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Yet another noob here!

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Or so I say, at least, with only 4 guns to my name right now, but love to shoot. The better half, convinced that Obomination will devolve from socialism to near-total anarchy in the next couple of years, has finally agreed to allow me to spend more $$ on firearms. We've joined the NRA, done HCP, etc. A lurker for a couple months, I'm here to learn from you fine folks.

I've learned that the world of guns seems to be something that doesn't have many folks like me in it: the dabbler who likes guns but only has a few and knows a lot to someone who has never shot a gun but is an idiot who only knows enough to be dangerous to a certified gun nut. In other words, it seems that most folks either don't know anything and own no guns at all, or seem to live and breathe it, own about 50 and know pretty much everything (until the next guy who also owns 50 guns and knows pretty much everything disagrees, j/k :shrug:).

Anyhoo, I'm trying to learn from "locals" enough information to avoid getting taken in my purchases, and also hopefully buy the right stuff to begin with. My goal is to move up from a total "egg-no-ra-moose" to "purty smart" on the sliding scale of knowledge on the the Cracker Barrel golf tee game.


Edited by Dobervol
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My goal is to move up from a total "egg-no-ra-moose" to "purty smart" on the sliding scale of knowledge on the the Cracker Barrel golf tee game.

Well just for that little gem I like you already! :shrug:

Welcome to TGO. It's not how many guns you own that matters, it's how you shoot them. :P

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