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An idea for everyone to ponder

Guest justme

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Guest justme

Ok, many people would think an upside down American flag is disrespectful, but they are usually unaware that an upside down flag is a sign of dire distress...

so here is an idea: What if everyone flew their American flag upside down to signal the extreme distress this nation is in?

Think of it--think about how powerful of a statement this would be to the government at all levels, to tell them that we the people are sick and tired of being mistreated, of having our tax money wasted and squandered, and gave out to our enemies while our own national infrastructure falls apart, and while our own people are suffering while the banks and their CEOs are being allowed to live in the life of luxury at taxpayer expense, that we are sick and tired of the government handing out literally HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to foreign companies and foreign banks as part of this "bail out"--while our own people are left homeless, and while our own leaders are wanting to strip us of our rights in the name of Mexico, while they themselves literally hide behind men with guns, and in so doing are nothing but a group of hypocrits...think about this, think if this idea could get started and it began to spread...

Just an idea. So what do you think?

Edited by justme
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Just an idea. So what do you think?


I think America is in the most perilous time in her history. We are at a point where unless the tide is turned quickly she will change into a group of socialist states, possibly not even united, and sink to developing nation status.

She will not, can not defend her boarders.

Her currency is becoming worth less and less.

Her energy policy is a tire gauge and light bulbs.:rolleyes:

Her leaders will not allow her to develop her abundant energy resources.

She has three leaders who are extreme liberals and believe that wealth needs to be distributed among the leaches, the parasites and other non producers.

America's leaders somehow believe they can borrow her into prosperity and saddling her with great debt. Current leadership of America is quite different from what made America a great nation.

Her current leader has zero executive experience, never even run a hot dog or shoe shine stand.

Her industries are in peril, largely do to over regulation and an oppressive tax environment.

Government develops and promotes programs that are bound to fail, force business and banks to participate and then go after the businesses for doing what they have to do to survive in the forced business practice.

So, I think it is quite appropriate to fly the stars and stripes upside down.

Oh, the parallels to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand was right, as Rush is today.

God bless America, she needs it.


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Guest bkelm18
Ok, many people would think an upside down American flag is disrespectful, but they are usually unaware that an upside down flag is a sign of dire distress...

so here is an idea: What if everyone flew their American flag upside down to signal the extreme distress this nation is in?

Think of it--think about how powerful of a statement this would be to the government at all levels, to tell them that we the people are sick and tired of being mistreated, of having our tax money wasted and squandered, and gave out to our enemies while our own national infrastructure falls apart, and while our own people are suffering while the banks and their CEOs are being allowed to live in the life of luxury at taxpayer expense, that we are sick and tired of the government handing out literally HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to foreign companies and foreign banks as part of this "bail out"--while our own people are left homeless, and while our own leaders are wanting to strip us of our rights in the name of Mexico, while they themselves literally hide behind men with guns, and in so doing are nothing but a group of hypocrits...think about this, think if this idea could get started and it began to spread...

Just an idea. So what do you think?

Not enough people know what an upside down flag means for it to make any significant statement.

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Guest justme
Not enough people know what an upside down flag means for it to make any significant statement.

So we educate them--just like you do on firearms laws when people are misinformed or uninformed, and who think they know the laws better than anyone else.

It would have to start somewhere--but if we could get it started and get it to spread they would learn.

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Guest nraforlife
Just an idea. So what do you think?


I think America is in the most perilous time in her history. We are at a point where unless the tide is turned quickly she will change into a group of socialist states, possibly not even united, and sink to developing nation status.

She will not, can not defend her boarders.

Her currency is becoming worth less and less.

Her energy policy is a tire gauge and light bulbs.:rolleyes:

Her leaders will not allow her to develop her abundant energy resources.

She has three leaders who are extreme liberals and believe that wealth needs to be distributed among the leaches, the parasites and other non producers.

America's leaders somehow believe they can borrow her into prosperity and saddling her with great debt. Current leadership of America is quite different from what made America a great nation.

Her current leader has zero executive experience, never even run a hot dog or shoe shine stand.

Her industries are in peril, largely do to over regulation and an oppressive tax environment.

