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Selling Firearms Is Painful


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On 2/28/2023 at 8:05 PM, DJTC45 said:

I've sold a few recently, but replaced some of them with some other models I wanted so it was a trade off.

I've done the same thing. Makes it easier to let one go, knowing it will be replaced with something better.

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Call me an autistic, soul-less ginger but I've never been remotely sentimental about any firearm sale or trade-off. Guns are tools and should be treated accordingly. I get the same dopamine hit shopping for rifles and pistols as I do shopping for ratcheting wrenches and battery-powered ugga-dugga pistols. 

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22 minutes ago, LangdoniousRex said:

Call me an autistic, soul-less ginger but I've never been remotely sentimental about any firearm sale or trade-off. Guns are tools and should be treated accordingly. I get the same dopamine hit shopping for rifles and pistols as I do shopping for ratcheting wrenches and battery-powered ugga-dugga pistols. 

I wouldn't call my attachment sentimental, but I definitely used to get seller's remorse sometimes when I sold a gun. It mostly happened when money was a little tighter and I couldn't afford to upgrade to something I really wanted w/out letting go of something else I wanted a little less.

Once I sold a really close friend a highly modified CZ SP-01 that I used in a few matches. He honored our deal years and years later by offering it back to me when his police department stopped letting him carry the CZ on duty. I am thrilled to have it back, but I never got that feeling about anything but guns, LOL.

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For me it is not necessarily sentimental. Like many when they I was younger and less established I bought guns when I had money, sold them when I did not. I went through a round of sell off when I was out of work and going back to school to start a second career. I do not "regret" selling guns at that time because it was the right thing to do for self, family, and future but I "regret" being in the position that made that a necessity. 

Now that time is behind me so I have replaced some of those most enjoyed but sold off items with duplicates or similar items. I will never get back all of the $79 SKS rifles, the $49 and $59 Mosin Nagants bolt actions, and a few other dirt cheap items I purchased back in the heyday of surplus but I can buy a few of them back. Just costs a fair bit more now. 

Edited by OldIronFan
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