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Mass migration of illegals

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The entire issue is that we are a  humane society and can't deal with the fact of women and Children and some older adults being abused. Turning them away just is not who we are deep down inside. That is just a fact and the countries these people are running from know it. We began a Green Card Program for migrant farm workers because Our larger farmers that provide us with farm products could not get enough American workers willing to work for the low wages. The problem began when Green Cards were expiring, instead of the workers going back home they just got lost and stayed here. They found jobs that paid more and just stayed because most employers didn't do background checks back years ago. Now this is what the simple Green Card program has become.....JMHO

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The Democrats want the illegals here. They want open borders and to fast track the road to citizenship. The reason is simple. The vast majority of these people vote Democrat. 

I have no problem with legal immigration or work visas. The problem is that there are thousands of illegals crossing our borders daily without any papers at all, They're scattering all over the country to take advantage of government programs that they don't pay one cent for.  

Migrant workers may be a necessary evil in regard to farming and food processing. But what about the thousands of them in New York, Chicago or even Memphis and other large cities? There ain't a whole lot of farm work there. 🙄

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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

Take a few thousand buddies down to the Rio Grande and try to bust into Mexico. The Federales will show you how to deal with it.

Right.  Does any other country take in 5 million illegals  immigrants  And demand taxpayers pay. the cost. Other countries know it would bankrupt them  America is 32 Trillion dollars in debt  and is close to defaulting on their debt if the ceiling is not raised.  Which it will be    We may need immigrants but this  is. to many to fast 

Edited by Sleep profit
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Another issue is companies hiring illegals without checking any backgrounds. They should not be employed without a full background check. Again it goes back to people not doing their job and checking them out before employment. Tommy (son-in law) has been approached on several occasions  by someone wanting a job. He hands them an Application and says bring it back when you get it completed. Funny that they never come back. That is why he uses Temp company that does background checks on all people they employ. Tommy made a deal with the  Temp Employment company that as long as they can keep him supplied with quality people he would pay them the same scale as his full time help. So far he has used this company for over 2 years.

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42 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

The reason is simple. The vast majority of these people vote Democrat. 

It's been widely reported that Hispanic voters are turning more and more conservative. Many of them don't agree with liberal views. I'm not picking on you Grayfox but this seems to be a widely held misconception. A lot of these people are hard working, family oriented and religious. During the last election a record amount cast their vote for Trump. Even NPR reported on this trend. 



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4 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

It's been widely reported that Hispanic voters are turning more and more conservative. Many of them don't agree with liberal views. I'm not picking on you Grayfox but this seems to be a widely held misconception. A lot of these people are hard working, family oriented and religious. During the last election a record amount cast their vote for Trump. Even NPR reported on this trend. 



I agree that many did vote conservative but it would not have made a difference if 15 million voted for Trump. The fix was in and Biden was going to win.

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4 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

Interesting. I could be wrong. I really hope that you're right. 

But the democrats do believe the migrants will vote for them. That's why they want them here. Especially the ones that flock to blue states. 

I agree with you Fox! They are flocking to Blue states By bus loads and Airplanes due to Governors in states thinking it will help their state!!! That does nothing but turn what may be a Red vote to a Blue vote 

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21 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

It's been widely reported that Hispanic voters are turning more and more conservative. Many of them don't agree with liberal views. I'm not picking on you Grayfox but this seems to be a widely held misconception. A lot of these people are hard working, family oriented and religious. During the last election a record amount cast their vote for Trump. Even NPR reported on this trend. 

Grayfox is still correct- 2020 election, 66% of Hispanics voted Democrat. The Dems know they can flip Texas and never lose the Presidency again if they let in enough illegals and grant them voting rights. It's not about crops or caring about humanity; it's a calculated plan guaranteed to change this country to have a Democratic super majority, a la California.

Reagan cut a deal once to legalize nearly 3 million illegals in a compromise with Democrats. Now the Dems are seeing that as a blueprint to do a repeat, with the idea of pretending it will stem illegals entering & staying in the country.


Considering we have 4x's the number of illegals now (more really, but who is allowed to quibble?) that's an obvious lie. We need secured borders, controlled immigration, and a return to work Visas for agriculture needs. Reagan tried to work with Dems. It was a bust. But the Dems see a route to never ending political control if they can sucker another president to sign off on a similar "amnesty citizenship" deal.

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2 hours ago, Grayfox54 said:

The Democrats want the illegals here. They want open borders and to fast track the road to citizenship. The reason is simple. The vast majority of these people vote Democrat. 

I have no problem with legal immigration or work visas. The problem is that there are thousands of illegals crossing our borders daily without any papers at all, They're scattering all over the country to take advantage of government programs that they don't pay one cent for.  

