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Mighty Mo. State Police Warned to Look for Conservitives

Guest FroggyOne2

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Posted (edited)

Wow! A law enforcement agency profiling and stereotyping. I'm astounded. :rolleyes:

Sounds like MO needs to get their twit "analysts" in line.

How is this a Conservative witch-hunt as your post suggests? I just don't see it.

Edited by Garufa
Guest bkelm18

Darn. I was really hoping to get arrested for my 3rd party bumper sticker so I could get a butt load of money when I sued them.

Guest mustangdave
Darn. I was really hoping to get arrested for my 3rd party bumper sticker so I could get a butt load of money when I sued them.

Give it a few months to get crankin...then hit em with a law suit:tinfoil:

Posted (edited)

How is this a Conservative witch-hunt as your post suggests? I just don't see it.

Are you joking?

Can't see it? ... open you eyes.

Edited by Warbird

I think your going to see things like this more and more as time goes buy....

Wow! How is this a Conservative witch-hunt as your post suggests? I just don't see it.

"Police were instructed to look for Americans who were concerned about unemployment, taxes, illegal immigration, gangs, border security, abortion, high costs of living, gun restrictions, FEMA, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, and the North American Union/SPP/North American Community. The 'Missouri Documents' also said potential domestic terrorists might like gun shows, short wave radios, combat movies, movies with white male heroes, Tom Clancey Novels, and Presidential Candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin!" ALIPAC wrote.

I don't see any liberal concerns in there....

Guest Guitarsnguns
"Police were instructed to look for Americans who were concerned about unemployment, taxes, illegal immigration, gangs, border security, abortion, high costs of living, gun restrictions, FEMA, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, and the North American Union/SPP/North American Community. The 'Missouri Documents' also said potential domestic terrorists might like gun shows, short wave radios, combat movies, movies with white male heroes, Tom Clancey Novels, and Presidential Candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin!" ALIPAC wrote.

I don't see any liberal concerns in there....

Maybe this is how the democrats have decided to fix the economy. Arrest every American and put them in jail where they will have no mortgage (free room & board), universal healthcare, no guns and free college. This will be paid for by the hard work of all of the good socialists who did not make to the list. :wave: But then, there is plan B...Concentration camp anyone? :D What the frick happened to America?

Guest Astra900
What the frick happened to America?

No one responded to the initial liberal infection. Now the wound is gangrene and needs amputation.

It won't be much longer until the socialist cancer has reached Amerika's lymph nodes and then it will be absolutely terminal.....won't have to wait long.


But we won't profile the 17 to 34, dark hair, dark skin, Arabic speaking males getting on an airplane, traveling in and out of the U.S. or being released from Gitmo. But let me have a third party bumper sticker (does that include NRA stickers as well?)...

Seems perfectly normal to me.

Guest Guitarsnguns
But we won't profile the 17 to 34, dark hair, dark skin, Arabic speaking males getting on an airplane, traveling in and out of the U.S. or being released from Gitmo. But let me have a third party bumper sticker (does that include NRA stickers as well?)...

Seems perfectly normal to me.

Yup, stupid is as stupid does.

Guest Guitarsnguns

So... let me get this straight...Freedom loving, constitution abiding, third party voting, 2nd amendment supporting, 10 comandments obeying, patriotic Americans are now a threat to national security???!!!

Why don't they just grow some balls, lay them snakes straight, and rename this country the U.S.S.A.?

Guest justme

why don't we all put Ron Paul bumper stickers on our cars, along with "recall Obama" decals and "support our Second Amendment, buy an AR 15 today" decal and drive through Mighty MO and then we can all retire from the monies we will receive for violation of our Constitutional rights?

Because I can almost guarantee you with 100% certainty, that before you make it through Missouri--or most other states, you will get stopped because of the decals...although they would use the excuse of "weaving" or "illegal lane change" to justify it...but that is the beauty of recording devices, once their lights go on, their mics and camera should also activate making a recording to be used against them in a court of law, but also for posterity.. :D

Guest justme
So... let me get this straight...Freedom loving, constitution abiding, third party voting, 2nd amendment supporting, 10 comandments obeying, patriotic Americans are now a threat to national security???!!!

Why don't they just grow some balls, lay them snakes straight, and rename this country the U.S.S.A.?

You expect them to grow a pair?:D

Guest Guitarsnguns
You expect them to grow a pair?:D

No... Not really. But it sure would be nice to have some clearly defined lines to step over. wouldn't it? Of course, I realize that a lack of clear definition is the whole point. If they displayed their true colors, I believe their power would be stripped from them. At least I hope it would turn out that way. But then again, maybe "good Americans" have actually become a fringe minority group in America.

It would all end tomorrow if everybody woke up and realized that our corrupt government only holds sway over us because we believe in it. Without our acknowledgement, it would be an impotent hobgoblin that is about as dangerous and influential as Dracula or the tooth fairy. I know, I'm dreaming again.

Guest justme
Posted (edited)
No... Not really. But it sure would be nice to have some clearly defined lines to step over. wouldn't it? Of course, I realize that a lack of clear definition is the whole point. If they displayed their true colors, I believe their power would be stripped from them. At least I hope it would turn out that way. But then again, maybe "good Americans" have actually become a fringe minority group in America.