Government develops and promotes programs that are bound to fail, force business and banks to participate and then go after the businesses for doing what they have to do to survive in the forced business practice.

So, I think it is quite appropriate to fly the stars and stripes upside down.

Oh, the parallels to Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand was right, as Rush is today.

God bless America, she needs it.


Right on the nose. But you forgot to add Her citizens for the most part don't give a damn unless it directly affects them.

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Guest justme

85 views and only 4 responses?

Does anyone else have any better ideas for expressing our dissatisfaction with the way our nation is going?

Is everyone afraid to say anything out of fear of offending me or anyone else?

Do those 85 simply not know what to say? Or think it could never work?

Come on people--our nation is sinking into a pit of disrepair. Do you have any ideas that are better? Do you think it will or won't work--are you willing or are you unwilling to show your patriotism? Is the flag something you fly for show or does it REALLY represent what this nation stands for now?

come on--85 views and only 4 responses.

Edited by justme
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Not enough people know what an upside down flag means for it to make any significant statement.

CNN/MSNBC reporting... "A fringe group of radicals have begun raising this nation's cherished flag upside down. Law enforcement agencies are on high alert. These extremists feel that our compassionate government does not know what is best for us. What these peoples' exact motives are remains to be seen. If you see an American flag in this position, you are cautioned to get away from it for your own safety. The White House is reporting the President will address this concern to the nation. Soon our historic leader will reassure us of his policies that will continue to make this great country prosper, and put down those who resist with hate and fearmongering in their callous hearts." (as soon as the Teleprompter is loaded)

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85 views and only 4 responses?

Does anyone else have any better ideas for expressing our dissatisfaction with the way our nation is going?

Is everyone afraid to say anything out of fear of offending me or anyone else?

Do those 85 simply not know what to say? Or think it could never work?

Come on people--our nation is sinking into a pit of disrepair. Do you have any ideas that are better? Do you think it will or won't work--are you willing or are you unwilling to show your patriotism? Is the flag something you fly for show or does it REALLY represent what this nation stands for now?

come on--85 views and only 4 responses.

You could try doing something about what you dislike.Become active,or at the very least,contact the politicians.

Not to be harsh,but coming up with some cockamamie scheme over the interwebz isn't going to do anything,but make you look silly and lazy

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Read Systemic Shock by Dean Ing for a shockingly accurate vision from the late 70's/early 80's about how media will be used to misdirect the nation.

Also a pretty vivid detail of how a corrupt government uses its people like disposable resources.

We can see more and more how "we" who cherish the original format of government as laid out by the founders are being labeled as enemies of the state.

No :tough: with that statement. It's been clearly shown this week in posts about Missouri LEO's being told to look out for bumper stickers of certain kinds as those folks are radicals! Their source was a cell from Homeland Security.

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i probably wouldnt do it if i had a flag to fly or a place to fly it. but a simple gesture isnt going to change anything, actions will. im just not one to be active in the political aspect of things, thats why i dont come on here bitchin' cause of the economy(not saying you are) and other problems and everything. honestly i dont believe that there is anything i can do to make it better. i just plan on making as much money as i can, be as prepared as i can be and be as well armed as i can be because this is just the beginning and relatively soon the S will HTF and its inevitable

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Guest justme
You could try doing something about what you dislike.Become active,or at the very least,contact the politicians.

I do contact my Congressman. In fact I recently wrote about the attempt to abrogate our 2A to please Mexico. I've written about the proposed illegal amnesty bill that was tried in I think 2007 or early 08, I have contacted about HR 45, HR 197, and HR 17 in the House. I called about the "bail out" under Bush....

Not to be harsh,but coming up with some cockamamie scheme over the interwebz isn't going to do anything,but make you look silly and lazy

It would not be cockamamie if people would take a stand and show support for the Constitution instead of sitting on their hands.

This is good--keep it coming :tough:

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Guest justme
CNN/MSNBC reporting... "A fringe group of radicals have begun raising this nation's cherished flag upside down. Law enforcement agencies are on high alert. These extremists feel that our compassionate government does not know what is best for us. What these peoples' exact motives are remains to be seen. If you see an American flag in this position, you are cautioned to get away from it for your own safety. The White House is reporting the President will address this concern to the nation. Soon our historic leader will reassure us of his policies that will continue to make this great country prosper, and put down those who resist with hate and fearmongering in their callous hearts." (as soon as the Teleprompter is loaded)

lets get it going and get it spreading and it won't be a fringe anything...

but yeah, I could see that on CNN too--along with the words "our glorious leader says...."