Migrant workers may be a necessary evil in regard to farming and food processing. But what about the thousands of them in New York, Chicago or even Memphis and other large cities? There ain't a whole lot of farm work there. 🙄

I know of no one who has a problem with LEGAL immigration.

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I heard someone on YouTube this morning saying New York now has 33,000 illegals and is spending one billion a year on public assistance for them. ( housing assistance, medical care, food assistance, cell phones, etc). With 5 million entering the country since Biden took office and figuring $27,000 per immigrant per year year cost to the government, which is what the governor of New York claims it costs, They are costing American taxpayers 130 Billion per year just for the 5 million that have come in since Biden opened the border.  This works out to $407 for every man, woman and child citizen in this country. If you are married and have two children your share of the migrant cost is $1,628 a year. Disclaimer, I have not researched these figures and am just repeating a YouTube poster but have no reason not to believe the figures.

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The inflation of recent times has shown us people want their food cost back down, quickly.  That means migrant workers in the fields.  Nowhere close to even half of Americans are willing and able to meet the productivity to pay ratio of migrant.

Also, the news is queueing up their summer stories to fill time when Congress takes summer vacations once the debt ceiling is in the rear view.

See y'all back here in this thread or a new one in a few years.

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39 minutes ago, btq96r said:

The inflation of recent times has shown us people want their food cost back down, quickly.  That means migrant workers in the fields.  Nowhere close to even half of Americans are willing and able to meet the productivity to pay ratio of migrant.

Also, the news is queueing up their summer stories to fill time when Congress takes summer vacations once the debt ceiling is in the rear view.

See y'all back here in this thread or a new one in a few years.

We've got 20 million of them. How many migrant workers do we need?

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So back to discussing politics?  Great!  This is a deliberate act by POTUS (handlers) and Co to destroy the US economy.  They may hope to get voters, but they don't need them with all the mail in voters they can produce out of thin air costing less than what it would cost to house even a percent of the illegals in just one city.


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15 hours ago, bersaguy said:

The entire issue is that we are a  humane society and can't deal with the fact of women and Children and some older adults being abused. Turning them away just is not who we are deep down inside. That is just a fact and the countries these people are running from know it. We began a Green Card Program for migrant farm workers because Our larger farmers that provide us with farm products could not get enough American workers willing to work for the low wages. The problem began when Green Cards were expiring, instead of the workers going back home they just got lost and stayed here. They found jobs that paid more and just stayed because most employers didn't do background checks back years ago. Now this is what the simple Green Card program has become.....JMHO

Bull crap, that ENDLESS feelgood crap (and make no mistake CRAP is exactly what it is!) is what’s got us in this mess in the first place. Stop listening to idiots and seal the borders (with deadly force as needed) and SAVE AMERICA FOR AMERICANS!

Give YOUR stuff away, stop trying to give MY stuff away.

Edited by OMCHamlin
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12 hours ago, btq96r said:

The inflation of recent times has shown us people want their food cost back down, quickly.  That means migrant workers in the fields.

There have always been migrants working the fields. There's a specific immigration status (not Green Card, I don't think, but something special for agriculture) that allows for those workers. I don't think the hoards coming in now are looking for farm work, but those jobs are available to work legally.

One of the many problems is that any child born in the US is a US citizen, and those born to illegal immigrants (and I suppose to legal immigrants, too) are "anchor babies", meaning their parents can't be deported.  And hospitals in Texas and California are going broke providing required care for those poor folks.

Lots of US companies love immigrant workers, but many of those jobs go to legal immigrants from India; people with in-demand skills. We have a system for immigration, and it doesn't include coming here illegally. I'm all for immigration, some of my forebears came from Ireland during the potato famines. But it has to be controlled and the executive branch is constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law, 

Edited by Darrell
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Sheesh, My last Duty Station in the Army was Ft. Bliss assigned to Range Control in the late 90's. We had the area east of the Franklin Mountains to the Alamogordo hiway, from El Paso north to the White Sands MR perimiter. We did live fire of everything from small arms, ADA, MLRS and such. Since the Army considered it bad form to kill illegals during live fire, we had 2-man teams that would patrol the ranges. We had one M16 between us and one mag full of ammo and every round counted pre and post patrol. Also had case of bottled water, case of MRE's, and GI issue green wool blankets. We would easily pick them up and put them in the back of the Humvee cuz they were usually starving, thirsty, cold or hot, and abandoned by thier coyote. We would drop then off at Border Patrol back in El Paso. I acutally did enjoy that duty. Seems like now, would need a much bigger truck, and I sure would want a bigger team, more arms, and certaily more ammo.

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