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Bump stock ban struck down.

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Just now, Links2k said:

The same thing will happen if they attempt to ban braces. 

That’s the groundwork being laid. Same applying to the FRT. The NFA is squarely in their sights. I truly have hope that the NFA will go away in my lifetime. 

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36 minutes ago, Alleycat72 said:

I sometimes feel like I'm the only one that believes crazy freak liberals and extreme right conservatives should both be able to own machineguns so that they may defend themselves. I've had a few tonight, so there may be one other person. LOL 

I agree that liberals and crazy extreme right conservatives should both be able to own machine guns to defend themselves and I’m sober. 

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On 1/6/2023 at 6:40 PM, Chucktshoes said:

Don’t know why the video was deleted, but here’s a news article covering the subject. 


From the article. 

“Under the majority’s rule, the defendant wins by default whenever the government fails to prove that a statute unambiguously criminalizes the defendant’s conduct,” Higginson wrote.


yessir.  That’s the way it should work.  

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