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Guest justme
i probably wouldnt do it if i had a flag to fly or a place to fly it. but a simple gesture isnt going to change anything, actions will. im just not one to be active in the political aspect of things, thats why i dont come on here bitchin' cause of the economy(not saying you are) and other problems and everything. honestly i dont believe that there is anything i can do to make it better. i just plan on making as much money as i can, be as prepared as i can be and be as well armed as i can be because this is just the beginning and relatively soon the S will HTF and its inevitable

honestly I think you are right.

I'm not big on political actions either, more of an action type person--but exactly what options do we have available to us to get the message across?

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Guest justme
i really hope you are not making threads for the point of argument, reminds me of a former member, Voldemort...

absolutely not. Our great republic is dying, everything we stand for as a nation is being liberalized as our leaders try to turn us into another version of Europe, and hand out our tax dollars to our enemies while our national infrastructure and our economy are on a perilous precipice...If this does not trouble us, then I really don't know what to say.

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Umm,we are another version of Europe.Remember?

As far as us being liberalized,we were founded by Democratic Republicans so we have always had some liberal thoughts in this country.

Somewhere along the lines we went from that,to two parties of extremes.

I have no problem with a little of both,as we were created

Edited by strickj
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Guest justme
As far as us being liberalized,we were founded by Democratic Republicans so we have always had some liberal thoughts in this country.

by liberalized I mean becoming the next Socialist France...not having liberal thoughts on some issues...I'm for liberalizing gun laws and making it possible to carry in more places, and making it possible to carry in all states/territories without having to jump through hoops to do it. So that is not the liberal type thing I am talking about...perhaps I should have used the term Socialist instead of liberal..

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Guest justme
Umm,we are another version of Europe.Remember?

We were founded by Europeans yes, but they became Americans. We have the Constitution, the English have the Magna Carta and the English bill of rights...

that again isn't what I am talking about. Do you want to the next France? I don't. I'm talking about socialist ideals/Communist ideals, however you want to word it...I don't want this to be a Socialist nation, and yet that is exactly what we are becoming.

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Guest nraforlife

There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. -John Heywood 1546

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I guess my point here is this is not the first politician to come along with a little happier then most agenda.

We didn't fall victim to socialism then,we wont now.

What happened during FDR's 500 terms?

A little club or two,some spending during the depression,and a little social fever.

Did that turn us into China?

Look,I dont like our current leader no more then anybody else on here,but to say were becoming a socialist state,or Socialist France is little out of what will happen!

There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. -John Heywood 1546

Nice to see you bringing something of value to the discussion!

Maybe Ill post some quotes I found on the internet in a little bit :D

Edited by strickj
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Ok, many people would think an upside down American flag is disrespectful, but they are usually unaware that an upside down flag is a sign of dire distress...

So now that we know what my avatar's all about ... what's up with yours?

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Guest justme
So now that we know what my avatar's all about ... what's up with yours?

The flag of the USSR represents everything that this administration stands for: bail outs, greed, corporations who run amok and are well paid to do it, government meddling/wannabe meddling in newspapers, government takeover of the economy, a collapsing economy made worse by the borrowing of yet more money in an effort to "buy our way out of debt", the stated desire to abrogate our rights in the name of a foreign country, and although I could have chose a couple of different avatars to represent this, I really didn't want to get banned when people started complaining about my choice of avatars...

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Guest clownsdd


I do remember in the 60's & 70's some were wearing the flag on the back of their pants in protest of the war (first ones the cops took after with the clubs).

I do consider it disrespectful unless there is an emergency.

Seeing as how Confederate Memorial Day is coming up for some of the states on April 26 (TN uses Jeff Davis BD on the 3rd of June) It would seem somehow appropriate to use that or those days for a "one time" show of distaste for the direction we are headed. Or even the 4th of July.

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