Oh absolutely it would be nice to have some clearly defined lines, and punishments for those government officials--politicians, police, security, military, to actually face--both civil and criminal when they over step those bounds. It would be nice to have a government, both local, state and federal that was actually answerable to the people, but until the people actually grow a pair, and as one are willing to stand up and tell them that we the people, give you your power and your authority, and we are sick and we are tired of your mistreatment of us, and we absolutely DEMAND it to stop. Now until the people actually grow a pair, and are willing to unite, I really don't see that happening. You see, one or two they can call wackos and conspiracy theorists who hate their government, and put them down hard as an example to the rest--but an entire nation that stands up as one and says NO, this mistreatment ends now--now that would be something.

It would all end tomorrow if everybody woke up and realized that our corrupt government only holds sway over us because we believe in it. Without our acknowledgement, it would be an impotent hobgoblin that is about as dangerous and influential as Dracula or the tooth fairy. I know, I'm dreaming again.

Yes, I agree--it could all end tomorrow, BUT the people have to be willing to take a stand and unite for it to happen...but the problem with that is this: The people are too worried about their potential losses if they did that. The people are kept too busy worrying about sports, and movies, and the daily drudgery of life, they are kept doped up on medications, and if you pay attention to the television at all, you will see that the pharmacological industry WANTS you to be on their drugs.."ask your doctor if this medicine is right for you"...

The founding fathers even stated it in the Declaration of Independence--that the people are more inclined to suffer wrong, to suffer abuse, as long as those abuses are sufferable, than to right themselves of the wrongs committed against them and to stand up as a collective group and say NO MORE.

Now will you get everyone to stand up and say NO MORE? Of course not--even in colonial America you had those living within the colonies who were loyal to the Crown, so you won't get everyone to stand up, but if even a majority of the people would grow a pair and take a stand and tell the government--local, state and federal that the abuses will stop and they will stop today--then they might actually get the hint.

Edited by justme
Guest Guitarsnguns

This link is an interesting study if you can realistically categorize the red states as those who generally support the constitution.


If this is any kind of indication, then I must draw the conclusion that the greater majority of Americans are in support of the policies that are being put in place and want to trade their individual liberties and rights for the false sense of security and equality that socialism provides. That would explain why "conservatives" have been so easily targeted for persecution and eventual extinction by the very country they created. America now prefers handouts to liberty and is willing to sacrifice anything for what appears to be a free ride. However, I don't think they know or care about the meaning of this quote. (I can't remember the source, a founding father) "A government powerful enough to give everything, is powerful enough to take everything."

If this is any kind of indication, then I must draw the conclusion that the greater majority of Americans are in support of the policies that are being put in place and want to trade their individual liberties and rights for the false sense of security and equality that socialism provides.

Those maps show voting trends of an uninformed and misinformed public. Only a portion of Blue voters truly voted with their hand held out for socialistic handouts. Many that voted Blue, if informed correctly, would vote Red in a heartbeat. The Red voters (if better informed) would be more likely to remain Red. What Red state people believe in is what most people would believe in if given the chance or correct education. Red state beliefs are innately COMMON SENSE. Insert just about any Conservative vs. Liberal debate here.

When you look at how narrowly Bush beat Gore and Kerry, and how the media rallied behind Obama's history in the making, it's no surprise the Blue finally edged out the Red. (Then factor in the hysteria over the economy, there was no way the incumbent party was going to win.) I honestly believe if the mainstream news media was 100% unbiased in its reporting, Bush would have won his two elections by nice margins.

Basically, I am defending a lot of Blue voters as being duped by the media and pop culture rather than them truly embracing the socialism they have brought upon us all. If given the real facts, they'd vote Right. (not all, but a lot of them) A very vocal and determined minority of liberal "thinkers" are running this show called the U.S. of A. :D

Guest FroggyOne2
Wow! A law enforcement agency profiling and stereotyping. I'm astounded. :D

Sounds like MO needs to get their twit "analysts" in line.

How is this a Conservative witch-hunt as your post suggests? I just don't see it.

Gar.. man you have to be more like "In Like Flint!".. Don't think that you have to read between the lines on that one to see it!

Posted (edited)

"Police were instructed to look for Americans who were concerned about unemployment, taxes, illegal immigration, gangs, border security, abortion, high costs of living, gun restrictions, FEMA, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, and the North American Union/SPP/North American Community. The 'Missouri Documents' also said potential domestic terrorists might like gun shows, short wave radios, combat movies, movies with white male heroes, Tom Clancey Novels, and Presidential Candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin!" ALIPAC wrote.

That’s an awful lot of information for a traffic stop. :)

Cop: Sir can I see your driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance?

Driver: Well Officer I was in a hurry because the IRS is at my house for an audit. My neighbor called me on my ham radio and said they were there. He wasn’t sure how long they had been there because he was watching “The Green Berets” with John Wayne and didn’t see them arrive. He lost his job because his plant moved to Mexico; (that whole North American union thing) so now he just draws unemployment and watches movies all day. He was married and she got pregnant and wanted an abortion (because the economy is so bad) but he would have no part of that; so she left.

They really are going to rip me on my taxes this year. They need the extra funding for the support of all those illegal’s they are allowing to cross the border and join gangs here. I hope they don’t take too long I want to get to the gun show before they close.

But really Officer I have no idea why you stopped me. Was it because of my Ron Paul bumper sticker?

Edited by DaveTN
Posted (edited)
Gar.. man you have to be more like "In Like Flint!".. Don't think that you have to read between the lines on that one to see it!

You mean it's not the Phone Company this time? :eek:

Notice my new signature...Gonna start reading everything before running my mouth. :)

Edited by Garufa

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