...??? ...you guys are talking about socialism without having a single clue what that means.....


It is hard to take an pro-socialism argument seriously from someone who can't spell "government" correctly.

  44M said:
let me see something...first republicans wanted an uncontroled corporations and banks, because goverment has no business controling them..right....then, when they screw up and waste gazillions of tax payers money they decided to bail them out with some more of bazillions of tax payers dollars (Bush started with that, not Obama) ...???...then when Obama says that goverment (tax payers) need to control those corporations, then they are socialists...??? ...you guys are talking about socialism without having a single clue what that means.....


Again you miss the point. folks here were not happy about the original TARP or bailout as was most Americans. Polls (take them with a grain of salt) show that and were not even close. The "regulations" are what caused all this mess in the first place. Trying to interject even infantile socialism is what has led to these failures. Same as what happened in the 20's/30's.

The Auto industry + government forced union contracts, cafe standards, etc = massive failure.

Banks/lending + government forced loans, and loan guideline = MASSIVE failure.

None so blind as he who refuses to see, my friend Db.

  44M said:
let me see something...first republicans wanted an uncontroled corporations and banks, because goverment has no business controling them..right....then, when they screw up and waste gazillions of tax payers money they decided to bail them out with some more of bazillions of tax payers dollars (Bush started with that, not Obama) ...???...then when Obama says that goverment (tax payers) need to control those corporations, then they are socialists...??? ...you guys are talking about socialism without having a single clue what that means.....


First off lets get our facts straight. The bank debacle got its legs when the socialist idea that Clinton initiated to let folks buy houses they couldn't afford. They simply strong armed banks to make this happen.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending - The New York Times

Secondly, the bailouts never should have happened. The idea that a company is too big to fail is a farce. Capitalism survives on success and failures. For every large company that fails there are hundreds of smaller companies vying for those accounts. They have to be allowed to fail. Yes, that means GM, AIG, etc. If the government would have kept their nose out of it, GM would have had to go to chapter 11 and rework. So, now we spent billions on them and they will still have to go chapter 11. AIG it seems will likely have to do the same.

Guest Ghostrider
  timcalhoun said:
First off lets get our facts straight. The bank debacle got its legs when the socialist idea that Clinton initiated to let folks buy houses they couldn't afford. They simply strong armed banks to make this happen.

If I may, it wasn't Clinton who signed the CRA into law, it was (drumroll) JimBob Carter. Billy Jeff Clinton just put it on steroids as he was heading out (with the white house silverware).

Please observe - these are long but tell it in "their own words". Oh, did I mention bho is in the first one bragging about what he did to break the economy?

YouTube - EVIDENCE FOUND!!! Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tie to all of it!!!

YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

I sent them to some friends of mine last week, one of which replied that they made him so angry he wanted to throw his chair through the window.

And finally, for you old guys (like me) a bit of counter-culture used against itself....

YouTube - Mr. Jefferson -The Mike Church Show Band

Please note the D's and R's - even though it is my personal belief that we need a new part (US Conservatives) to take over.


Folks, it seems to me that some of y'all want to give one party credit for the crap that's going on. It's both parties. Remember, these B*$^~r%s don't even have to vote on giving themselves a raise any longer. They get an automatic COLA. AND they have the best retirement and health care that WE can buy. $174,000 a year is what they steal from us. And this is just their "salary".

Pay and Perquisites of Members of Congress, from TheCapitol.Net, exclusive provider of Congressional Quarterly Executive Conferences :tinfoil:

Guest nraforlife

Pitchforks and torches...

  nraforlife said:
Pitchforks and torches...

With hotdogs & beer following the festivities! :)

Seriously though, the left wing and right wing of American politics is attached to the varmint that is eating the guts out of this country.

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