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Illegals Boycott!

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Got this in an e-mail and thought it was kinda funny.

Victoria, Texas (pop. 55,000) is a town about 80 miles west of Houston .

Local Hispanic leaders there, in opposition to pending Immigration Legislation, boycotted all Caucasian owned businesses in the Victoria area this past weekend as a demonstration of their economic impact on the community. The boycott was declared a success by the Hispanic community, noting that revenue in Caucasian owned businesses was down by 19%.

Business owners declared the boycott a success as well, pointing out that shoplifting was reduced by 77%, money orders sent out of the country were down by 97%, and the cost of daily clean-up and trash collection was down by 84%. Shoppers reported that they could actually hear English being spoken throughout the community for the first time in recent memory, and customers actually paid for purchases with real money, not government debit cards.

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Guest Ghostrider

Ok, my two cents on the issue at hand.

EVERY single time I hear someone say "Well, you just can't deport X million illegals."

Why not?

It's been done 3 times in our national history that are very well recorded. See Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, or just google "operation wetback".

I'm not making this up.

Those that don't study history are doomed to repeat it's mistakes.

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Guest tadams

Coming from someone who used to live in Antioch (little Mexico) that is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. The guys down at the Ghetto-mart at the bottom the hill from the apartment complex would undoubtedly agree. Long live Harding Place!

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